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Food Chemistry 396 (2022) 133650

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Investigation of physicochemical properties, antimicrobial and antioxidant

activity of edible films based on chitosan/casein containing Origanum
vulgare L. essential oil and its effect on quality maintenance of
cherry tomato
Narjes Roshandel-hesari , Majid Mokaber-Esfahani *, Akram Taleghani , Reza Akbari
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Gonbad Kavous University, P.O. Box 163, Gonbad Kavous, Iran


Keywords: Edible coatings prevent physicochemical and biological food deterioration. Using bioactive compounds like
Edible film essential oils can enrich films. In this study, edible films from chitosan (C), casein (Z) and oregano (OEO) were
Origanum vulgare L developed, and their physicochemical, barrier, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and structural properties (FTIR, SEM)
Antifungal activity
were investigated. The C1Z3 ratio had good mechanical and inhibitory properties, and OEO improves flexibility,
barrier, hydrophobic, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties. The physicochemical and microbiological
Cherry tomato properties of cherry tomatoes were affected by C1Z3 and C1Z3O1.5 coatings. Coated fruits were stored at 4 ◦ C for
32 days. The best results for weight loss, shrinkage, and titratable acidity were found to be 17.88%, 31.12%, and
0.15% in C1Z3O1.5 coated cherry tomatoes, respectively. The TMAB of C1Z3O1.5 coated fruits was less than
detectable and the fungal growth was inhibited for 28 days. Accordingly, by adding OEO to chitosan/casein
coatings, the spoilage process of cherry tomatoes was delayed for long-term storage.

1. Introduction chitosan, pectin, starch, alginate, pullulan, carrageenan, and cellulose

derivatives), proteins (like casein, zein, whey, wheat gluten, gelatin,
In recent decades, there have been growing worries regarding the use soybean protein, and keratin), and lipids (like waxes and fatty acid es­
of synthetic polymers, commonly known as plastics, for the packaging of ters) (Jiang et al., 2021).
food products. Since the majority of synthetic polymers are resistant to In recent studies, the development of edible and biodegradable films
biological degradation, they end up in landfills or the ocean. These two and coatings by mixing polysaccharides, proteins, and lipids has been
behaviors are detrimental to the environment and pose a threat to investigated. The purpose of these investigations is to make use of the
human health. Therefore, substantial studies have been conducted on characteristics of each component as well as the synergy that exists
the manufacture of edible and biodegradable food packaging films and between them. Therefore, it is essential to explore combinations of
coatings in order to reduce total solid waste (Pellá et al., 2020). Edible biopolymers that provide improved functionality as a natural and edible
packaging is a thin layer of edible material that is either formed directly packaging material (Ponce, Roura, & Moreira, 2016). It has become
on the surface of the food (edible coating) or formed separately as a thin increasingly common in the food, pharmaceutical, and biotech in­
film and then wrapped on the surface of the food (edible film). dustries to use polysaccharide-protein mixed systems. They could
Fruits and vegetables with edible film/coatings have a longer shelf demonstrate more desirable functional characteristics than proteins and
life because they reduce oxidative stress, limit oxygen penetration or polysaccharides on their own (Pogaku, Seng, Boonbeng, & Kallu, 2007).
moisture loss (Aguilar-Sánchez et al., 2019), prevent color change, In this context, chitosan, a natural polycationic polysaccharide
minimize mechanical and microbiological damage, reduce shrinkage consisting of (1,4)-linked 2-amino-deoxy-β-D-glucan obtained by the
and weight loss, and restrict the rate of respiration (Kong et al., 2019). It deacetylation of chitin (Tokatlı & Demirdöven, 2020), has attracted
is possible to make edible films or coatings using any of the various types widespread interest in the field of biodegradable edible coating/film
of commonly-used biopolymers. These include polysaccharides (like packaging due to its biocompatibility, non-toxicity, biodegradability,

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Mokaber-Esfahani).
Received 1 January 2022; Received in revised form 13 June 2022; Accepted 5 July 2022
Available online 8 July 2022
0308-8146/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N. Roshandel-hesari et al. Food Chemistry 396 (2022) 133650

