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COLLEZIONE DI MUSICHE PER CHITARRA DIRETTA DA ANGELO GILARDINO MARIO CASTELNUOVO - TEDESCO (4895 - 1968) PLATERO Y YO (PLATERO AND 1) para Narrador y Guitarra for Narrator and Guitar op. 190 VOL. I PLATERO ANGELUS RETORNO (RETURN) LA PRIMAVERA (SPRING) EL POZO (THE WELL) we: GORRIONES (SPARROWS) Vil - MELANCOLIA (MELANCHOLY) EDIZIONI MUSICALI (Berber ANCONA - MILANO AVVERTENZA Platero y yo @ una raccolta di ventotto composizioni per nar- ratore © chitarra (su testi leeerari tratti dallomonimo libro di Juan Ramén Jiménez, Premio Nobel per la letteratura nel- Yanno 1956); essa _viene qui present ‘Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco ha composta: Sua @ In suddi- visione dei ventorto brani in quattro quaderni, Sua la nu- merazione dei brani stessi, mentre il coordinamento tra testo lererario (in lingua originale © nella versione inglese scelta da Castelauovo-Tedesco) ¢ testo musicale rispettaattenta- mente il dettato del compositor. Si & volutamente riounciato alla revisione strumentistica ed alla diceggiataca dei brani musicali, poiché Vesistenza di una enofme quantita di version’ manoscritte di queste musiche (versioni_prive, nella quasi toralith dei casi, di ogni fonda- mento di autenticiti € naturalmente tra di loro discord) ha creato, dallepoca della composizione della raccolta fino ad ‘oggi, un tale disordine (sfuggendo al controllo dello stesso Autore ¢ dei suoi eredi), da rendere tanto pitt necessasia Ja pubblicazione del testo originale nella sua integriti. Una cenergica squalfica delle centinaia di interpolazioni, purtroppo abusivamente cizcolanti in tueto il mondo, rientra dunque tea i propositi di questa edizione che realizea, soprattutto, la precisa volonti dell Awtore Ogni chitarista che voglia eseguire queste musiche, dovra guindi procedere alle necessarie ed opportune modifiche di alconi particolari, in modo da rendere materialmente esegui- Bill le composizioni: questo lavoro sari ricompensato dalla sicurezza insostinuibile di aver porwto agire sulla base del testo originale, per la cui comprensione, oltsetutto, @ indi- spensabile Tattenta valutazione dei rapporti di aderenza e di identificazione tea le prose e le musiche. E doveroso aggiungere che Mario Castelauovo-Tedesco, per ragioni di opportunita pratica, ebbe pitt volte a sottoscrivere favorevolmente Tipotesi di una esecuzione del solo testo mu- sicale, spesso in sé completo ed autosufficiente: ma cid sol- tanto a proposito di alcuni dei ventoto brani, raccoman- dando di far trascrivere, sui programmi delle pubbliche ese- cazioni, appropriati riassunti del testo poetico, in modo da creare le condizioni per la corvetta comprensione delle mu- siche, infatti, Vimpianto formale e stilistico di queste com- Position’ & stato progettato tenendo conto di precise esi- enze della recitazione, ed ogni attento studios sj renderd conto di come Tassenza della stessa sisulei spess0 incolma- bile: Hesecuzione ideale di questa raccolta si realizea dunque soltanto con la presenza del narratore, ¢ si raccomanda vi- vamente di programmare, per quanto possibile, esecuzioni fedeli e complete, nn ms Angelo Gilardino FOREWORD Platero y yo is a collection of twenty-eight compositions for narrator and guitar (the literary excerps bave been taken from the homonymous book by Juan Ramin Jiménez, winner of the Nobel Prize for the year 1956). Such a collection is presented bere exacily as Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco com- posed it: bis is the subdivision of the twenty-eight pieces into four quires, bis is the numbering of the pieces them- selves, whilst the coordination between the literary text (sup: plied both in the original tongue and in an English version chosen by Castelnuovo-Tedesco) and the musical text strictly respects the directions of the composer. 