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NIM : 4202212075
Class : 1C
Matkul : Bahasa Inggris

This film tells about the life of a man with a below average IQ of only 60.
The man's name was Forrest Gump. When Forrest was little he lived with his
mother, they live in a village with a house big enough for 2 people to live in.
Because of that, Forrest's mother rented out some of the rooms in their house for
rent to travelers from out of town, and it is the source of their life. His mother
tried hard so that Forrest could go to school like a normal child with the
limitations and shortcomings experienced by his son. When Forrest was a child
he could not walk well, so he had to use an assistive device to walk.
On the first day of school he took the bus, he was ostracized by children
his age. Because his difference from the others makes him often bullied. But
there is a girl named Jenny who wants to be friends with Forrest. They were
friends into adulthood. One day, Forrest was walking with Jenny. At the time
there was a group of children who threw stones at Forrest, Jenny said "run
Forrest, run!", she ran as fast as she could. So that made his walking aid
shattered, but he didn't realize that it had shattered. Since then Forrest can walk
well without any tools. It makes him always run wherever he wants.
After graduating from high school, he was accepted into a university.
During his time as a student he spent 5 years as a rugby athlete. After
graduating from university Forrest was offered to join the armed forces in
America. Forrest got a friend named Bubba who came from Africa. Bubba
talked about shrimp every day. Until one day, they were sent to Vietnam to help
the war. They are led by lieutenant Dan. Lieutenant Dan is a firm person and
always keeps his promise. At the time of war, many members died one of them
was Bubba, it got them all out of the war and back to America. After leaving the
US armed forces, he realized his dream while Bubba was still alive, which was
to become a shrimp fisherman. Forrest became a successful man in a shrimp
farm. his mother died at that time. At the same time Jenny has a child from
Forrest Gump, Forrest marries Jenny after finding out.
1. Forrest Gump.
 have high focus.
 Always believe the words of people who are very close to him.
 Have talent in sports.
2. Forrest Gump's Mother
 Always reassuring his son, that he is the same as the others.
 Convinced of the choice.
 Sacrificing anything for the sake of his son.
3. Letnan Dan
 Have a leadership attitude.
 He stands firm in his stance.
 kept his promise.

 Don't look at other people with one eye
 Focus on one goal.
 Believe in your own choice.
 Keep trying even if you fail more often.
 Never leave friend

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