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10 Notice Writing


the art
principal of Bloomingdales School informed Rajeev Mittal, the head boy, about
The to
exhibition that the school will be organisingin November. The principal wanted Rajeev

this information clearly with all the students of Standards V VII.

Given below is the notice that Rajeev Mittal put up on the notice board.

Bloomingdales School, Mumbai Name of the School/

Organisation, Place

Notice Notice
Art Exhibition Title

15 October 2020 Date of issue)

that the school is organising an
This is to inform you
in Body of the notice,
Std. V-VIII on 2 November 2020
exhibition for students of including
the school auditorium. 1. Event
2. Date of the
exhibition is 'Life on the Streets of a City.
The theme of the 3. Time & venue

on an A4 size
sheet to your class
Plese submit your paintings
October 2020.
teacher before 25

contact the undersigned

For any further clarification,

Rajeev Mittal
Name of authorized signatory
Head Boy Designation

Bloomingdales School

Let's Learn
with a specific group
an important
piece ofinformation
A notice is used to share
meant to be displayed on
of people. Notices are generally

means of
A notice is a formal

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the notice board or, at times, printed in the newspapers depending on thes

Guidelines for Notice Writing target aut,

The sentences must be short and grammatically correct.
Any other relevant information which is not included in the question can
The body of the message must not exceed fifty words.
be addet
The word 'Notice' in the header, catchy headlines, bold letters etc. should
attract the attention of the audience. be USed

Let's Exercise

1. Write a message on the following topics in about 50 words and put

it in a box.
a) You are the Head Boy/Girl of Pinnacle Academy. Write a notice
informing stu
about a guest lecture by the President of the 'Clean Earth Organization'
on June
World Environment Day. June
b) You, as the principal of Golden Springs High School, have decided to collabo
with an NGO to be a part of their anti-child labour campaign which is to be held
Mumbai on 12

d) June 2020. Write a notice seeking maximum participation from

all grades.
e) You are the Secretary of Gulmohar Housing Society. Write a notice informing t
residents that water supply will be cut for a day for the cleaning and maintenance c
the society's water tanks.

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11 Diary Writing


Day, Date
8 March 2020
(leave a line)

Time: 10:45

(leave a line)
Dear Diary,

(leave a line) in our front yard.

sisters jumping
with glee
to the noise
of my
rubbed my eyes
I woke up out of the window, I
As I got out
of the bed and glanced downstairs and out
I went running
Was it really snowing?
in disbelief. w e r e covered
outside o u r yard
the trees
door and saw that
of the main Michelle
could realise what was happening,
snow! Before I
with a layer of make a
s o m e s n o w to
at me. As I was gathering Body
threw a ball of snow remember
s n o w m a n to
that we must make a
snowball, Rachel suggested of later
I was excited but the thought
the first snow of the season. Initially,
the snow made me sad.
Just then Father joined us and
going to school in

announced that the school had declared a holiday on account of the heavy
snowfall. Hurrah! Our joy knew no bounds. We immediately ran up stairs,
went back outside to make a snowman.
wore our jackets and boots and
Later, Mother called us in for a treat of hot chocolate and pancakes.

(leave a line)

Oh ! What a beautiful day indeed!

(leave a line)

Amanda Writer's name

Let's Learn

Diary writing is a personal and an informal

communication to record
tant eevents
experiences, feelings, goals, resolutions of the writer.
A personal diary is like a friend who is always there to listen to you and will never judae
Keeping a diary inspires creativity and helps one to reflect and organise their thoughte.

the end of the day.

Guidelines for Diary Writing

The events must be written in a logical sequence.
The style and tone ofthe writing is informal.
I t is written in the first person

The salutation could be 'Dear Diary' or any name by which you would choose to address
your diary.
'Show' and don't tell your thoughts and views. To that effect, describe the event givina
relevant details.
I t is a secret record of one's life, so one be
can brutally honest about one's feelings and
In the signature, mention only the writer's name. It should not contain 'yours lovingly
or 'yours faithfully'.

Let's Exercise

1. Make a diary entry on the

following topics in 100-150 words.
a) Make a diary entry of a random act
of kindness that
you may done.
b) You go to a pizzeria with
your family on your
take a tour of the kitchen
to watch how
birthday and the chef allows you to
Write a diary entry on your pizza was being made
your experience. step by step.
)You had an opportunity to
listen to the speech of an
Independence Day. Write a diary ex-army officer on the occasion
the speech and in entry on how inspired you felt after listening to
which way you
would like to serve
your country.
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