1 have deliberately forgone the instrumental revision as well as the fingering of the musical pieces inasmuch as the exis. tence of an enormous quantity of manuscript version of these musical compositions has engendered such a confusion that it became all the more necessary publishing she original text in its integrity (such versions, which have eluded the control of the Aushor and of his heirs, are — in the majority of instances — devoid of all foundations of authenticity, stan. ding at variance among themselves, of course). A determinate denounciation of the hundreds of interpolations whieh, unfor tunately, are circulated abusively throughout the world, is then within the sims of this edition that carries out above all the exact will of the Author. Any guitarist wishing 10 perform these compositions will then ave of necessity 10 Bring about appropriate changes 10 tome detail, 10 at 10 make these scores technically fr for performance: this trouble will be rewarded by the unique Certainty of having beon able to draw from the original text which, in order 10 be understood, requires 4 caraful evaluation of the adberence and identification relationship Between the musical and the literary texts It should be added that Mario Castelnuovo-Tederco — for very practical purposes — stressed several times the pos- sibility of performing the musical score only, which is often complete and self-standing: but this only in connection with a few of the twenty-eight pieces, asking that appropriate summaries of the literary text should be transcribed on the programmes of all public performances, s0 as $0 create the conditions for the correct appreciation of the music. As a maiter of fact the formal and. stylistic structuring of ‘hese compositions bas been conceived with a concern for the outspoken exigencies of recitation, and every attentive scholar will no doubt notice bow the absence of she latter ofien constitutes an unfilable gap: the ideal performance of this collection therefore can be achieved only through the ‘parte- cipation of a narrator. It is strongly recommended shat, as long as it is feasible, only faithful and complete performances be programmed. Angelo Gilardino per ALDO BRUZZICHELLI PLATERO Y YO (PLATERO AND 1) para Narrador y Guitarra - for Narrator and Guitar op. 190 (1960) JUAN RAMON JIMENEZ VOL. 1 MARIO. CASTELNUOVO - TEDESCO (1881-1958) (1895 - 1968) (English translation by Eloise Roach) I - PLATERO Allegretto molto mosso, trottando (trotting) PP_uguale a fat = %. = -tero es pequefio, peludo, suave; tan ctero is =a small donkey, =a 80ft, hairy donkey: so mp espr. a blando por _— fuera, += que—=—se_—diria.~—s todo. = de_—aalgodén, soft to the touch that he might be said to be made of cotton, = i Propreth per tutti i paesi delle Edizioni Musicali BERBEN - Ancona (Italy). Goprigt, 107 by Edioni Museall BERBEN + Ancona. uti} dint riservati a termini di legge. E, 1701 B. que no lleva__—huesos. Sélo los espejos de azabache with no bones. the Jet mirrors oe . = ri = 2 2 | = 7 = de sus ojos son duros cual dos escarabajos de y his eyes are hard like to Back cristal negro. Lo dejo suelto, crystal searabs. Tr turn him loose, BP dolce e scorrevole SS = se va al prado, y acaricia tibiamente and he goes to the meadow, and, with his —= con su hocico, rozindolas apenas, las florecillas nose, he gently caresses the little flowers of rosas, celestes y gualdas.. rose and blue and gold. E. 1701 B. Lo llamo dulcemente: 1 call him softly, Allegretto grazioso eg Po pdolce y viene a mi con and he comes to me tempo (Matto mosso) up, i trotecillo alegre que parece que se rie, eee eg A ae P= ped Sl To & SS —— a Y Peete — = = Pf en 20 sé qué cascabeleo ideal... or a vague, idyllic, tinkling sound. He cats whatever «= Egrive him He B. 1701 B. gustan las naranjas- mandarinas, —las_-—suvas__—moscateles, todas de likes mandarin oranges, amber-hued muscatel Allegretto grazioso P dmbar, los higos morados, con su cristalina grapes, purple Sigs tipped