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organizing text (1) This unit includes a variety of words and phrases which can be used to organize text. Not all their uses are given here, and many can be used in other ways. By connector is meant any word or phrase that can stand alone at the front of a sentence, often. followed by a comma, adding a point © Abo Is used to add a point within a sentence. tls not normally used as 9 connector at the beginning of a sentence In formal speech and writing, rs use up valuable energy resources, and also pollute the environment. © As well as is followed by a noun or ing, and can be used in an introductory clause. Cars use up valuable cneroy resources, as well as polluting the environment. As well as polluting the environment, cars use up valuable energy resources. As well as this can be used as a connector, roferring to 9 previous sentence. Cars use up valuable cneroy resources, and also pollute the environment. As well as this, they make life unpleasant in big cite. © Inaddition can be used as a connector. ors use up voluable energy resources, and alco pollute the environment. In addition, they make life unpleasant in big cities © Moreover, furthermore, what is more are formal connectors which emphasize that there is an Additional point to be made. Cars use up valuable energy resources, and also pollute the environment. Moreover / Furthermore / What Is more, they make life unpleasant in big cities. ‘© Above all is a connector which adds a point, and stresses that this point is the most important one. Cars use up valuable energy resources, and also pollute the environment. Above all, they make fife unpleasant in ong cre. ‘© Besides is an informal connector: it has the same meaning as anyway or in any case. This car is too big for me. Besides, can't realy afford it contrast or concession ‘© However can be used as a connector at the beginning or end of the sentence. Note that there is. always punctuation on both sides of it, ie a full stop or comma, It cannot be used to connect two clauses. Wind turbines are another source of renewable eneroy. However, they are not without drawbacks, Wind turbines are another source of renewable eneray. They are not witliaut drawbacks, however. Compare the use of although: \Wind turbines are anotner source of renewable energy. although they are not without drawbacks ‘© Despite (this) introduces a point which contrasts with a previous statement. Note that despite is followed by 3 noun or -ing form of the verb. Wind turbines are an increasingly popular source of renewable energy. Despite being easy to build, they do have some drawbacks. © Nevertheless, none the less are more formal connectors referring back to the previous point: they ‘an also come at the end of the sentence. Wind turbines are an increasinaly popular source of renewable encray. ‘Novertheless / Nonetheless, th do hove some drawbacks They do have some crawbacks, nevertheless /nonetheless. degree 2 Tosuie extent /10 4 cortain extont ate used as a way of saying ‘partly’. I ean come at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a sentence. ‘Mest people would accept this arquinent fo some extent, To certain extent, | eyive wil you This solution i, to a certain extent, easy to understand, © In some respects | ways are used as a connector limiting what comes before or after. ‘Some people argue thatthe only solution to the problem of global warming is new technology In some respects, this is tue, Some people argue tht the only solution to the problem of alobal warming is new technoloay. In some respects, the development of non-palluting fuels might solve part ofthe problem, ‘comparing and contrasting © On the one hand... (but / while) on the other hand ... introduce contrasting points. (On the one hand, nuclear power does not add carbon to the atmosphere, but on the other hand it presents other more serious pollution risks. We can also use on the other hand to introduce a contrasting paragraph. © On the contrary introduces a contrasting pasitive point after a negative statement, The cost of electricity produced by nuclear power does not go down On the contrary, clean-up costs mean that in the long term the cost creases substantially © Compered to, in comparison to / with are used as an introductory phrase, or at the end of the sentence. In comparison to/ Compared with last year, there has been some improvement. There has been some improvement in comparison to / compared with last year ‘@ In the same way introduces a point which is similar to the previous one. Wave power generators use the constant movement of the waves to produce electricity In the same way, tidal generators use the back and forward motion of the tides The sentence