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2 points granted
I. Complete the text. Use past simple and continuous. (20x0,1=2 points)
It ______________ (be) a rainy day in November. We ___________ (come) from school at 2
o’clock. We ________ (not be) very hungry but we ________(be) too cold. While we ____________
(walk) with my umbrella, we _____________ (find) a coin. It ____________ (not be) a normal coin, it
___________ (be) a strange coin. We _______________ (not continue) walking. We __________ (be)
a bit nervous. What should we do? Maybe, we___________ to (have) put the coin where we ______
(find)it. We _____ (do) this. We ________ (walk) on the street, when a tall man ______ (ask) us for
the coin. We ______ (tell) him that the coin _____ (be) at the beginning of the street. We _________
(know) what ______________ (happen), so we ________ (continue) walking.

II. Guess the gadget:(5x0,3=1,5 points)

1. A small light you hold in your hand; it usually has a battery........................................

2. You need it when your hair is wet......................................

3. A gadget that allows you to switch an electronic machine on or off from distance......................

4. The controls for a machine to play games.............................................

5. A piece of electrical equipment to which another piece of equipment can be connected.............

III. Choose the correct modal: (5x0,5=2,5points)

1. You don’t have to/have to go shopping. There’s enough food in the fridge.

2. Your clothes are dirty. You must/mustn’t change them.

3. We don’t have to/have to pay now. We can pay when we get there.

4. He shouldn’t/has to talk to her like that. It’s very rude.

5. During an exam you should/mustn’t copy from other students.

IV. Make up complex sentences with the following expressions: tidy up, set the table, do the
washing-up, vacuum the floor. (4x0,5=2 points)

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