with erystalline mp Es tierno y — mimoso igual. «= que’—un_niifio,_- que una tk is as loving and tender as @ ‘Tempo I. (Mosso e scorrevole) ™p, = = P, — fe nifia..; pero fuerte y seco por dentro, como de piedra. child, but strong and sturdy as a rack, pit P proc rit. Ff 8 Cuando paso sobre cium ty domingos, por las ultimas When on Sundays = Ts ride shim ~— through =the ~— lanes. in’— the Un poco Moderato (in 2) a P 5 7 # # iF * § f E, 1201 B. callejas del pueblo, los._—shombres— del_— campo, vestidos_ de —_limpio outskirts. of the town, slow-moving country-men, dressed in their Sunday clean, if fea) am T matty aay despaciosos, se quedan mirandolo: -Tien’'a j se - ro. toh him @ while, speculatively: op “He #8 like! steel” they say. Tiene acero. Acero y plata de ‘Steel, yes. ‘Steel and ‘moon > > Tempo J, (Scorrevole) m = SE luna, al_~—mismo_ tiempo. silver at the same time, EP chiaro ¢ luminoso ht B, 1701 B. 10 Il - ANGELUS Calmo ed estatico (Andante) 4 Mi-ra, Platero, qué de Look. Plate-ro, how caen por todas partes: are falling everywhere rosas azules, rosas_—blancas, sin color... Diriase que el _ cielo blue roses, pink ones, white ones, roses with no color. One might say that the shy P dolce ¢ armonioso Pp dolce ¥ 1 7| a aw w idee eee fede ane eee se deshace en rosas Mira cémo se me Ienan de rosas la is dissolving in roses. See how = my —forchead, — my —shoulders, frente, los hombros, las manos.. ¢qué haré yo con tantas To - sas? my hands, are covered with roses... What shall T do with so many ros - 0s? E. 1701 B 11 lempo you perhaps know where all PP usguale, dolce ¢ soi es esta blanda flora, que yo no sé de donde es, this tender flora comes from, Jor I myself do not know its source, —————— que enternece, cada dia, el paisaje © y lo deja_—duleemente _—_rosado, which each day softens ” the landscape and_— leaves __it'~—aueetly espr. mp ee blanco y celeste —mis white, and blue —more mas more ro- como un cuadro de Fra Angélico, el que pintaba la like a painting by Fra Angelico, he who used to paint — 10 = ses uf ZF gloria. de rodillas? glory on his knees? F. 1701 B, 12 De elas sie 2 te gale ries | del Pata ci 20 It might be — thought that roses are being thrown down from the seven Un poco pitt mosso — SF gaio e fesioso_ SES DS=_ _-SSE_O SS or se creyera que —tiran’ «= rosas. «as dla_—stier:s- sora. heavens of Paradise. ——__ a ee oe a f f Cual en una_—snevada— tibia sy vagamente _colorida, se As in, a warm and vaguely colored snowfall, the pide Aaa quedan las rosas en la torre, en el tejado, en los_rboles. roses fail on tower, on roa, on trees. — Mira: todo lo fuerte se hace, con su_—_adorno, deli - Look: everything harsh turns delicate with their adornment. 1 OF J ip -cado. Mads rosas, mds rosas,_ ~— mas Roses, r0s-es, os calmando | rit E. 1701 B. 13 -re-ce, Pla-te-ro, mientras suena el Angelus, que esta vida nuestra pierde su fuerza coti- seems, Platero, while the Angelus rings, that this life of ours loses tts everyday strenght Molto calmo Pp dolcissimo p -diana, y que otra fuerza de adentro, més altiva, mas constante y mds pura, hace que and that another force within, more high-minded, more constant and pure, makes he todo, como en surtidores de gracia, suba a las estrellas, que se encienden ya entre las rosas... evorything-as though fed from a reservoir of grace-rise to the stars, which are already shining among the roses. ything ng among. pespr ae ie ie vit, — Mas rosas... Mas rosas.. Tus More roses More roses. Your « tempo, mai esitando ptlolee a Diet ojos, que ti no ves, Platero, y que alzas mansamente al cielo, son dos bellas rosas. eyes, which you cannct see, Platero, and which you raise humbly to the sky, are two beatiful roses. Tempo I. —=_ SS pp. dolce ed espr_ 7 Molto lento "bint — = TOR en ws, E, 1701 B. Ill - RETORNO - RETURN Tempo di Habanera (Moderato-Stanco e sognante) P dolce ed espr_ pte pitt espn liberamente - a piacere , . movent