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advising: a friend of yours is asking for an advice to what will she do with her boyfriend. " I think it is
better for you if you give each other some space"

Judging: my mom is saying that if i don't study will i might be begging like the beggar in the streets. "it's
not that they didn't study well, they weren't given the opportunity to study"

analyzing: what could be the solution for this problem? it seems unsolvable, "what if we use this method
to calculate what we need to find out?"

questioning: have we ever meet by any chance before? "sorry, i dont think we have met before"

comforting: a friend of yours is comforting you because u failed the exam, "thanks for cheering me up, it
really helps"

prompting: a friend of yours keep showing off her new shoes, "are you showing that off so i can
compliment it?"

reflecting: you've realized that doing bad things in life is okay since everything could be a lesson , "I
guess mistakes are okay as long as u learn from it"


Advising is good if there is need of any advice but is quite idealistic when it comes to response

judge is a very common so the response would be sometimes agreeable or disagreeable depending on
the two people having a conversion

analzying is a daily thing to do therefore the response would be a logical one

questioning is in every conversation and is good for clarifications but too much question would confuse
both the speaker and responder

comfort is a nice response that will make you and whom you're speaking to feel at ease however it is
impossible to do with someone who you dont know yet

prompting can be a way to use for teasing but sometimes too much can be a bit annoying

reflecting is good to assort problems and for realization although it depends on the person if he/she did
reflect upon it.

3. I'd say conversation A. has the most effective response because it's the only conversation that has a
logical response from whom the responder's talk to and the only conversation that has a good response
other than the others.

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