film-forming ability, and antimicrobial and antifungal activities (Li & Based on the aforementioned issue, the ultimate objective of this
Zhuang, 2020). The antimicrobial properties of chitosan occur through study was to evaluate the potential of a novel chitosan/casein composite
damage to the structure of cell membranes and walls of microorganisms, film to preserve cherry tomatoes. To the best of our knowledge, the
which causes leakage of components within the cells of microorganisms. synthesis, characterization, and application of chitosan/casein blend
This means that metabolic activity is disrupted and leads to bacterial films with OEO for food preservation have not been studied or published
death (Li & Zhuang, 2020). A semi-permeable film formed by chitosan in the literature. The three main aspects of this study were OEO-enriched
can alter the internal environment, reduce transpiration loss, delay fruit chitosan/casein composite films characterization, antimicrobial activ­
and vegetable ripening (Tokatlı & Demirdöven, 2020), enhance the ity, and fruit preservation, which were all carried out separately. The
appearance of fruit and vegetables by preventing the growth of micro­ optimal chitosan/casein ratio was found by analyzing the mechanical
organisms, reduce changes in firmness, decrease weight loss, and extend and physicochemical properties of films. OEO has been added to the
the shelf life of food (Shao, Tu, Tu, & Tu, 2012). Numerous studies have films in order to improve their mechanical, physicochemical, and anti­
investigated the application of chitosan as an edible film coating, with microbial activity. The mechanical, physicochemical, structural prop­
promising results for a variety of fruits and vegetables, including sweet erties, antioxidant, antibacterial, and antifungal activities of the
cherries, strawberries, mangos, pomegranates, pear, fresh cut broccoli, composite films were evaluated. Finally, the ability of OEO-enriched
and rose apple, which have all been effectively coated with chitosan as chitosan/casein edible coatings to maintain the quality of cherry to­
an edible film coating (Tokatlı & Demirdöven, 2020). matoes was investigated in a 32-day storage study at 4 ◦ C.
Moreover, edible films based on casein as a protein are appealing for
use in the food industry due to their high nutritional value, water sol­ 2. Materials and methods
ubility, and emulsification capacity (Picchio et al., 2018). Casein films
provide an effective barrier to oxygen and other nonpolar molecules due 2.1. Materials and reagents
to the even distribution of polar amino acids throughout the protein
chain. This property makes it an excellent choice for the protection of Cherry tomatoes harvested from greenhouses in the vicinity of
products that are susceptible to oxidation (Chevalier, Assezat, Pro­ Gonbad Kavous were purchased at the city’s central market. The leaves
chazka, & Oulahal, 2018). With the addition of glycerol, casein-based of three-year-old Origanum vulgare L. plant were collected in Amanabad
films have good tensile strength and a moderate degree of elasticity village, which is located in the center of Iran’s Markazi province (DMS:
under normal conditions (Kurek, Galus, & Debeaufort, 2014). 34◦ 01′ 00′′ N, 49◦ 54′ 51′′ E; height; 1710 m). Medium molecular
Since casein peptides have a negative surface charge, they can weight chitosan (Sigma-Aldrich, 75%–85% deacetylation), casein
interact with chitosan molecules with the opposite charges and create a (Quelab), glycerol (Merck), distilled water, acetic acid (99–100%
three-dimensional network. Previous studies have also revealed glacial), magnesium nitrate (Merck), DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhy­
enhanced mechanical characteristics (tensile and impact strengths) and drazyl, Merck), sodium hydroxide (Merck), and for antibacterial activity
decreased equilibrium moisture content in chitosan/casein composite tests: Mueller Hinton Agar culture medium (MHA), The bacterial cul­
films compared to either chitosan or casein alone. This is because of the tures were grown on Mueller Hinton agar (Wasegh Sample Company,
strong electrostatic forces that are formed when the two macromole­ Gorgan. Iran), Escherichia coli (1399 ATCC 25922), Staphylococcus aureus
cules form a polyelectrolytic complex (Moreira, Pereda, Marcovich, & (1113 ATCC 9144) were prepared by the Iran Scientific and Industrial
Roura, 2011). Research Center. The Botrytis cinerea strain (IBRC-M No. 30162)
However, due to the fact that chitosan and casein are both water- deposited in the Iranian Biological Resource Center (IBRC) was cultured
soluble biopolymers, their high hydrophilicity and high water vapor on potato dextrose agar (PDA) and incubated at 25 ◦ C for 7 days.
permeability (WVP) significantly restrict the application of chitosan/
casein films in wet environments (Xie et al., 2020. This issue can be 2.2. Preparation of edible films
remedied by incorporating hydrophobic components such as lipids into
chitosan/casein composite film formulations. As a lipid substance, The general method solution casting is used to prepare films. Casein
essential oil (EO) is an excellent candidate for improving the function­ protein solution with a concentration of 2.5% (w/v) was prepared by
ality of chitosan/casein-based films (Wu et al., 2014). Also, essential oils dissolving casein powder (2.5 g) in 100 mL of distilled water after
have been found to be effective natural antimicrobial agents against a continuous stirring for 3 h at room temperature. Glycerol was added as a
wide variety of microorganisms, and their eco-friendliness and biode­ plasticizer with a 0.28 wt ratio of casein and the mixture was stirred
gradability have contributed to their acceptance by the public (Burt, again for 15 min. Chitosan (2 g) was mixed in an aqueous solution of
2004). The addition of this active ingredient to edible films help in the acetic acid (%1 v/v, 100 mL) and stirred vigorously (1000 rpm) for 24 h
inhibition of bacterial and fungal growth (Aguilar-Sánchez et al., 2019). at room temperature until the completion of the solvation. Glycerol was
Origanum vulgare L. is a herbaceous plant in the Lamiaceae family. added with a weight ratio of 0.28 polysaccharides and stirred at 30 ◦ C
Origanum vulgare L. essential oil (OEO) is one of the most common for 15 min. The chitosan/casein (CZ) film solution was prepared by
essential oils for various therapeutic applications due to its antimicro­ mixing two solutions in different ratios (v/v) (Scheme 1) (Pereda, Ara­
bial and antioxidant activities. Some of the most bioactive compounds nguren, & Marcovich, 2008).
found in OEO are carvacrol, thymol, γ-terpinene, and p-cymene. The To determine the best ratio of chitosan/casein (CZ) in films, 9 solu­
antioxidant and antibacterial capabilities of phenolic compounds in tions of 1 mL:6mL (C1Z6), 1 mL:4mL (C1Z4), 1 mL:3mL (C1Z3), 1 mL:2mL
OEO, such as carvacrol and thymol, can effectively enhance the shelf life (C1Z2), 1 mL:1mL (C1Z1), 6 mL:1mL (C6Z1), 4 mL:1mL (C4Z1), 3 mL:1mL
of food, making it an option to enrich food packaging (Yoncheva et al., (C3Z1), and 2 mL:1mL (C2Z1) were prepared. The final solutions were
2021). heated and stirred at 30 ◦ C for 60 min to obtain a uniform blend. The
The cherry tomato is one of the most popular vegetables in the So­ solution was degassed under a vacuum for 10 min to remove air bubbles
lanum genus. Despite being low in calories, it is rich in vitamin C, (Pereda et al., 2008). After performing physicochemical tests, the C1Z3
lycopene, and beta-carotene, and its chemical composition also contains film was determined as the best edible film.
vitamin E, carotenoids, chlorophyll, organic acids, flavonoids, and Thereupon, Tween 80 was added at 0.2% v/v OEO as an emulsifier to
phenols (Asensio, Sanvicente, Mallor, & Menal-puey, 2019). However, help the dispersion of the essential oil and stirred for 30 min. The OEO
cherry tomatoes, like other seasonal fruits, ripen quickly due to tran­ was added to the C1Z3 edible film solution at three different concen­
spiration and respiration, so they are rapidly decomposed by microor­ trations: 0.5% v/v (C1Z3O0.5), 1% v/v (C1Z3O1), and 1.5% v/v
ganisms (Wu, Lu, & Wang, 2016). Therefore, it is necessary to provide (C1Z3O1.5). The mixture was stirred at room temperature for 30 min,
effective and practical solutions to extend its shelf life. then 10 min under vacuum degasser. 20 mL of edible film solution was

