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Name: Adrian O. Esguerra

Course & Section: BSEE 2-F


1. You are tasked to compose a detailed reflection paper showcasing your insights about the study and

importance of the Rizal Law and its implications in the development of nationalism and patriotism.

2. The paper must answer and discuss the following questions:

a. Is the teaching of Rizal's Life and Works course realistic given the dangers and sensitivities of literature

as a means of communication in learning nationalism and patriotism?

b. How important are literary criticisms in the study of Rizal's Life and Works?

c. If given a chance to deconstruct one of Rizal's written works (both well-known and obscure), what

would it be and what is its relation to the analysis and understanding of nation-building?

3. The paper must NOT have any bullets. It must also cite all the sources used to support or concretize

your answers. Online sources such as Wiki sites, Quora, Reddit, Yahoo answers and other similar sites

are not allowed. Blog posts are also NOT allowed.

4. The paper must have the following specifications:

a) Minimum number of words : 1,500

b) Paper Size : 8.5"x13"

c) Line Spacing : Double

d) Allowed font faces and sizes :

Arial (10)

Calibri (11)

Courier New (11)

Garamond (12)

Times New Roman (11)

Verdana (10)
5. This paper will be graded based on the following rubric:
Writing All the writing is done in complete sentences. Capitalization 20
Convention and punctuation are correct throughout the paper.
Contextual The paper accurately shows the individual’s understanding 25
Analysis and of the topics and how they were used in deconstructing and
Argument providing personal insights to the provided guide questions.
The student has provided a sound argument that presents
the position paper without adding, subtracting, or
fabricating information.
Theoretical The paper utilized appropriate and reputable sources to 45
Recognition support and concretize the student's answers. Avoidance of
plagiarism is observed. No wiki sites, Quora, Yahoo Answers
and other similar sites are used as sources.
Format The paper was organized and followed 10
Total 100


The Republic Act No.1425, also known as the Rizal law requires all public and private schools,

colleges, and universities to teach Dr. Jose Rizal's life, works, and writings, as well as to print and

distribute his biography and doings to the country. Senators Claro Recto and Jose Laurel, who authored

and sponsored the act, debated it, as did senators Rodrigo, Cuenco, and Rosales, who saw it as another

attack on the Catholic Church. The sponsors of the Rizal law claimed that through Rizal's works, we

would be able to see not only our strengths and virtues but also our weaknesses and vices Noli-Fili/Rizal

Bill. Senators Claro Recto and Jose Laurel believed that once we recognize our flaws, we will be ready to

make the sacrifices necessary to reclaim our freedom and identity as Filipino. Although the Filipino

identity is gradually fading as many of us adopted the Spanish identity, including how they live every day,

their names, and even the language we spoke, Recto demonstrated through this act that Filipinos can still

stop and prevent this from happening. We would be able to value the freedom we achieved years ago,

which was made possible by our heroes if we studied the writings of our national heroes.

José Protacio Rizal Mercado y Alonso Realonda, best known as Jose Rizal, was born in the city

of Kalamba, in the present time, it is known as Calamba in Laguna and coined its name on June 19,

1861. Francisco Engracio Rizal Mercado y Alejandro and Teodora Morales Alonzo Realonda y Quintos or

known as Jose Rizal’s father had eleven children, and Rizal was the seventh child. Saturnina Hidalgo was

Rizal's oldest sister, followed by Narcisa Mercado, Olympia Mercado, Lucia Mercado, Maria Mercado,

and Concepcion Mercado, who was born a year after Rizal and was followed by Josefa Mercado, Trinidad

Mercado, and Soledad Mercado, as well as his only brother Paciano Mercado. Jose Rizal was born on

December 19, 1861, and died on December 30, 1896. Rizal's childhood was filled with love and care from

his family. He had a personal servant who would tell him legends and fairy tales after the daily Angelus.

Donya Teodora, Rizal’s mother was his first teacher; she taught him to pray, learn the alphabet, and

develop an interest in books at a young age. Donya Teodora noticed Rizal's poetic abilities, and he

excelled in Latin and Spanish in school. Early childhood education is critical to one's future educational

success. We start learning at home, with our parents as our first teachers, even if it's just learning the

alphabet and receiving knowledge and basic ethics. Learning comes from our own life experiences as

well as from books. The sooner a child is introduced to reading books, practicing analytical abilities, and

other activities that will motivate him to study well, the better.

As we know the term nationalism is being proud and loyal to one's country, which leads to its

freedom and political independence, while Patriotism is the devotion and love for a country, such as

dedicating and being willing to sacrifice your life for a country. Jose Rizal’s works continue to make

important contributions to the present state of our county, the Philippines. It is only right that students,

teachers, and the people of the Philippines learn about Jose Rizal's great works about nationalism and

patriotism. Our Filipino nationalism is currently on the decline. In this globalized world, we Filipinos,

particularly the youth, are prone to accept foreign cultures. We lack pride in our homeland and are prone

to adopting alien cultures, a phenomenon is known as colonialism. Our national hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal, is
an excellent role model of patriotism and nationalism, especially for the youth. His life works, and writings

would inspire us, making us bold and determined, which would subsequently serve as the foundation for

our Filipino identity and nation-building.