adverb similarly can also be used. Similarly, tidal generators use the hack and forward motion of the tes © (But) at least is used to emphasize that there is an advantage, despite a disadvantage just mentioned. Wind turbines are noisy, but at least they do nat create ar pollution results and reasons @ consequently, as a result (of) The house was left empty for several years and no maintenance was carried out. Consequently / As a result, it {5 naw ina poor condition. ‘Asa result of this neglect, it is now in a poor condition, © thus (formal) The locks onthe frant door had been changed. Thus, it was impossible fr the estate agent ta gain entrance ta the nose ‘Ie wos thus impossible o gain entrance to the hous. © accordingly formal) “Smith wos away in aly atthe time ofthe attack. Accordingly, he could not have been responsible. ‘¢ Hence explains how the words following it arc explained by what has gone before. The city isthe site of ancient spring and Roman bath; hence the name Bath ‘© On account of, owing to have the same meaning as because of and are both prepositions. ‘Meta had to retire from professionel tennis on account of / owing to a foot injury. {© Due to isa prepasition with the same meaning as owing to, but which can fallow be. ee retirement from professional tennis was due to a foot injury © organizing text (1) 1 Underline the hest word or phrase, a Hlights abroad are becoming cheaper, although / however most people are aware of the damage they cause to the environment, b The beach is mainly pebbles, but af least /tt the same way’tt Is falrly clean, Wilson was dismissed from his fob, in addition to / on account of the seriousness of his offence. Huygens! astronomical observati ns required an exact means of measuring time, and he was thus / nevertheless led in 1656 ty invent the peril clock. © Students are often not taught to think effectively. However /As a result, they can become overwhelmed with information, as they cannot sce the wood for the trees, £ Alcohol drinking is strongly associated with the risk of liver cancer. Moreover / None the less, there is some evidence suggesting that heavy alcohol consumption is particularly strongly associated with liver cancer among smokers. 9. Patience is nol passive; om the uther hun /on the contrary, i is active; it is concentrated strength. h This Mary Louisa Smith's marriage certificate is dated 4 June 1867. Accordingly / In the sane way, she cannot be the Mary Louisa Smith bom in Liverpool on 12 November 1860. i Doctors concluded that the patient's erratic behaviour was probably esiles / due fo Ue unild concussion she suffered in the accident. j Red dwarf stars fuse hydrogen and hellum, but the fusion Is slow because of the low temperature at the core of the star. Consequently / In some respects, these stars give off very little light. 2 complete the text using one word In each space. Genetically modified food Genetically modified (oF GM) Foods are Foods Feom plants (cg, cotton, maize, tomatoes) which have been modified in a laboratory by inserting DNA frou another orgaiisin, As a a PeSult__of this process, the new plant variety will have some new quality (eg resistance to certain pests, improved avon) which makes it, in some b 4 more valuable « all, a GM plant can be specially developed to stit certain conditions, and althouuh the process produces similar results to normal plant selection to some d » genetic ‘HOHMIERLIOH is quite a different way of creating new varicties af plants, « to the range of possible modifications. ‘ to natural fbi techniques, which take place ‘over a long period! and may require thousands of plantings, genetic modifications can be made more efficiently, and targeted ‘precisely at a specific need. g « the GM Industry has come tn for a great deal of criticism, Many people argue that itis dangerous to release GM plants into the environment on h of their unusual characteristics. i » critics stress that such plants are ‘unnecessary. They argue that rather than creating, potentially dangerous new vatieties, we should toe distributing food more efficiently. 3 Write a new sentence with the same meaning, leaving out the words underlined, and including the words in capitals. You may need to write more than one sentence. 