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Amenorrhea / Amenorrhea is defined as either the absence or cessation of menses.

 It is a common symptom and may be : 1- anatomic (developmental or acquired) 2- organic 3- endocrinologic in nature.
 Amenorrhea may result from congenital or acquired disease or dysfunction at the level of the 1- genital tract 2- the ovary 3- the pituitary 4- the hypothalamus.
Genital Tract Abnormalities Ovarian disorders
Causes of 1ry amenorrhea Ovarian failure , occurs when :
Female genital tract development involves : No follicles capable of producing estradiol in response to pituitary gonadotropin stimulation
Follicular depletion may occur :
 Medial-caudal migration and midlin fusion of the paired Mullerian ducts to form the tubes, uterus, cervix, &
1- During embryonic life with no follicles remaining by infancy or early childhood.
upper 3/4 of vagina. (lower 1/4th of vagina develops by urogenital sinus)
 puberty may not occur
 Downward migrating and fusion of ullerian duct system + with the fusion with urogenital sinus  When the depletion of follicles occurs prior to puberty, termed €Gonadal dysgenesis (Turner Syndrome) € 1ry
forms : lower 1/4 of vagina & the introitus. amenorrhea.
Outflow tract abnormalities that result from : 2- After puberty has begun but before menarche :
 puberty may begin normally but stop before the first menses 3- After menarche :
A) Failure of Mullerian duct development include: breast present + No uterus  Puberty may progress normally but menses stop prematurely before the
1- Vaginal or Mullerian agenesis anticipated age of menopause (40 years of age) , it's termed€Premature ovarian failure (POF) € 2ry amenorrhea.
- 46 XX karyotype € females ,
- Genetic defect results in unwanted exposure to intrauterine Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) €
failure of mullerian duct development . 1- Gonadal dysgenesis(Turner Sundrome ): NO breast + uterus present
- No Mullerian ducts € absence of tubes, uterus, cervix, & upper 3/4 of vagina € 1ry amenorrhea - It's chromosomal defect occurs in which an X chromosome will be missed
- Normal development of ovaries from genital ridge € Intact hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis - It is the most common cause of 1ry amenorrhea (30% to 40%) and results
€ E2 production from ovaries € normal 2ry sexual character ( Breast & Pubic h ar present) either from :
 Absence of ovarian follicles or
2- Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) :  Accelerated follicular depletion during embryogenesis or the first
- They are males , with 46 XY karyotype. " Testicular feminization syndrome" few years of life before puberty.
- But they develop phenotypically as females due to an x-linked inherited recessive disorder with
Histological :
a defect in peripheral androgen receptors that renders them androgen resistant.
Ovaries contain only stroma & grossly
appear as fibrous streaks (streak ovaries).
- Presence of developed testes in abdomen or inguinal region € normal testosterone level &
estrogen (estrogen from testes) € but androgen resistant€fail to develop 2ry ale sexual Types :
characters€& estrogen dominates € (Breast is developed & pubic hear is absent ). 1- Classic type : associated with a 45,XO karyotype. (missed X chromosome)
- Presence of Y chromosome € Mullerian inhibiting factor (MIF) gene € failure of Mullerian duct 2- Mosaic Turner (45,X0 /46,XX) :
development € absence of tubes, uterus, cervix, & upper 3/4 of vagina € 1ry a enorrhea These X chromosome anomalies may be present in all or only in some of the cells of the body
(mosaicism), depending on stage of postzygotic, embryonic, development when the defect
B) Failure of Mullerian duct fusion & canalization include: ( uterus present ) occurs.
(causes of false amenorrhea "cryptomenorrhea" in which endometrial shedding occurs but ou flow obstruction 3- Swyer syndrome (45,X/46,XX; 45,X/46,XY) : individuals with gonadal dysgenesis may have a