N. Roshandel-hesari et al. Food Chemistry 396 (2022) 133650

Distilled Acetic acid Distilled water Acetic acid

water solution solution

Casein Chitosan Casein Chitosan

Glycerol Glycerol, Tween-80 OEO

Continuous Continuous
stirring stirring

Casting Casting

Drying, Detaching Drying, Detaching

Edible film Edible film

Scheme 1. Schematic of edible films preparations, A: C1Z3, B: C1Z3O.

cast in each 10 cm petri dish and dried at room temperature for 72 h (addition of weight as a function of time) were calculated and reported
(Scheme 1). Peeled off dry edible films and stored in a desiccator con­ by linear regression. The water vapor permeability (g mm/m2d kPa) was
taining saturated magnesium nitrate Mg(NO3)2 solution at 50 ± 2% calculated by Eq. (1).
relative humidity for 24 h prior to analysis. (Hosseini, Rezaei, Zandi, &
WVP = WVTR/Δp (1)
Faramandghavi, 2016).
Where WVTR is the transfer rate of water vapor (g/Cm2d), defined as the
2.3. Isolation of the essential oil slope (g/d) divided by the transfer area (Cm2). X (mm) is the thickness of
the film. Δp (kPa) is the difference in partial water–vapor pressure
To prepare the essential oil of Origanum vulgare L, the aerial parts of across the film, calculated as Δp = p(RH2 − RH1) = 2.37 kPa, where p is
the crop were collected in June 2020 from Amanabad village in the the saturation vapor pressure of water at 25 ◦ C. RH2 and RH1 the relative
central part of the Markazi province of Iran. The plant was identified by humidity in the saturated desiccator and dry desiccator were 75% and
herbarium number GKU/NO.803895 and was kept in the herbarium of 0%, respectively. Analyses were conducted in triplicate.
Gonbad Kavous University, Iran. The plant was washed with water and
dried in the shadows for 7 days. 100 g of the chopped plant in water
2.6. Moisture content (MC)
(1200 mL) was subjected to water distillation for 4 h using a clevenger
device. Yellow oils with a yield of 2% were stored under nitrogen at­
Square samples (2 cm × 2 cm) from each film were cut and weighed.
mosphere at a cold temperature (4 ◦ C) (Shokri, Parastouei, Taghdir, &
They were then placed in a drying oven (OMH 180, Heraterm, Germany)
Abbaszadeh, 2020).
at 105 ◦ C for 24 h. Their dried weights were obtained. The moisture
content (MC) of the film samples was calculated according to Eq. (2).
2.4. Film thickness Analyses were conducted in triplicate.

The thickness of the films was measured by the electronic digital %MC = 100 × (Wi − Wd )/Wi (2)
caliper (Scala, 111-B, Mexico City, Mexico) with a sensitivity of 0.01
Where Wi (g) is the initial weight, and Wd (g) is the dry weight of the
mm. Measurements were performed at five different locations in the
sample, and then the average value for each film was calculated. Ana­
lyses were conducted in triplicate.
2.7. Water solubility (WS)
2.5. Water vapor permeability (WVP)
The prepared films were dried in the oven at 105 ◦ C for 24 h to obtain
The WVP was measured according to the ASTM E96/E96M standard their initial dry weight. The samples were then soaked in water for 24 h
method with some modifications according to the Gheribi method at room temperature. The film samples were dried again under the same
(2018). Edible films were placed in glass vials (with an average diameter conditions to obtain their final dry weight. The water solubility of the
of 2.5 cm and a height of 7.5 cm) containing about 15 g of silica gel (to film samples was calculated according to Eq. (3). Analyses were con­
adjust for approximately 10 mm distance between the sample and the ducted in triplicate.
silica gel). The glass vials, well-sealed, were kept at an adjusted tem­ Water solubility = 100 × (W1 − W2 )/W1 (3)
perature and humidity at 25 ◦ C and 75%RH. The transmitted water­
–vapor was defined by the weight addition of the cell, and slopes Where W1 is the initial dry weight (g), and W2 is the final dry weight (g).