2 Regular exercise keeps you fit, and it gives you a feeling of well-being FURTHERMORE Regular exercise. keeps you S+. Fuctnennore, + gives you a feeling of well-being. b Although she suffered a serious leg injury in 2008, Henderson has come back to dominate the 400 m this season. DESPITE THIS ¢ Aswell as providing lonely people with company, pets have been proved to have a beneficial effect on many common medical conditions. WHAT IS MORE, Despite lower consumer demand, the company has increased profits by 6%. HOWEVER © icycles are pollution-free and silent, and take up very little pa Jing space. ASWELL AS THIS £ The heater has been tested for safety, but must be used according to the instructions. NEVERTHELESS, @ Idon’t really like the design of this sofa, and in any case it won't fit into the living room. BESIDES 4 Underline the best word or phrase. Globalization What exactly is globalization? @ Ty sume extent / Moreover the tenn: uieans whatever peuple want ito mean, In economics, the term usually refers to the way the world has become one market, with free ¢ Furthermore / As well es bcing part ofthe same economic system, countries in different parts ofthe world share entertainment, food, and, din some respects / owing to, similar attitudes to lif. € Above al/ tagq Thus, globalization often refers to the way TV and the Internet have created MGB world in whit information ean be exch rapidly. In fact, ‘global economy’ is only possible fas aves however madera information technology. g Despite / Furthermore, poles hae alen heenme ‘glohalned, ereating co-operation ey between countries. h However / Although, there are many critics of globalization who point out that while business has become global, there are stil winners and losers: consequently / nevertheless, the richer nations grow richer, and the poorer nations grow poorer they also argue that above all as a result othe global power of | ge RANI anc international financial institutions, many countries no longer control their own economies. Si earned ‘A. Write a short text comparing further education with getting a job, or using public transport with using a car B Choose ten examples from the explanation page and translate them into your language. © organizing text (1) organizing text (2) exceptions and alternatives © except (for) Everyone chose a new book, except for Helen, who was still reading her old one. Except for Helen, who was stl reading her old one, everyone chose a new book. ‘© Apart from can be used to mean the same as except for. Everyone chose a new book, apart from Helen, who wos stl reading her old onc. It can also mean in addition to. ‘Apart from the dentin the front bumper, the car had scratches all along one side. ‘© Instead (of) means that ane thing replaces another, 1 decided nor to take the bus, but walked instead. 1 decided not to take the bus. Instead, | walked. Instead of taking the bus, | decided to walk. © Alternatively is a more formal way of starting a sentence, meaning or. You could take the bus, Alternatively, you could walk sequences ‘© Writers often signal that they are going to make a list of points. There are a number of ways i whith th’ wen be done There are several ways of lokiny at this matter © First of all, secondly, thirdly etc; next; finally are often used to number points in a sequence. First of al, there isthe issue of cost Secondly... Next, ... Finally, © Words such 2s point issue, problem, advantage can ako be numbered. The first problem facing the government is © Inan argument, there is often a conclusion, which can be introduced by in conclusion. Im conclusion, we could say hat... summarizing © To sum up can be used to introduce a summarizing comment at the end of an argument. To sum up, ii seers clear thet © And so forth, and so on and etc. are expressions used to say there are further points we do not ‘mention. Growth is abo influenced by weather, water supply, position, and so forth. "Note that such phrases can imply that the writer has a lot more to say, but does not t0 go into det Etcis an abbreviation from Latin et cetera. Note also that ec as an abbreviation elther has a full stop at the end (etc.), oF this is omitted (etc). It cannot be written e:te. making assertions ‘© Utterly and simply emphasize an adjective. Utterly tends to be used with negative adjectives. Simply can be used with positive or negative adjectives. Thisis simply wonderfull tis simply / utterly wrong to argue this, © Utter and sheer are used with nouns to emphasize the size or amount. Utter tends to be used with negative nouns. Sheer can be used with positive or negative nouns. Quite honestly | think this is utter nonsense! Tania’s perfomance was sheer delight! Ives sheer madness (buy so may shares! ‘© Merely is stronger than only /just and is used in a similar way, to make what follows seem unimportant or small. Ine éarth is merely a tiny unimportant speck in the Universe, ‘Mere is used before nouns, with the same meaning as above. The Earth is a mere speck in the Universe, © Literally is used to emphasize that what has been sald Is not an exaggeration but Is really true. There are literally thousands of people without homes: See intensifier, comment and viewpoint adverbs Unit 27. giving