Jose pretty Rizal kind of was a pretty national hero who basically had the courage to particularly

start a revolution in the Philippines and for the most part unite the Filipinos for revolution against the

Spanish, who for all intents and purposes had generally ruled the Philippines for 300 years, then they took

control of the nation and obtained freedom from the Spanish government on June 12, 1898 in a generally

major way. The term criticism for the most part is an unwelcome word because we as a people still harbor

a definitely strong fairly colonial mentality. The term definitely literary criticism refers to the critical

assessment of works, primarily actually literary works, which definitely is quite significant. It includes the

critic’s judgment and arguments, which is quite significant. Because for all intents and purposes Rizal

actually was both a sort of national hero and a writer, or so they thought. As a result, criticism strengthens

the work by highlighting its flaws. Furthermore, criticizing Rizal\'s life and work will kind of encourage

people to specifically read pretty much more about him, which will for all intents and purposes be kind of

more enlightening to society in a subtle way.

Jose Rizal was also a Filipino nationalist, physician, patriot, and writer. Rizal became a leader of

the reformist movement known as the propaganda movement, which waged an unwavering campaign for

political and social liberties, lobbying the peninsular government and leveraging their connections with

liberal Spanish politicians. During the Filipino propaganda movement, he became a writer and advocated

for social and political reforms in society and in the Spanish colonies. Jose Rizal is also regarded as a

national hero for his writings and novels that used to oppose Spain's colonial government. If I had the

opportunity to deconstruct one of Rizal's written works, it would be "The Indolence of the Filipinos," a

series of five articles written by Jose Rizal and published from July 15 to September 15, 1899. The

Indolence of Filipinos, a series of five articles, is an important written work for the youth of the Philippines

because it encourages rationality and understanding of nation-building. It is important to note that

indolence is a chronic disease in the Philippines, not a hereditary one. Another factor that Jose Rizal

works want to say to this sluggishness is the Filipino people's lack of unity as one. In the absence of unity

and as one, the people lacked the ability to take action to the government and other societal forces hostile


Rizal Day is celebrated on December 30th to honor Jose Rizal's great achievement. Rizal's

novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo were eye-openers for Filipinos, exposing the cruelty and

injustice of the Spaniards to his countrymen despite knowing that doing so would put him in danger.

Instead of being scared, Rizal went ahead because he knew how important it was for Filipinos to know

the truth and put an end to the colonizers' deception. Furthermore, Rizal's selection as the Philippines'

national hero was motivated not only by the desire to expose the Spaniards but also by his status as a

role model worthy of young admiration. Despite prejudice and being specifically shunned by various

people, Rizal used it as motivation to work sort of harder and kind of prove something to himself and
those who specifically shunned him, or so they thought. We, as students, would particularly be able to

better understand what Jose kind of Rizal did for our country. This is also very important to us because

we make our own priorities and career paths during our educational years. The educational institutions

will make us realize, through this act, that the Philippines is a critical part of our priorities, and that serving

it is an inalienable duty of each of us. I believe that the past is the doorway to our future, and that "Ang

Kabataan ang pag-asa ng ating bayan," as most of us believe, will instill strong discipline and genuine

moral character in our youth.

There will be people who do not know our late heroes, including Jose Rizal, who gave their lives

for the freedom of our country, so it is critical that Rizal's Law be taught in schools to pay tribute to Jose

Rizal and other heroes for the heroic deeds they do for our country and to show the students some of

Rizal's life experiences that will improve their critical thinking and decision making in life. They gave their

lives to achieve not only our freedom but also our national identity, so the latter is regarded as a valuable

legacy that we must cherish and protect. We could also apply Rizal's ideals and teachings to current

events and situations in our country. Colonialism is still prevalent in our society today, so we should be

proud of our own culture and identity rather than those of another country. There are many lessons to be

learned from Rizal's life, such as his desire to be a doctor and his love for his family and country; this

should serve as a reminder to Filipinos today that we are brave and intelligent. There are so many things

we can learn and appreciate from Jose Rizal's life. Rizal's works reveal what kind of person he is, that he

loves his family, his work, and the country for which he gave his life, and that he is known for his bravery,

courage, and intelligence, as well as his desire to help and achieve his goals. We can also learn from

Rizal's experiences, which can teach us various life lessons and help us develop logical and decision-

making skills to deal with current problems, and Rizal can teach us nationalism and serve as a model and

inspiration for us Filipinos.


Republic Act No. 1425. (1956, June 12). Retrieved from Official Gazette of the Republic of the

Timeless Lesson of Rizal

Santos, A. (n.d.). The Rizal Law. Retrieved from All About J.P. Rizal:

Fleming, E. (2020). Who are the 11 siblings of Jose Rizal? SidmartinBio.

The Indolence of the Filipinos by: Jose Rizal



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