N. Roshandel-hesari et al. Food Chemistry 396 (2022) 133650

2.8. Opacity part of the NIST Mass Spectral Search Program, was used to identify and
quantify the main peaks of this GC–MS spectrum.
The opacity of the sample was determined by a UV–Vis spectro­
photometer (libera s 22, Shimadzu, Kyoto, Japan) with a wavelength of 2.11. Antioxidant activity
600 nm. The opacity of the films was obtained by Eq. (4) (Marvdashti,
Koocheki, & Yavarmanesh, 2017). Analyses were conducted in The antioxidant activity of edible films enriched with OEO was
triplicate. determined using the DPPH free radical scavenging method. The end of
the reaction is marked by the purple discoloration of the DPPH free
Opacity = Abs600 /L (4)
radicals to the yellow color of hydrazine. 200 μL of each edible film
Where Abs600 was the value of absorbance at 600 nm and L was the film solution was added to 1 mL of methanol, which was then added to 2 mL
thickness (mm). of a DPPH (0.1 mM) methanolic solution. Each solution was kept in the
dark for a half-hour, and the absorbance was recorded at 517 nm. DPPH
radical cation scavenging was expressed according to Eq. (7) (Shokri
2.9. Mechanical properties et al., 2020). Analyses were conducted in triplicate.

According to Wu (2014), Tensile strength (TS) and elongation at A blank-A sample

DPPH Scavenging (%) = × 100 (7)
break (EAB) were evaluated by using a texture analyzer (Zwick 25 kN, A blank
Germany) according to D882-97 (ASTM, 1999) with some Where Ablank is the absorbance of blank, Asample is the absorbance of
edible film.
Three rectangular strips measuring 20 mm × 60 mm were cut from
each film to determine their mechanical properties. The average thick­
2.12. In-vitro antibacterial activity of the films
ness of each film strip was used to estimate the cross-sectional area of the
sample. The initial distance of the grips and head speed were adjusted to
The antibacterial activity of the films was determined by the disk
30 mm and 1 mm/s, respectively. TS (MPa) was calculated by Eq. (5).
diffusion method on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria.
TS(MPa) = Fmax /A (5) In brief, 100 μL of each bacterial suspension (106 CFU/mL) were spread
on MHA (Müller-Hinton Agar) plates. 10 mm diameter discs were cut
Where Fmax is the maximum load (N) that is required to pull the sample from each film, placed on the agar plates, and incubated for 24 h (37 ±
apart, A = cross-section area (square meters) of the sample. EAB was 1 ◦ C). Finally, the diameters of the zone of inhibition (ZOI) were
calculated by the following equation. measured by a digital caliper. Analyses were conducted in triplicate
(Khedri et al., 2021).
EAB(%) = M/L0 × 100 (6)

Where M = edible film elongation (mm), L0 = primary grip length (mm) 2.13. Coating of the cherry tomatoes
of edible films.
Cherry tomatoes were washed with distilled water for 5 min and left
to dry. Three groups of fruits were placed in plastic boxes (13 cm × 11
2.10. Structural properties cm × 3 cm). Two cherry tomato groups were coated separately with
C1Z3 and C1Z3O1.5 film solutions for 3 min. In this study, uncoated
2.10.1. Attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transforms infrared (ATR- cherry tomatoes were considered the control group. All treated and
FTIR) spectroscopy control cherry tomatoes were air-dried at room temperature for 30 min
The Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra of the films were before being stored at 4 ± 1 ◦ C and 45% RH for 32 days. The images of
investigated with a Bruker FT-IR spectrophotometer (Nicolet iS 10 Mid, the coated and control cherry tomatoes were taken from 0 to 32 days.
United States) equipped with a vertical ATR trough plate crystal cell Each treatment consisted of three replicates of nine fruits each.
(ZnSe). All of the FT-IR spectra were taken with a resolution of 4 cm− 1 in
the range from 4000 to 400 cm− 1. They were then compared to a 2.13.1. Shrinkage
background spectrum taken from a clean empty cell at room The dimensions of cherry tomatoes were measured in two directions
temperature. of small and large diameters by an electronic digital caliper (Scala, 111-
B, Mexico City, Mexico) at different time intervals, and the shrinkage
2.10.2. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) percentage was obtained (Shakouri, Ziaolhagh, Sharifi-rad, Heydari-
The cross-sectional and surface morphologies of the films were majd, Tajali, Nezarat, & Da Silva, 2015). The percentage of fruit
observed with a scanning electron microscope (F16502, Phenom, shrinkage was expressed by Eq. (8).
Eindhoven, Netherlands). The cross-sections of the samples were
exposed by fracturing the films in liquid nitrogen and sprayed with a Shrinkage (%) = 100 × (M0 − M1 )/M0 (8)
thin layer of gold and observed at 10 kV.
Where M0 is the geometric mean of the fruit dimensions at the initial
2.10.3. Gas chromatography–mass spectroscopy (GC–MS) test, and M1 is the geometric mean of the fruit dimensions at each time.
According to Ph. Eur. 9th edition, the analysis was carried out.
KONIK HRGC 5000C, Barcelona, spain, used an MS detector system 2.13.2. Weight loss
(running at 70 eV, 200 ◦ C for the ion source and 250 ◦ C for the interface The weight loss (WL) of cherry tomatoes was calculated by Eq. (9).
temperature) to perform the GC–MS analysis of diluted (1:10) OEO at an Weight loss = 100 × (M0 − M)/M0 (9)
injector temperature of 240 ◦ C. HP-5MS 5% phenylmethylsiloxane
capillary column (30 m × 0.25 mm, film thickness 0.25 µm) was used as M0 was the primary mass of cherry tomatoes at day 0 and M was the
a capillary column. Helium was employed as a carrier gas, flowing at a mass of cherry tomatoes after storage time.
rate of 1.0 mL/min. KonikKrom Plus was used to collect the data. Data
were imported in the NIST Mass Spectral Search Program (Version 2.0 g) 2.13.3. Titratable acidity (TA)
and were compared to those in the NIST/EPA/NIH Mass Spectral The cherry tomatoes were peeled off and minced to obtain a uniform
Database library (NIST 11). At long last, the Genesis algorithm, which is mixture. 5 g of crushed fruits were mixed with 50 mL of distilled water