examples © For example, examples include, to take an example ail need punctuation before and after. Some birds regularly migrate over long distances, For example, swans fly several thousand kilometres Swans, for example, fly... Examples Include swans, which fly... To take an example, swans fly ‘© 0g (¢.9,) is an abbreviation from Latin exempli gratia. Some islands, eg Naxos, Milos. Santorini etc have airports, ‘© Such as introduces an example. Many birds, such as swans, migrate over [ong distances. ‘© As far as (subject) (be) concerned is a way of introducing a specific example. ‘Some birds reqularly migrate over long distances. As far as swans are concerned, this can involve crossing wide expanses of water. © Namely introduces a more specific reference after a general one. Some groups of birds, namely swans, geese and ducks, tend to flyin 2 V-shaped formation, making clear © In other words is used to Introduce a point we want to make clearer by repeating It in a different way. | think you should go out more with friends, or perhaps take a part-time jab. In ather words, make more of an effort to be sociable. © to put it another way Te put It another way, | think you should try ro be more zociable, fe means that is and is an © That isto say and fe (or i.e.) are used to explain exactly what you mear abbreviation from Latin id est. ‘Anumber of others are usually referred to as ‘ballroom dances’ ie / that is to say the waltz, foxtrot, quickstep, and so.0n. introducing one side of an opinion eh way, in some weys, in some respects mean “from one point of view" end. opinion, Ina way, the film makes the bank-robbers seem really nice guys! In some respects, losing the job was a blessing in disquise. describing types. © Akind of, a sort of can describe a type of something. ‘An okanuis a kind of small orate Kind of and sort of are also used with adjectives or verbs informally to mean rather. This s kind of interesting. It sort of worries me. © organizing text (2) 1 Underline the best word or phrase. ‘There are a number of advantages to consider. 1u a way / Fist of all, there is the lower cost. ‘Apart from suakes / As far as snakes are concerted, Spain has five poisonous ones. Amphibians, as well as /such as frogs and toads, can tive on land and in water. You could get it photocopied. Altematively / Instead, | could scan it into my computer, Don't be silly! What you are saying is utterly / mete ridiculous! I'm sorry, but this ls simply / sheer wrong! ‘The Chinese restaurant turned out to be closed, so we went for a pizza in other words / instead. Everyone attended the meeting, apart for / fiom Mrs Deacon, who was ill n-a way /Sort of, the damage caused by the storm was a good thing, as it brought down a lot of weak trees, which benefits woodland in the long term. {A bat looks like a bird, but actually it's kind ofa /a kind of wa nal. 2 _Use a phrase from the list to complete the sentence. Jakind of 2s farasthe economy is concerned 3 to put it another way 4 and so forth Sin some respects 6 apart trom 7 namely Sutterly 9 in conclusion 20+the first task 10. facing the new management will be to reassure staff that jobs will not be lost, the second! half of the book is not as good as the The country Is moving in the right direction the ending, this isa eeally interesting film. You will also need money for notebooks, pencils, pens Education, itis said, is. continuing dialogue. ‘The activity on a site is the amount of bandwidth used, or, the amount of data that has been transferred, by In the last section, we also suggest other topics that need to be researched, and rst hall. ork. emphasize the importance of te Tread the book you lent me, but I'm afrai For some companies, the IT assets, hardware and software, proportion of money spent to say | found it incomprehensible. count for the largest 3 Complete the text using one word in each gap. Early experiments in town planning As far as Britain isa concerned... the first modern examples of town planning were the ‘garden cities, » 4s Letchworth and Welwyn Garden City but inthe early 19005-A garden city was a « of idealized cammunty planned around large open spaces. public buildings. and 4 forth. Letchworth.e example, hadi no public house, f bar selling alcohol. and inchided lor the first time the idea of a‘grren belt that 10 g a0 area of countryside surrounding the town. In some h sLetdwort was ahead of ts tine, as ‘the building plan also avoided the cutting down of trees, and the town was I garden’ as there were green spaces and trees everywhere. j {rom the attractions of the site, there was also innovative design, as many of the houses were designed to he cheap, used madem building techniques sulk prefabrication, and had front and back gardens, luxury for many slum dwellers from London, 4. Complete the sentence with one ward in each gap. a Inwas Sheer coincidence that the two women met outside the door b Thisis the best, and easily better than all the rest They said that the explosion cannot be dismissed as a accident, 4 We have received hundreds of applications for the jab. jest that T had anything to do with the murder, is, ridiculous! £ ‘The evening of music and dancing was one of pleasure. 