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TCM rarely focusses on relief of symptoms alone. It focusses on he factors led to

the development of Gout.
In TCM, "Gout" is potentially related to one or more of the following diagnostic
patterns: (a) Kidney Qi Deficiency, (b) Kidney Yang Deficiency, (c) Liver Blood
Deficiency, (d) Liver Cold Stagnation, and/or (e) Liver Wind.
In Clinical Situations, there are many other possibilities. Many times there will be
a layered combination of patterns in an interwoven blend with their symptoms -
some being the cause of an issue and the result of another issue.
Acupuncture of Five Shu Acupoints in spleen meridian (Sp1,Sp2,Sp3,Sp5,Sp9) can
lower the blood uric acid levels by promoting uric acid excretion by increasing
urine volume.
Symptoms of Gout : Acute gout is characterized by sudden attacks of redness,
tenderness, heat, and swelling of joints. Patients usually present with a red
tongue with a greasy coating, bitter taste in the mouth, dry stools, and dark urine.
The pulse tends to be slippery, wiry, and rapid.
Dietary Advice : Patiens are asked to avoid protein rich, high fat, and spicy foods.
Patients were also advised to take more vegetable protein, fruits, and to drink
more water.
Acupuncture Points :
With SP2 : Located On medial side of big toe, distal and inferior to the 1st
metatarsodigital joint in a depression at the junction of the 2 colors of the skin.
Generally used to clear damp-heat - gout, painful obstructions. Local point for
issues with the big toe.
With SP 3 : inferior to the head of the 1st metatarsalphalangeal joint in a
depression at the junction of 2 colors of the skin. It is used to tonify SP organ -
abdominal distention, diarrhea and/or heart pain.
Other Points used : SP6 (Sanyinjiao),TW6 (Zhigou), ST36 (Zusanli),ST44 (Neiting),
SP9 (Yinlingquan), ST43 (Xiangu), Ashi points.
(a) For Gout in Elbow (Add) : LI4 (Hegu), LI11 (Quchi).
(b) For Gout in Knee (Add) : GB34 (Yanglingquan), SP10 (Xuehai), EX-LE5(Xiyan)
(c) For Gout in Big Toe (Add) : LV3 (Taichong)
(d) For Gout in Wrist (Add) : TW5 (Waiguan), TW4 (Yangchi), LI4 (Hegu)
Needling : Perpendicularly, except for Ashi for which surround needling done,
Manipulation : Rotating, Lifting and Thrusting every 10 minutes until DEQI felt.
Dosage : 10 minutes, once a day, for 10 days.
Recovery Rate : Complete Recovery – 92.5%.

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