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THIS MEANS WAR An epic Buddy/Romantic/Astion Comedy Screenplay by Timothy: Dowling Second Draft Overproox Entertainment Twentieth Century Fox INT. BAR,- THE ISLAND OF IBIZA, SPAIN - NIGHT We are in a cool pick up bar on the island of Ibiza off the coast of Spain. It is considered by many to be the club capitol of the world. HOT SINGLES mix in the bar. Guys try out lines on BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. They speak in SPANISH we sees the SUBTITLES. SPANISH GUY #1 +;+T am tired of these one night stands, what I am-really looking for is’a relationship. Like ued ings pope +..T like cuddiing, es, lon: Waiktoon the, beach’ ahd Yous! * SPANISH GUY #3 z+sMaybe we could go someplace and Just “hold each other and talk. SPANISH GUY #4

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