N. Roshandel-hesari et al. Food Chemistry 396 (2022) 133650

on a magnetic stirrer at 700 rpm for 30 min. 20 mL of supernatant was solubility range was found for films ranging in composition from C1Z6 to
titrated with NaOH (0.01 N) until pH 8.1. Titratable acidity was reported C6Z1. The solubility of edible films with the various ratios of chitosan
as the percentage of citric acid. and casein showed a significant difference (p < 0.05). Low water solu­
bility indicates that the film does not degrade quickly and could be used
2.14. Statistical analysis as a suitable packaging, so the coated food is not easily damaged
(Marvdashti et al., 2017). High solubility makes the edible film easily
Data was analyzed using SPSS 23 for Windows (Chicago, Illinois, dissolve in water.
USA). In this study, all detection data was carried out in replicates (≥3) Increasing the thickness of the edible films can be due to the
and is reported as mean ± standard deviation. Statistical evaluations increased amount of dry matter in the films. The thickness of the films
were performed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and followed increased with increasing amount of casein or chitosan in the film
by Duncan’s multiple tests. The overall significant differences were structure. The thickness of the casein-rich films from C1Z2 to C1Z6 was
considered p-value < 0.05. 0.056, 0.0633, 0.0667, 0.0753, and 0.0787 mm, respectively. The C2Z1,
C3Z1, C4Z1, and C6Z1 samples with more chitosan content were 0.0793,
Methods of analysis of in-vitro antifungal effects of the films, 0.0967, 0.103, and 0.113 mm thick, respectively. Chitosan’s hydrophilic
microbiological analysis, and antifungal effect of coatings on nature allows more water molecules to be incorporated into the film
B. cinerea on cherry tomatoes are available in the Supplementary matrix. This causes the film’s moisture content, solubility, and even
Material file. thickness to increase at higher ratios of chitosan. As a result, samples
with higher chitosan ratios have higher thickness and moisture content.
3. Results and discussion The opacity of the samples increased significantly with increasing the
amount of chitosan and casein. C6Z1, C4Z1, and C1Z6 had higher opacity
3.1. Ratio selection of chitosan/casein/OEO than others (p < 0.05) (Table S1).
Considering the parameters of WVP, WVTR, EAB, TS and opacity the
In this study, various ratios of CZ solutions (C1Z6, C1Z4, C1Z3, C1Z2, C1Z3 was selected as the best edible film. After determining the C1Z3 as
C1Z1, C6Z1, C4Z1, C3Z1, and C2Z1) were prepared to make edible films the best ratio, four different edible films with varying values of OEO
and tested to determine the best edible film. Based on the physico­ were made. C1Z3O0.5, C1Z3O1, and C1Z3O1.5 contained 0.5%, 1.0%, and
chemical properties, the C1Z3 ratio had the best result. The results are 1.5% essential oil, respectively. In the following, the physicochemical
present in Tables S1 and S2. The use of plasticizers such as glycerol leads properties, structural properties, antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti­
to an increase in the elongation at break and flexibility of the edible fungal activity of the OEO-enriched edible films were investigated.
films. Plasticizers increase polymer chain mobility by decreasing inter­
molecular forces, so it improves film flexibility. They also cause an in­ 3.2. Physical properties
crease in elongation at break and reduces the tensile strength of the films
(Kurek et al., 2014). 3.2.1. Film thickness
The tensile strength of the casein-rich edible films was lower (from The thickness of the edible films containing various concentrations of
13.426 MPa to 1.832 MPa) than that of the chitosan-rich ones (18.227 OEO is shown in Table S3. It is well known that the thickness of the films
MPa to 25.320 MPa), but their elongation at break was higher (from is related to the total dry mass in the film-forming solution. Increasing
14.24 to 21.86 %) than that of the chitosan-rich ones (from 12.66 to 9.5 the concentration of OEO as an active ingredient in edible films caused a
%). The moisture content of the casein-rich films was lower than others. significant increase in thickness. By increasing the OEO concentration
The moisture content of edible films produced in this study showed that from 0 to 1.5%, the film thickness varied from 0.065 to 0.095 mm. The
it ranged from 9.56 to 29.45%. The more hydrophilic nature and func­ sample thickness clearly increased with a significant difference (p <
tional groups of chitosan would increase the moisture content and water 0.05). This result is similar to chitosan edible films containing 0 to 5%
solubility of the films. Furthermore, the moisture content results may be OEO that increased from 49.7 to 173.2 µm and also gelatin-chitosan
related to the less dense lattice as indicated by the low tensile strength of films incorporated with 0 to 4% OEO that raised from 27.04 to 29.63
the films. Casein-rich films had more flexible chains and a less dense µm (Wu et al., 2014).
lattice than chitosan-rich films. The tensile strength of the casein-rich
film was lower than chitosan-rich content film. Thus, they had low 3.2.2. Opacity
moisture content. The loose structure of the films with higher casein C1Z3 edible film with different concentration levels of OEO was more
volume ratios has lower water retention capacity due to their low tensile opaque than edible film without OEO (Table S1). The opacity of the
strength (Cao, Yang, & Song, 2018). Because of this, water molecules films containing 0.5 to 1.5% of OEO was 0.917 to 1.31 nm/mm. The
were quickly and easily removed from these films during the preparation opacity of the samples increased significantly after adding essential oil
of the edible film and evaporated. (p < 0.05) (Supplementary Material Fig. S1). The increase in opacity
In this work, the C1Z3 and C1Z2 have good water vapor transfer rates with the addition of EO may be due to EO globules in the film matrix
(WVTR), water vapor permeability (WVP), and the best physical prop­ (Hosseini, Rezaei, Zandi, & Farahmandghavi, 2015). Increased opacity
erties (tensile strength). WVTR, and WVP were significantly different in in EO-containing films prevents light from passing through the film and
these two samples (p < 0.05). The C1Z3 had the lowest WVP, WVTR, protects the food inside. Similar to our work, the opacity of edible films
water solubility, and acceptable tensile strength, by 0.242 × 10− 4 (g. increased from 1.6 to 2.14 (nm/mm) for gelatin–chitosan films by
mm/Cm2.h.KPa), 0.85 × 10− 3 (g/Cm2.h), 41.33% and 13.247(MPa), addition of OEO (0%, 0.4%, 0.8%, 1.2% w/v) (Hosseini et al., 2015) and
respectively. The C1Z6 and C1Z4 had the lowest WVP, and WVTR, but also an increase opacity observed for Burdock Root Inulin/Chitosan
their mechanical strength (TS) was lower than the C1Z3 and C1Z2. As blend edible films containing 1%, 1.5% and 2% oregano and thyme
shown in Table S2, a uniform and significant change in WVP is observed. essential Oils (3.28–4.7(nm/mm)) (Cao et al., 2018).
The permeability was increased in the treatments C1Z6 to C6Z1 by 0.165
to 0.572 ( × 10− 4) respectively. Chitosan poly­ 3.2.3. Mechanical properties of the films
saccharide is a hydrophilic polymer with low water resistance. There­ The effect of OEO concentration on mechanical properties of C1Z3
fore, reducing the WVTR and preventing WVP can be attributed to a films containing OEO such as percentage of elongation at break (EAB)
decrease in chitosan content or an increase in casein content (Cao et al., and tensile strength (TS) is reported in Table S3. By increasing the OEO
2018). Likewise, films with higher casein ratios showed lower water concentration from 0 to 1.5%, the TS and EAB of biodegradable films
solubility and MC than chitosan-rich films. A 39.17% to a 56.67% water changed from 13.237 to 10.213 MPa and from 14.55% to 24.46%,