Veniamos los dos, cargados, de los montes: Platero, de —almora- Platero and 1 were returning from the mountains heavily loaded: 1 tempo dolce ed espr. B dolce ed.espr — ——____ z —= —= E, 1701 8. - dj yo, de lirios —amarillos. Ca - he with sandahiood, I with yellow ilies =———_ eee 5 —= mp ia la tarde de abril. Todo lo que en el poniente habia It was April, — dusk. Everything that in the west had been limpid —— ae 5 1 i uF 7 ener —___—_—_—_ of pr sido cristal de oro, era luego cristal de plata, una alego - gold was now limpid silver, @ smooth tuintnosity_ oe =— ee ——— -ria, lisa y luminosa, de —azucenas de cristal. Después, el —_vasto Cape — jessainine petals. Then the vast fez. Molto calmo 3S = S 7 ee —— pidoleissino —— cielo fué cual un —zafiro._transparente, tro - shy became transparent sapphire; 4 s s E z +cado en esmeralda. Yo volvia triste... then emerald. Sadness held me ikea shroud, iy B. 1701 B, 16 Va en la cuesta, la torre del pueblo, coro- From the hilltop the one tower af the lown, the Moderato (ma Andante) p_iolce ¢ grave = -nada de refulgentes _azulejos, cobraba, en el_levanta- church steeple crowned with blue tiles, acquired in the clarity —- - —————_—_ —— =z L -miento de la hora pura, un aspecto monumental. Parecia de of the hour a monumental aspect. a for the i —— pitt espr. (ba Ss 5 Z cerca, como una Giralda vista de __lejos, y mi nostal- moment it was the Giralda from a__—_ distance... And my yearning - - mp- a gia de ciudades, aguda con la primavera, encontraba en for Seville, acute in springtine, found in the sight —>—- i 7 mp- 2) b a ella un consuelo melancélico. a melancholy comfort. ———>— pit. E. 1701 B, Retorno... éa- dénde? éde qué? épara Return.. Where? From what? To what? For Tempo I. i ox P espr. Tmalinconico qué? Retorno... éa - dinde? éde qué? épara what?.. Return... Where? From what? To what? For st qué2. Pero los_—lirios que venian conmigo olan. «ss més.sen— la what?.. But the lilies I carried where more odorous in the Calmo ma scorrevole P &pr. frescura tibia de la noche que _se__entraba; olian con un Sreshness of approaching —_ night; their fragrance was more olor mds penetrante y, al mismo tiempo, mas vago que salia de la penetrating and at the same time more vague, flor sin’ verse la flor, flor de olor solo, coming from the unseen blossoms, as if —they_—had. become alt B. 1701 B. 18 que embriagaba el cuerpo, sy el alma_— desde.—s la_—ssombra_—so- odor, intoxicating the body and the soul in the -litaria —iAl-ma {mi - 4, li-rio en la isom-bra!—dije. solitary darkness. ~Oh, soul of imine, lily in the ‘shadow! I said, appassionaio ua Y pensé, de pronto, en And suddenly 1 remembered (quasi recitativo) P semplice € staccato Platero, que, aunque -—iba._—~—Sdebajo de mi, se me habia, como si fuera Platero, whom, though on _—him, «had forgotten, as if he were be : —=) ee (Pp espr. e malinconico mi cuerpo, —_olvidado. part of my body. (min.4, 40) E, 1701 B. IV - LA PRIMAVERA - SPRING Molto mosso e vivace (quasi Toccata) En mi duermevela — matinal, me malhumora una My — morning nap is disturbed by a devilish mp espr. =. a TLEPeeer Geer Jaigeiddgiaay (rontolando) endiablada chilleria_ de chiquillos. Por fin, sin poder noise o children and I am in ill-humor, No if] I TEEF ILEF SLE LEEP LEE 7 Ley dormir més, me echo, desesperado, de la cama, longer able to sleep, I leave my ~— bed Stn — despair. - i ae PL B. 1701 B. [aay aay 20 4 t t i a — Entonces, al mirar el campo” por" la_—ventana_—_abierta, Then looking out from my open window, I realise that it is the me doy cuenta. de que. ~— los. que_—allborotan son los birds whose shriti clatter has’ disturbed my slumbers. Salgo al huer - to y can - to I go downto the gar ~~ den P Lup melodia gra - cias al Dios del dia Cae a and sing thanks to the ~—«God oof the blue duy, iLibre concierto de __picos, Free concert of singing —_ bills, np Scherzando ny FE. 1201 B. fre coy cin fint La golondrina fresh