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Neptun code:

→Team members : El Riachi Jenifer (KUYRBM) & Al-Saqri Zeina Taisir Abdel Hafiz (AROJFI)

Topic: Angus Deaton; “For his analysis of consumption, poverty, and welfare”

Question 1: List three words that come to your mind when you think of Angus Deaton!

Question 2: How can we measure the standard of living?

Question 3: What did Angus Deaton examine from his research, regarding consumption?

Question 4: In your own words, what is poverty, and welfare to you?, and how would you
explain it to others?

Question 5: Angus Deaton is being honored for his work and it revolves around three
central questions, state them.

Question 6: What would be the situation of poverty in the

picture that is shown?

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