N. Roshandel-hesari et al. Food Chemistry 396 (2022) 133650

respectively. As tensile strength is required to be greater than 3.5 MPa, differences in the values of water solubility and moisture content (p <
the mechanical strength of the films was acceptable. Significant differ­ 0.05). Low solubility indicates that edible film does not degrade quickly
ences were observed in TS and EAB values (p < 0.05). The inclusion of and can be used as a suitable packaging so the coated food is not easily
essential oils such as OEO in polysaccharides or protein-based edible damaged. High solubility makes the edible film easily dissolve in water
films could increase the flexibility of the edible film by interfering with and reduces its ability to hold water. The water solubility and moisture
polymer chain interactions and reducing polymer interactions. (Wu content of edible films containing 0 to 1.5% of OEO were from 41.36 to
et al., 2014). 31.79% and 14.18 to 10.95%, respectively.
The TS and EAB outcomes are comparable to gelatin–chitosan In this test, the C1Z3O1.5 had the lowest water solubility and moisture
biodegradable biocomposite films containing varying quantities of OEO, content. The incorporation of OEO in the chitosan/casein film decreased
whose values changed from 44.35 to 18.49 MPa and from 33.97 to 41.25 the water solubility and moisture content of the films. The increased
%, respectively (Hosseini et al., 2015). Burdock root inulin/chitosan hydrophobicity of edible films was attributed to terpenoid and phenolic
blend edible films containing 1, 1.5, and 2 % OT essential oils changed compounds of the essential oil. Burdock root inulin/chitosan blend
from 26.85 to 17.08 MPa and from 19.98 to 25.42 % in TS and EAB, edible films have similar water solubility and moisture content results.
respectively (Cao et al., 2018) These results confirm that the application The water solubility and moisture content of edible films containing 1,
of essential oils such as OEO can increase the flexibility of the edible 1.5, and 2% OT essential oils ranged from 35.15 to 32.41 % and 17.38 to
film. 12.23 %, respectively (Cao et al., 2018).