and endless music. The swallow, fanciful - mp = riza, _caprichosa, su gorjeo en el poz0; one, ullers her warbling from the well; the ie = Pdolce 3 ee silba el_—_—smirlo sobre la naranja_— caidas de Blackbird whistles on the ~~ fallen orange; the too Glory oor ao fuego, la oropéndola charla, de chaparro en fiery golden oriole chatters from —_ evergreen to mp espr. —+— j — oS SS rR chaparro; el chamariz rie larga y menuda - evergreen; the blue fitmouse laughs long and corer >= -mente en la cima _—del_—_eucalipto y en el pino daintily on the top of the eucalyptus tree; and inthe — = J = 7 nf a E. 1701 B. 22 grande, los gorriones _discuten tallest pine the sparrows argue out - desaforadamente. iCémo esté la ma- =rageously. What @ (Appena piti sostenuto) SS -fiana! El sol pone_—en la tierra su ale - morning! Tle sun spreads his gold and silver marcato 3 tf 2 | -gria. de plata. y de oro; mariposas de cien gladness onthe earth; myriad-colored but | Tempo I. colores juegan por todas partes, entre_— las. -tenplies Slit everywhere, among the flowers, through the Ti Ts flores, por la casa ya dentro, ya fuera~, en el manan- hguse —now in, mow out— above the 1701 B. 23 tial. Por doquiera, el campo se abre en estal - spring Boerywhere the countryside bursts open toa mp = -lidos, en crujidos, en hervide 2 ro de bubbling of new —and_—cholesome —iife. nf ~ as a SSE reser eer eee ee pice ie Se SSS] luz, que fuese el interior de una inmensa y calida rosa encen - light, which might be the heart of an immense, calid, scarlet tt PS > - (nin, 2, 85) 1701 B. 24 Vv - EL POZO - THE WELL iEl _pozol... iEl pozo! Platero, iqué_pa- . The welll... The welll... Platero, what a Lento, misterioso 5 ‘P.dolce € sonoro PP} )) -la-bra tan honda, tan verdinegra, tan fresca, tan sonora! Pa - deep word, how green and Black, how cool, how sonorous! It 5 pdolce ¢ sonora ror per PR’ R 2 oe? -rece que es a palabra la que taladra, girando, la tierra oscura, hasta Hegar al agua is as if the word itself, turning, boring, had drilled into the earth to reach the cold a te i a. firia, Mira; la higuera a- water Look: the tig tree a- Piit mosso (Allegretto) Pp dolce ¢ sonore P dolce ¢ scorrevole = = q r Te t 7 ——— be © -dorna y desbarata el brocal. Dentro, al alcance de la mano, ha a- =dorns "and destroys the curb. Within, at hand's reach, a B. 1701 B. 25, -bierto, entre los ladrillos con verdin, una flor azul de olor pene- Blue, sharp-smelling flower has found ~— its: «way between the -— mossy 4 -trante, Una golondrina.~—tiene, += mas-_— abajo, _—el bricks Farther down @ swallow has her =o P dolcissimo nido. Luego, tras un pértico de sombra yerta, hay un palacio de esme- nest. ‘Then, be- low, in motionless ‘shadow, is an emerald palace, =—— _ Pp suttovoce PrP ralda, y un lago, que, al arrojarle una piedra a su quietud, se enfada y grufie. and a lake, which, when one flings a rock at its stillness, is angered, and groans. animando. mp = a + + € 5 4 oe f aH Eg FPF BFS PFE Y el cielo, al fin. (La noche entra, y la Finally, the sky. (Night enters in; the eae a PP chiavo e fisso (come stelle) ubito pitt calmo pip ia harm. & ae nf p> & mp i & t as Oty $ oe oe ose 7 ’ OF ied r p&ipo e fondo (molto espr) lu-na se inflama alla en el fondo, adornada de volubles estrellas. silver” moon is in the depth” adorned with stars, & al : » £2 i & = (eel? Ertl # B, 1701 B. 26 iSi - lencio! Por los caminos se ha ido la rere (ee ak rT EF a vida a lo lejos. Por el pozo se escapa el alma a lo hondo. sled. The soul escapes the depths through the well. ee ee ee ee 7 ee Se ve por é como el otro lado del creptiseulo. Y parece que va a sa- One can see beyond in the other side of the twilight. And it seems as though the aH ue _ = animando yl peed = LC ”y c ope w ee lir de su boca el gi-gante de la noche, due-fio de todos los se- giant of night, ‘master of all the secrets of the world, were about to a al @ poco stringendo_ ne ties a cre - tos del mundo. Pero f 2 fer 2 Bag ii uf. f iOn —_laberinto quieto y magico, parque umbrio y___fragante, Oh, quiet and magic labyrinth, somber, fragrant —_spot, Largo_¢ ealmo (ma in 2) (ha tae De LE gt 7D Pp dolcissimo pes E. 1701 B. 27 magnético salén__encantado!) —Pla- irresistible, enchanted scene.) Pla ~ pit p> {Ee RE 1Oe Rp ee Ya Lp + Pespn -tero, si algiin dia me echo a este — pozo, no seré por ma- ste - 10,” if some day I throw myself’ into the well, it will not Allegretto mosso (in 4) —————$——. > P sottovoce starme, créelo, —sino__por coger mas pronto las _ estrellas. be for death's’ suke, believe me, but only the more quickly to attain the stars. = = = mp =Platero _rebuzna, sediento y anhelante. Platero— brays, thirsty and eager. Molto, vivace nf - vit, molto S nmoristic #2 74 Del pozo sale, asustada, rewuelta_y —silenciosa, una _golondrina. From the well a frightened, disheveled swallow Allegretto mosso e scorrevole i | D ] oJ d © psotlovore (min. 3,55) E1701 B 8 ' VI - GORRIONES - SPARROWS Allegramente (come uno scampanio chiaro e festoso) fiana de Santiago esta nu-blada de blanco y gris, como guar- morning — of Santiago Day is clouded with gray and white, as if set in -dada en algodén Todos se han ido a misa. cotton Everyone has gone to church ff pin dolce, allontagandosé _ an ees + a P Nos hemos quedado en el jardin los gorriones, Platero y yo. iLos — gor- The sparrows and Platero and I have remained in the garden. a - riones! Bajo las redondas nubes, que, a veces, llueven unas Sparrows! Under the round clouds which at’ times, rain afew Allegro con spirito — ie —~ —" —$—_$—_=—___{ —____————_ _ /p SS E1001 B. 29 gotas —_finas, cémo entran y salen en la __ enreda - drops, how they come and go in the climbing ad Sw Sf ——— | -dera, cémo —chillan, cémo se cogen de los __picos! vines, how they — shrill, how they peck —at_each — other? una rama, se vay la deja temblando; dough, takes flight, and leaves it quivering; nf — = —= el otro se bebe un_—poquito. © de_—cielo. en un charquillo another drinks bit of shy fromthe ~—siittle a £b. mp grasioso Pf ™D. del brocal del . pozo; aquél ha saltado el tejadillo del al - pool on the well curd; another has leapt up to the roof from the pf B. 1701 B. 30 -pende, leno de flores casi_secas, que el dia pardo aviva. olive ' tree, whose —almost-dry flowers the gray day brightens in i = eae iBenditos _pajaros, Blessed birds, with no muf'un poco solenne zi aor Lo stesso tempo = ug S Certer Larter sin fiesta fixed holy Con la libre monotonia de lo na- Free in the monotony of the — in - -tivo, de lo verdadero, na - da, a no ser una -nate, of the realy bells mean no - thing _ to dicen a el - tos las cam + it be @ vague joyousness. 31 Spas Con - tentos, sin fatales obliga - Un poco pitt mosso anf’ ma sonoro eg Z 8 Si ; ciones, sin esos olimpos ni esos avernos que —extasian 0 que ame - gation: with no Olympus to enrapture nor A- <> t =—_— eee st -drentan a los pobres hombres esclavos, sin mds moral que la - vernus to terrify them, with no morality _but_— their oo a pin PJ = = be suya, ni mas Dios que lo azul, son mis her = own nor any God but — the -~—dblue, they are my eee a, J > vinforcando > a -manos, mis dul - ces hermanos. brothers, my —sweet_—_brothers. Pit vivo, mosso e festoso > > > i z : i 3 Via - i Se nent) They E. 1701 B. 32 -jan sin dinero y — sin _maletas; mudan de travel without money and without luggage; they leave a ff ca + sa cuando se les antojas presumen un ar - house when the fan - cy strikes them, they ro - yo, pre - sienten una frome cida; try ieee otto know “where to find a Brook; they divine a op = = tie - nen que abrir sus alas para. conseguir la_felici - fern, and they need but open their wings to gain happiness. Presto (a piacere-quasi cadenza) no saben de lunes ni de_~—sdbados; Un poco meno They know nothing of Mondays and Saturdays; ‘np Brasioso = —> SF = feb. P E. 1701 B. 33 se bafian en to - das partes, a cada momento; they bathe any ~ where, any ~ time; they a sf aman el amor sin nombre, la amada universal. 