which result in accumulation of menstrual effluent above level of obstruction ) normal 46,XX or a 46,XY karyotype (Swyer syndrome) in all cells or in one or more cell lines
in mosaic individuals.
1- Imperforate hymen : Improper canalization of urogenital sinus
- Congenital condition € not vaginal orifices € accumulation of menstrual blood ehing hymen in  Absence of Y chromosome € allow normal development of Mullerian duct € development of tubes , uterus ,
vangia (hematocolpos) at time of uberty vagina.
- 1ry menorrhea (most common cryptomenorrhea) + well developed 2ry sexual c aracters ( breast )  At puberty, streaks gonads fail to produce oestrogen, in spite of elevated FSH & LH levels € 1ry amenorrhea + NO
- Cyclic lower abdominal pain synchronous with time of menstrual period 2ry sexual chara. (No Breast)
- If neglected ,blood will accumulat in: endometrial cavity (hematometra) /Fallopian(Hematosalpinx)
2- Transverse vaginal septum : Improper fusion between urogenital sinus & Mullerian ducts 2- Premature ovarian failure (POF) : 1-5%
- Congenital condition € presence of one or more vaginal septae at any level between the hymeneal results in 2ry amenorrhea after completion of puberty and before 40 years of age.
ring & the cervix € occlusion of upper , middle or lowe segment of vagina
Distinguishment from gonadal dysgenesis on basis of Histology :
- The rest data as imperforate hymen.
 Instead of streak gonads, the ovaries in POF more closely resemble those of postmenopausal women
3- Cervical atresia: Improper canalization of cervical canal ( showing corpora albicantes " no primordial follicles " ) .
- The rest data as imperforate hymen. The karyotype in individuals with POF:
Causes of 2ry amenorrhea  is most often €normal (46,XX)
 also may be € mosaic (e.g., 45,X/46,XX). Cause for early follicular depletion in POF:
1- Asherman syndrome (Amenorrhea Trumatica)
 Inadequate germ cell migration during embryogenesis or accelerated atresia.
Asherman syndrome results from intrauterine adhesions that obstruct or obliterate the endometrial cavity
 Autoimmune disorders & in some cases (e.g., Addison disease) appears to result from an autoimmune
as a consequence of inflammation (postpartum endometritis, retained products of conception) usually
lymphocytic oophoritis
coupled with surgical trauma (curettage).
 Radiation & chemotherapy
2- Cervical stenosis , with complete outflow obstruction :  Galactosemia (rare):
rare complication of cervical conization procedures or other surgical treatments for cervical There are primordial follicles presumably due to the cumulative toxicity of galactose metabolites on germ cell
intraepithelial neoplasia. migration & survival.
Pituitary disorders Clinical picture:
1- Pituitary adenomas  2ry amenorrhea + high levels of FSH & LH ( no feedback inhibition by estrogen)
Pituitary tumors may cause amenorrhea by :
a- directly compressing pituitary gonadotrophs or 3- Other rare causes :
b- obstructing the portal venous network that delivers hypothalamic GnRH stimulation, Unlike ovarian failure, the ovaries of individuals with these disorders contain follicles and oocytes BUT do not produce
€ resulting in decreased FSH and LH secretion. estrogen.
Prolactinomas : (20% of 2ry amenorrhea)
 Commonest pituitary cause of hyperprolactenemia A)17 alpha -hydroxylase deficiency
 Amenorrhea occurs due to suppression of hypothalamic GnRH secretion by high prolactin level  The enzyme 17 alpha-hydroxylase mediates an early step in steroid hormone synthesis,
 Microadenomas (<10 mm in size) is commonest which cause moderate elevation of prolactin  Without it, progesterone cannot be converted to androgens and €
 all pituitary tumors are benign adenomas that may or may not be functional. Functional tumors may subsequently aromatized to estrogens.
secrete : prolactin, (GH), (TSH), or (ACTH).
 Primary malignant pituitary tumors are rare. B)Aromatase deficiency
Other uncommon pituitary disorders :  The enzyme aromatase mediates the conversion of androgenic precursors to € estrogens
 Individuals with aromatase deficiency generally exhibit :