3.2.4. Water vapor permeability (WVP)

One of the most important functions of edible films is water vapor 3.3. Structural properties
permeability. The film should reduce the water exchange between the
edible product and the environment. Food quality degrades and spoils 3.3.1. FT-IR analysis
faster due to the transfer of mass and moisture between the food and the The FT-IR spectra of the film samples were merged in Fig. 1. Chito­
environment (Gheribi et al., 2018). Utilization of a film with hydro­ san/casein edible films showed designated peaks at 3288 cm− 1 related
phobic components such as oils, fats, waxes, emulsifiers, and essential to the OH stretching vibration of the hydroxyl group in the carbohy­
oils could be applied to increase the separation of food moisture from the drate. This peak is also demonstrated in the edible films containing OEO.
environment (Hosseini et al., 2015). The WVP and WVTR of the chito­ The absorption peak at 2924 cm− 1 corresponds to the asymmetric
san/casein edible films containing various concentrations of OEO are stretching vibration of aliphatic CH from casein and OEO. The absorp­
shown in Table 1. tion peak of about 1650 cm− 1 corresponded to the stretching vibration
The WVP and WVTR of edible films decreased from 0.241 × 10− 4 to of amide carbonyl in the casein structure. The peak of about 1410 cm− 1
0.187 × 10− 4 ( and 0.884 × 10− 3 to 0.469 × 10− 3 (g/ corresponds to the OH bending vibration of the hydroxyl group in the
Cm2.h) with the increase in concentration of the EO from 0 to 1.5% chitosan and OEO structures. The absorption peak of about 1030 cm− 1 is
respectively (p < 0.05). Due to the hydrophobic compounds of OEO, related to the stretching vibration of the C–O–C bond in chitosan. The
such as monoterpenes, the hydrophobicity of OEO-enriched edible films stretching vibration of the NH and NH2 bonds of casein protein in the D
is increased. Increasing the hydrophobicity of the edible film reduces was also observed at 3400 and 3550 cm− 1.
water absorption (Wu et al., 2014).
Furthermore, the transfer of water vapor occurs through the hydro­ 3.3.2. FE-SEM analyses
philic part of the edible film network and depends on the hydrophobic/ Surface and cross-section SEM images of C1Z3 edible films and C1Z3
hydrophilic ratio of the film components. Similar behavior were also edible films incorporated with OEO were illustrated in Fig. 2. The C1Z3
observed for WVP of gelatin-chitosan films incorporated with 0 to 4% of edible film without OEO had a homogeneous surface and showed a
OEO (11.66 × 10− 11 to 9.58 × 10− 11 g/m.Pa.s) and in burdock root smooth and compact cross-section. OEO microdroplets increase with
inulin/chitosan blend films containing OT essential oils decreased from increasing of concentration in the film and its effect could be seen on the
3.74 × 10− 9 to 3.15 × 10− 9 g/m.Pa.s (Wu et al., 2014, Cao et al., 2018). FE-SEM surface and cross-section images.
Accordingly, a hydrophobic phase in a small proportion, limits water The presence of microdroplets in the FE-SEM images is due to the
vapor permeability and water vapor transmission rate in edible films difference in the fat-like structure of OEO compared to chitosan and
(Tongnuanchan, Benjakul, & Prodpran, 2012). casein molecules. This difference in the properties of the film compo­
nents causes a discontinuous system. Changes in the hydrophobic
3.2.5. Water solubility and moisture content properties of OEO constituents relative to chitosan and casein cause
The effects of OEO concentration on moisture content and water changes in the microstructure of the edible film, as well as a reduction in
solubility of films are reported in Table 1. The results showed significant WVP and TS of the films containing OEO compared to the C1Z3. The EO
microdroplets can reduce water transfer through the edible film matrix
(Wu et al., 2014).
Table 1
Physical properties of the C1Z3O edible films. 3.3.3. Volatile compounds in oregano essential oil
C1Z3O Edible MC (%) WS (%) WVP × 10− 4 (g. WVTR × 10− 3 A Clevenger apparatus was used to distill OEO with a yield of 2%.
films mm/Cm2.h.KPa) (g/Cm2.h) Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) was used to identify
C1Z3 14.18 ± 41.36 ± 0.241 ± 0.008c 0.884 ± 0.012d the essential oil’s chemical constituents. The relative concentrations of
0.098a 0.28d the main compounds in the oil were determined after calculating the
C1Z3O0.5 13.81 ± 37.80 ± 0.222 ± 0.007c 0.667 ± 0.059c area under the curve using the Genesis algorithm in the NIST program
0.16b 0.61c
(Table S4). The major components of OEO was carvacrol, γ-terpinene
C1Z3O1 12.58 ± 34.14 ± 0.203 ± 0.016b 0.565 ± 0.042b
0.13c 0.023b and o-cymene by 57.8, 13.5 and 5.8% respectively. Yoncheva et al.
C1Z3O1.5 10.95 ± 31.79 ± 0.187 ± 0.009a 0.469 ± 0.035a (2021) found that o-cymene/m-cymene, carvacrol, terpinolene, and
0.12d 0.080a γ-terpinene accounted for 39.44, 29.80, 20.82, and 4.05% of their OEO,
MC: Moisture Content; WS: Water Solubility; WVP: Water Vapor permeability; which is in line with our findings. Variation in EOs compounds is
and WVTR stands for Water Vapor Transmission Rate. influenced by a number of variables, including plant species, harvesting
Means in the same column with different letters are significantly different (p < seasons, and geographical origins. These results are in accordance to
0.05). Data (n = 3) reported as mean values ± SD. those previously published (Radünz et al., 2021).