4g. I'm sorry, but as far as I'm concerned this has been a / waste of time, bh Mr Marwell has brought the company to the brink of ruin. Vm not criticizing you, I'm ing that you conld have done the jah differently i Jane was shocked to discover how much money had been stolen. ( 5 Choose the best option, A, B, or C, for each gap. ‘The car and change in the 20th Century. aa C machine, but as an agit of suctal change. tu the USA, b he twentieth century, caes¢ transformed society. First of all, more cars meant more miObIm: d er. people could travel further for jobs. not a ‘The ear can be se her than living in the clty centre oF as roads became be r EO Cr) factories. people conld live in suburhse and drive hetween home anil wark.f —_, there were new laws obliging new shops and businesses to provide parking, Increased in length from around 600.000 km to 1.6 million, km.h —. miasspraddetion of cars transformed business. raking oil and rubbeeinto major industrie demand for steel, and creating new service industries nereasing i filling stations, motels and insurance. __ , the car represented the American ideal of “personal freedom - before environmental damage and an epidesnic of obesity hogan to foree Americans to think again. spaces. which farther encouraged a ‘ear-only” society. Phe 9. pace of change was stakWeriig: in 20 years, US roads | a Autter B sheer mere b A forexanple B such as € that Is © Aliterally B namely Cierely d AApart from B And so forth In other words © Amconcluston 8 Instead C alternatively fA Simply BSecomlly Literally g Asher B mere Cutter h Alnu way 8 Thirdly C Instead i Aexumples inclule 8 ete € such as j Alnaway B Forexunple —¢ Except for ‘A Write a short text about the town or city you live in, using these phrases: first of all, .. secondly . akind of ... there are a number... such as... apart from... to sum up 8 Choose ten examples from the explanation pages and translate them into your language. & g re a © N c 6 ei S organizing text (3) Qn) © Pronouns aften replace nount oF notin pheates, to avoid repeating the same words put down my coffee, and gave Helen hers (her coffee). She (Helen) took ane sip af it (the caffee) and said, “This (this coffee) is awful. What did you putin it (this coffee)?" © one and ones We can use one in the place of @ noun or when we want to avoid repeating @ noun. ‘Tve got three bikes, but | ike this one best. I's the fastest one * “Yes, that’s 9 good one.” replacing words (substit The plural form is ones. The most expensive ones are nor always zne Nest. © mine, yours etc We do not normally use possessive adjectives (my, your etc) with one /ones, but use only a pronoun (mine, yours ete) instead. Thisis mine, This one is mine. © some, any We use some and any on their awn to avoid repeating plurals or uncountables. Where are the stamps? | need some (stamp). Have you got any (stamps)? © 50 After verbs believe, expect, guess, hope, imagine, suppose, think etc, and after be afraid, we use so instead of repeating a clause. “ill coming tamerro?" 'Thape $0 (= | hope that she is coming) “will you be long?” ‘I don't think so’. (= | don’t think that I'll be long.) We can use not as the negative form. "Jill coming tomorrow?’ ‘I hope not’. (= | hope that she isn't coming) After say, tell we can use so instead of repeating all the words used. ‘Tdlide‘t really want to see that film." ‘Why didn't you say so?" = Why didn’t you say that you didn't want to see the film?) | don’t think Anna did the right thing, and I told her so. told Anna that { didn’t think she had done the right thing.) \We can also use s0 in an inverted form with say tel, understand ta mean ‘that is what” lack i genus. OF $0 hs teachers keep tliog him (- Or that is what his teachers keep teling him) After if, so can be used instead of repeating information as a conditional clause. There may be heavy snow tomorrow. If 0, the schoo! will be closed. (= If there is heavy snow...) With Jess, more, very much so can be used to avoid repeating an adjective or adverb. Everything is ninning smoothly. more so than usual in fact. (= more smoothly) ‘Are yout interested in this job?” "Very much so.’ ( = very much interested). © doso ‘We can use a form of do with so to avoid repeating a verb phrase. They told Terry to get out ofthe car and he did so. (= he got out of the car) Janet left her wallet inthe shen, but dat remember doing so, (= leaving it) 2 do Informally we often use do or do that to reter to an action. ‘Ipcomised to collect the children from school, but can’t do it * Don't worry, PI do it © sodoletc When we agree with another person's statement we can replace a verb with so (when the statement Is positive) or neither / nor (when the statement is negative) followed by do or a modal auxiliary before the subject. ‘Vike this file." ‘Sodot.' ‘Idon't like svafoud.’ ‘Neither / Nor do we." ‘lean't hear a Ung!’ ‘Neither /Nor can." We can use too and not... either without inversion to mean the same thing. “Hike this fie.” ‘Ido too.” ‘Idon't like seafood.’ ‘We don't either." leaving things out (ellipsis) ‘In clauses joined by and or but, we do not have to repeat the subject in the second clause. ‘Maria went into the room and (he) opened the cupboard. 1 stood on a chair but () stil couldn't reach the cop. ‘© In clauses joined by and, but, o7, we can leave out a repeated subject and auxiliary, or subject and verb. ye read the article, and (lieve) summarized the mai points David likes 1uck music, (re likes) going to parties, aid (he likes) tennis. Note that itis not possible to leave out subjects, auxiliaries or verbs after words like because, before etc. ‘© When a second clause repeats a verb phrase, we can use the auxiliary part only. ve been to Russia, but Tina hasn’t (been to Russi). Jane says she's coming to the party, but Martin isn’t (coming to the party). ‘© When a phrase with be + adjective is repeated, we can leave out the second adjective. ''m interested in this, but Harty isn't (interested in this) © We can leave out a repeated verb phrase after to-Infinitive or not to infinitive, ‘Anna doesn’t play tennis now, but she used to (play tennis) ‘He'l throw things our of the windows uniess you tell him not to (throw things out of the window. Jock ft like playing footbal, but his tricnds didn't wane to (ply footbal. Jack felt tke playing footbaut, but his friends aldn't want to. © In reported questions, we can leave out repeated words after question words. He said he vrould meet us soon, but he did't say when (he would meet us) © organizing text (3) 1 Underline the best option. a 1’ supposed to be writing a project, but I do too /1 haven't done it yet, b I don’t really ike this area, and nor ny friends do / neither do my filends. € The news is awful, Did you see it / them on TV? 4 Everyone thought Helen had chosen the wrong job but nobody told it her / told her so. ‘the prime minister may call an election this year, and if'so he is / neither is he certain to win. f Taxing petrol is unpopular, and never (0 do so / more so than now when prices are record levels, 9 Twas told to report to office 101, but before ft/ doing so I went to the cafeteria. h The world is getting hotter, or so do /so many peaple would have us believe. They are all more or less the same quality, but this is the most expensive one /this one it's the most expensive. j Late my sandwich, but Enuma didn’t eat her / ers. hitting Replace the words underlined with a suitable ward ar wards. a [like horror films, but | didn’t enjoy that film. one. ‘Did you enjoy the play?" ‘Yes, Lenjoyed it very much indeed.’ ‘The museum may be closed tomorrow. If 50, we'll go on Tuesday. We ell a lot of jeans, and these are the most popular jean. 1've finished my project but Maria hasn't finished her project. ‘The officer told Paul to get out of the car, and he got out af the car. | can’t skateboard and Brian can‘t skateboard either. ippointed finance director, or thatis what I understand. “Are we starting early tomorrow?" ‘I hope we aren’t starting early! “really wanted to leave earlier’ “Why didn’t you say you wanted to?” Valerie has be -raseene Choose the best op! n, A, B or C, to complete the sentence. David says he'll be arriving on Monday, but he doesn’t know c I didn’t betleve what Jane had sald, and I told Kate has completed her project, but [tried to repair the washing-machine Danny didn’t accept Helen’s invitation, though Mary used to like hosror films but Now you've finished your lunch, could you give the twins e@steance ‘A when he will B very much so. Cenactly when, Aner so. Bs. that so. Aneither have 1. BI haven't. CI hope so. A but it couldn't do. Bs0 I couldn't but couldn't do it. Ale wanted to. B he thought so. nor did he. Anior does she. B she doesn't now. C they don’t like her now. A theirs, B their cit, ereancy 4 Underline the words that can be left out. Leaving out words may be impossible in some sentences. a Tdon’t have a bike now but 1 used to have one. Tony will be going to the shops and he'll get you some stamps. ¢ Harry likes listening to music and he likes playing computer games. 