2- Empty sella syndrome : 1- Sexual ambiguity at birth, 2- Virilization at puberty,
 The empty sella syndrome results from herniation of the arachnoid membrane (containing CSF), into the 3- multicystic ovaries (PCOS).
sella turcica compressing the pituitary stalk & the gland.
 The sella contains spinal fluid but appears "empty" when viewed by (CT) or (MRI) Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome :
 A syndrome with chronic anovulation & hyperandrogenism.
3- Sheehan syndrome (pituitary insufficiency) :  Commenst cause of 2ry amenorrhea
 Sheehan syndrome results from acute infarction & necrosis of the pituitary gland.  Clinical picture:
 Rare complication of shock due to obstetric hemorrhage.  2ry menorrhea (or oligohypomenorrhea) + Hirsutism ,acne , androgenic alopecia , infertility and obesity
 Depending on the extent of pituitary damage, clinical consequences may be :  LH/FSH ratio 3:1 (elevated LH level in relation to FSH) "n: 1.5/1"
 Elevated total & free testosterone level (high LH stimulate ovarian follicular
 limited to disorders of reproductive function (failed lactation, amenorrhea) or
theca cells for production of androgens).--> hirsutism.
 multisystem failure due to panhypopituitarism.
 Elevated DHEAS
The most common cause of amenorrhea results from absent or abnormal patterns of  Some shows increased insulin resistence with hyperinsulinaemia.
pulsatile hypothalamic GnRH secretion € with consequences :  Acanthosis nigricans
1- Low level of ( FSH & LH) 2- Absent  Transvagianl U/S: Ovaries are bilaterally enlarged by U/S due to(showing) :
LH surge  Stroma hyperplasia
3- Low level of E2  thickened ovarian capsule
 Peripherally arranged equal size small follicles ( string of pearls appearance) Androgen prevent normal follicular development by
4- Chronic anovulation (hypogonadotrophic amenorrhea)
inhibition FSH induction of LH receptors inducing premature follicle atresia.
1- Congenital GnRH deficiency ( Kallmann's syndrome) :
 Rare syndrome , results from a defect in the Kalig-1 gene , associated with failure of C)Gonadotropin-resistant ovary syndrome: (Savage syndrome)
olfactory & GnRH neuronal migration during embryogenesis results in :  It results from genetic mutations in the FSH or LH receptor or post- receptor signaling defects that prevent the
Anosmia - 1ry amenorrhea - Sexual infantilism (hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism) ovaries from responding normally to gonadotropin stimulation.
2- Emotional, nutritional, or physical stress,may caue:  So, ovarian follicles fail to develop beyond the early antral stage and
Both PCOS & hypothalamic amenorrhea due to dysfunctional secretion of gonadotropins, therefore produce little estrogen.
but their pathophysiology and clinical presentations differ :  Clinically: 2ry amenorrhea + high levels of FSH & LH.
 Women with PCOS exhibit an :  Women with hypothalamic amenorrhea,
 increased frequency of pulsatile GnRH  lower frequency of pulsatile GnRH secretion
 increased LH synthesis,  results in inadequate pituitary gonadotropin release (FSH & LH),

 which is a failure to stimulate progressive follicular development.

impaired follicular maturation.

3- Hypothalmic tumors :
A- hypothalamic tumor (craniopharyngioma, meningioma, hamartoma, chordoma) may distort
tuberoinfundibular tract (pituitary stalk) with its portal venous network,
€ interfering with effective delivery of GnRH, resulting in € decreased FSH & LH secretion.
B- Alternatively, interference with hypothalamic dopamine delivery to pituitary lactotrophs € releases these
cells from tonic inhibition € resulting in hyperprolactinemia.
- Therefore, hypothalamic tumors, may result I (hypogonadotropic hypogonadism & amenorrhea)
4- Drug induced amenorrhea : €2ry amenorrhea can be causes by drugs :
- GnRH agonists € if given in high dose ( normally pulsating release ) € suppress FSH & LH
Progestins & OCP € will prevent the endometrial shedding & inhibit GnRH pulses

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