7. love nameless. —_ love, the universal loved one. Un poco vit. P dolce ¢ armonioso pip cuando las gen = tes, ilas _pobres gentes!, And when people —poor wretched —people— Meno mosso (¢ un poco burlesco) van a to ft ie mp espr = —S mi - sa Jos domingos, cerrando las _puertas, church on Sundays, locking: their déors behind them, Pi mosso ellos, en un alegre ejem - plo de a- they, in a glad example of Meno mosso mp dolce e grave = =—— -mor sin ri - to, se vienen de rite - less love, suddenly Subito mosso 7 sisi el A fee 7 — 7 = Ss 4 = 1 # ae “om B. 1701 B, 34 pron - to, con su algarabia —fresca = sy_~—_—_—jvial, al jar- come, with their fresh and jovial shrilling, to the gardens of _—_the “Ep bl bh ao po = = = -dii de las ca - sas cerradas, en las_— que algiin closed houses. in which some poet, whom they know well, ‘imalto espr. paolce a. ett = = poe - ta, que ya conocen bien, += -y._~—algin ~—burrillo and a tender small donkey expr. = = j tieno —éte jun - tas con - migo?— los con - —will you let me join our names, Plate - ro?— psemplice (quasi recitative) -templan fraterna = les. watch them with frater - nal love. ‘a tempo piadice - 8. 1701 B. VII - MELANCOL{A - MELANCHOLY ‘Andantino elegiaco Pp dolce © mesto = -_ = ——_ EE MESO Per a of. ———— poco rit Esta tarde he ido con los nifos a visitar~— la_—sepul - This afternoon went with the children to Plate ~ r0's a tempo = —>S ——— me a] B. 1701 B. 36 -tura de Platero, que esté en el huerto de la Pifia, al pie del pino re- grave, a low ‘mound that lies in the orchard, at the foot of a round, S ee F tr be peS Pe -dondo y paternal. En torno, abril habia adornado Ja Satherly pine tree. April had adorned the damp earth mp pit espr. = —— => cS te fr iF tierra himeda de grandes lirios amarillos. Cantaban los chamarices alla with large _ yellow Lilies. Titmice were singing |__—_€. F P arriba, en la ciipula verde, toda pintada de cenit azul, y su above inthe green canopy mottled with the blue —_senith, and their ——SEEewean —— —— trino menudo, florido y reidor, se iba en el aire de light trilling, joyous and fairy-like, drifted away on the-~—ggolden rf DSSS SS oro de la tarde tibia, como un claro. suefio. de amor _ nuevo. air of the ~— balmy — evening like =a ~—sLimpid dream = of new love. rit. molto — - —— E, 1701 B. 37 Los * nifios, asi que —iban Megando, dejaban de 4s soon as we ~~ arrived, the children stopped PP — —— = + L L ‘pespr. cantandé ————————————— gritar. Quietos y — serios, sus ojos brillantes en mis shouting. Quiet and sober, their bright eyes following: = ae — t ojos, me Ilenaban de preguntas ansiosas. mine, they plied me with anwious questions. Un poco agitato quasi recitativo yal mp pitt intenso eee iii 71 ~iPlatero amigo! le dije yo a la “Friend Platero, I said to te, 2 PREC es Sac eeererenneeareneee aaa si, como pienso, ests ahora en un prado del cielo, y the hearth, “i, as I believe, you are now in a heavenly meadow, Tempo I. ere eee llevas sobre tu lomo peludo a los ngeles adolescentes, éme ha- and carry angel children on your _hairy back, have you for ON Np iodine @ mppespr. E1701 B. 38 -bras, quizd, -—olvidado? Platero, dime: ¢te acuerdas atin de =gotten me, perhaps? ‘Tell me, Pla-tero, do--you still remember me?, rit. le ~___= = pf quasi vecitativo mi? Y, cual contestando mi And, as if answering — my Piti mosso-leggero e volante B —————— Pp a pregunta, una eve maripo - sa blanca, que question, a white butterfly, soft’ and — smooth as poco rit. y fT ed EHE ches ae i = =F 7 7 5 Y 9 pprapido antes no habia visto, revolaba insistentemente, waxen petals, Sluttered gently, Un poco meno # “leis: ra poco rit. i - gual que un alma, de li - rio en irio.. like a@ soul, JSrom lily to vit. === pf eed JA J (er P ma sonoro (iin, 8,25) E1701 B.

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