4 M'm worried about the exam, but my friends aren't worried about it. Mary used to make her own clothes, but she doesn’t make her own clothes any more. £ Kate says she's not interested, but Rita might want to. © I've been to Brazil, but Theresa hasn't been there. hh Jack said he would hring someone to the party, but he didn’t say who he would bring to the party. {Jim wanted to go swimming, but none of his friends felt like it. j_ I've done the shopping and I've cleaned the house. c Rewrite the sentence or one of the sentences so that it contains the word in capitals. 2 ‘Do you think you'll be late tonight?" ‘I don't suppose | will’. so. "Do you think you'll be late tonight? ‘I don't suppose so’. b Bond started to disconnect the red wire, but as he started disconnecting it, something told him he had made a anistake, so € Ifyou wanted to stay at home, why didn’t yon say you wanted to stay at home? so 4. Sue tried to reach the Lop shelf but i was impossibie, bo € Tean’t stand folk music, and David cant stand folk must : caN # Laura left her bike outside the cinema, but she didn't remember leaving it there, so 1g. The robbery was connnitted by two people, or that is what we believe, so © organizing text (3) The following exercises practise grammar from Units 40, 41 and 42. Rewrite the sentence or one of the sentences so that It contains the word in capitals. a. There is no problem with money. ASFAR b From one point of view, I think you're absolutely correct. IN ¢ Jim wasn’t there, but everyone else was ‘APART FROM Those are your cards and these are my cards. YOURS Lastly, | would like. tank the organizers ofthis conference IN This country has higher youth unemployment than other European counties COMPARISON 9. Tom has been ill. and so has been absent from college buE bh Tony thinks it was terrible film, and think it was teri fil to. bo i Although United played badly, they won the match. LEAST j The tennis tournament has been postponed because of bad weather. OWING ie “Will you be here ext year? “doubt It’ = so 1 the scheme has been fairly successful EXTENT rm The eartiquake has cause the closure of many soa in the area wesutt The two artists appear to be different hut share similarities. RESPECTS © Poor eyesight forced her to give up delving ACCOUNT Pp Ididn’t take the bus, 1 went on foot. INSTEAD OF To begin with, write down a list of your ideas. ALL 1 Many animals, eg beas, sleep for muct of Use whute. a 5 Noartefact which is alien, ie not from out planet, has ever been discovered. SAY 7 Choose the hest option, A, B or C, to complete the sentence. a Sorry, I haven't got any change. C_,, Ldon't really think you should be eating mor cream. b The prices of soue Llidays have fallen on average. last year. ¢ The high winds uprooted many trees, a _ the second film in the Space Wars series is more exciting than the first, but overall itis. less entertaining. = damaging buildings. © the water shortage, Southern Water has introduced a ban on garden hosepipes. £ Look over your notes and think about likely questions, But realistic revision timetable, and stick to it. y make sure you have a 9 enjoyed Johnny's last film, but I'm not so keen on. h Accident investigators were tunable to recover the aircraft's hlack box data recorder. the ‘exact cause of the crash remains unknown. i. Sails use the power of the wind to produce forward motion. produce a circular movement, J. Peter says he can come back tomorrow, but his brother k The Millennium Bridge was opened on 10 June 2000, » windmills use it to technical problems, it was forced to close for repairs, and did not open again until February 2002. | There has been trouble at previous matches between the two sides; policiang this tinue m Nothing should go wrong, but If a A Tins b A in comparison to © Accompared 10 dA Above all © A Despite f Atoacertain extent 9 Aus one fh AOn the contrary i AAsaresult j Acute k AAs a result of 1 hence m Aso B Nevertheless Basa result of Bin addition B None the less 8 Owing to B above all BH B Tims Butence B doesn’t say B Despite Bas a result B they should do the need for extra _ give me a ring on this number, Besides Cowing to Cas well as Cn some respects compared to Cinsome ways Cat least Cin the same way won't do CAs well as C owing to Citdoes etn WCU ‘A 2 Write some questions which could be followed by these answers. hope so! It’s not mine. I don’t expect so. think I'd rather have that one. b Write some statements which could be followed by these responses. So do we. So do yout Neither can |. Neither does mine. 8 Choose ten examples from the explanation pages and translate them into your language. text (3) organizing e

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