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Give a brief summary of your professional life. Talk about the personal aspects that make you a wonderful employee: ambitious, professional, team player, etc. Don't tell boring details that are irrelevant to the job or too personal “If | told that it has been my childhood dream to work here, | would be lying, however; | think XCOMPANY provides the professional growth I look for in any potential employer and I believe that my skills will be needed in the foreseen future, which ensures stability." Make weaknesses out of highly desirable qualities. "I’m a perfectionist. | find it hard to compromise on quality. I’m too strict. I'm a workaholic, | must learn how to balance work and life." Provide at least one even if you don't think it is major. Talk about a problem that you solved and how it helped the organization gow. Employers appreciate benefits that can be measured in numbers. | would personally answer this way: "/ would be lying if | told you that I'm better than anyone else you interviewed for this job, | con't make that claim but I can tell you this: you will not find anyone that is more excited, more eager, and more passionate about this opportunity more than | am, and that isa fact.” Don't say that you have no idea or that you are not sure. You need to have a clear career development path in your mind and you need to explain that to the interviewer. Say how you would like to climb the ladder step by step and evolve within the company. Talk about how you see yourself as an integral part of the company. Don't say no. Say that work is an essential part of a human being's life and everybody needs to work but tell the interviewer that your scope of work might change and you will not be doing the same things you are doing today.

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