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Assignment 4

Islamic studies: C22

Muhammad Hamad Khalid F2020001113

Q1: Music is haram in Islam. Playing music instrument is also haram. Duff is the only instrument
which is halal. On the other hand, singing is halal if no music is used. Singing without music
means no use of instruments as well as no sounds as instruments produced with mouth.
Q2: The millennial has some flaws in them. First is the parenting, second is technology,
impatience and environment. Parenting is wrong when they appreciate their child on wrong
things. The new generation has less self-esteem than previous one. The use dopamine effect is
increasing by the technology which is harmful for the environment. Dopamine makes us feel
good. It is released with the social media. We have no restrictions to it. That’s why there are no
deep meaning relationships. You are with friends and you don’t talk with them instead you text a
person who’s not there. Making relationship is slow, meandering, uncomfortable messy process.
Patience really matters. Because things take time. We care about short gains not the long
success. This make people feel that they can’t cope, they are useless. But it’s not them it’s the
environment. Learn social skill, be patient and balance between technology and life.
Q3 Holy Prophet s.a.w explained everything to the companions. For example, prayer, Holy
prophet S.A.W, as taught people by practical. Like recite then rukku/bow and sajda and sit. He
also showed people about how to pray Hajj. Holy prophet S.A.W also explained verbally to the
companions. After the demise of holy prophet companions were source of information.
Companions started sharing knowledge in different cities. Different rulings came to existence.
For example, Imam Hanifa ruling about dogs. Dogs are haram so that anything related to dog’s
saliva, sweat is impure. Scholars have different opinions, some follows reason and some follow
literal. Obeying Allah and Obeying messenger are two important points to show obedience to
Allah. Obey Allah means follow Quran and obey Holy Prophet S.A.W means follow Sunnah.
Holy prophet taught every Islamic thing to companions but some things are worldly. In worldly
many say worldly matters are not Sunnah and other follow as hadith. Government also follow
rulings from scholars.
Q4. Rule of fiqh means method. The end result is fiqh. Rules of fiqh are second source after
Quran and Sunnah. Prophet S.A.W told Sahaba for their own conclusion. The recitation of Surah
Fatiha in prayer means if the Imam is reciting listen to him. Usool have evidence and strengths.

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