N. Roshandel-hesari et al. Food Chemistry 396 (2022) 133650

Fig. 1. FT-IR spectroscopy of C1Z3 (A), C1Z3O0.5 (B), C1Z3O1 (C), and C1Z3O1.5 (D) edible films.

Fig. 2. FE-SEM images of surface and cross-section of C1Z3 (A), C1Z3O0.5 (B), C1Z3O1 (C), and C1Z3O1.5 (D) edible films.

3.4. Antioxidant activity 17.32% to 70.40%. DPPH radical scavenging of the chitosan/casein
edible film was only 17.32%, and for the C1Z3O0.5, C1Z3O1, and C1Z3O1.5
The antioxidant activity of the edible films was evaluated based on films, it clearly increased by 38.03, 50.98, and 70.40%, respectively (p
2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity and is < 0.05). OEO-treated quince seed mucilage films showed comparable
shown in Table S5. The range of DPPH radical scavenging ability was antioxidant activity, as demonstrated by Jouki, Yazdi, Mortazavi, &

N. Roshandel-hesari et al. Food Chemistry 396 (2022) 133650

Koocheki, 2014. The DPPH radical scavenging activity of quince seed

Samples Control C1Z3 C1Z3O1.5
mucilage films was 18.39 %. Higher activity was observed in films
containing 0, 1, 1.5, and 2% OEO by 45%, 56%, and 61%, respectively.
The antioxidant activity of the films showed a growing trend by
increasing the OEO content loaded in the chitosan/casein films. The Day 0
higher antioxidant activity of essential oil-enriched film is due to the
phenolic compounds and terpenoids such as carvacrol and thymol in the
OEO (Yoncheva et al. (2021). The results showed that the edible films
containing OEO acted as stronger donors of hydrogen atoms, electrons, Day 4
and reduced the purple DPPH• radical to yellow DPPH-H. The antioxi­
dant activity of the films was illustrated in (Fig. S2).

Day 8
3.5. In-vitro antibacterial activity of the films

The antibacterial activity of chitosan/casein edible films containing

various concentrations of OEO was tested against Staphylococcus aureus
Day 12
and Escherichia coli as a gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria.
(Table 2 and Fig. S3). Chitosan/casein film did not show antibacterial
activity; however, all chitosan/casein edible films containing OEO
showed suitable antibacterial activities against both the E. coli and
Day 16
Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Inhibition zones with diameters of 14.7,
22.0, and 22.5 mm were observed on E. coli for edible films with 0.5%,
1%, and 1.5% OEO, respectively. Furthermore, inhibition zones with
diameters of 13.9, 17.1, and 19.3 mm were observed on Staphylococcus
Day 20
aureus for edible films with 0.5%, 1%, and 1.5% OEO, respectively (p <
0.05). However, the positive control tetracycline antibiotics show inhi­
bition zones of 18.5 and 14.7 mm on E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus
bacteria, respectively. The results show that the edible films with 1%
Day 24
and 1.5% OEO had more potent antibacterial activity than tetracycline.
Antibacterial activity against E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria is
mainly ascribed to thymol and carvacrol, which could disturb the bac­
terial cell membrane (Langeveld, Veldhuizen, & Burt, 2014). Cell walls
Day 28
of Gram-negative bacteria are surrounded by an exterior lipopolysac­
charide membrane. Due to the hydrophobic qualities of essential oils,
which allow them to permeate the lipid membrane of bacterial cells,
OEO-containing films displayed increased antibacterial effectiveness in
preventing the growth of gram-negative bacteria. This feature disrupts Day 32
the structure of the bacterial membrane and eventually leads to leakage
of the contents out of the bacterial cell. It has been reported that the
number of phenolic components in an essential oil increases its anti­ Fig. 3. The visual appearance of edible coated (C1Z3, C1Z3O1.5) and uncoated
bacterial activity (Burt, 2004). cherry tomatoes (control group) during storage at 4 ◦ C (0–32 days).

3.6. Coating of the cherry tomatoes mold-free and smooth. After 8 days of storage, shrinkage was observed
in control fruits. The C1Z3 and C1Z3O1.5 coated cherry tomatoes seemed
In this part of study, the use of C1Z3 and C1Z3O1.5 as edible coatings identical for the first 12 days.
to increase the shelf-life of cherry tomatoes was investigated. The results During the fruit storage period, uncovered cherry tomatoes showed
showed that C1Z3 and C1Z3O1.5 coatings were able to delay changes in the most shrinkage, weight loss, and mold growth. At the end of storage,
titratable acidity (TA), shrinkage percentage, and weight loss compared cherry tomatoes with the C1Z3O1.5 coating showed the least shrinkage
to control group (uncovered cherry tomatoes) during storage at 4 ◦ C (p and weight loss. Therefore, the C1Z3O1.5 layer maintained the quality
< 0.05). and firmness of the cherry tomatoes for 32 days. In contrast, the
In general, titratable acidity (TA), weight loss, shrinkage percentage, apparent quality of the fruits of the C1Z3 coating group was acceptable
and fruit appearance photographs were performed every 4 days in three for up to 20 days of refrigerated storage.
replications. Fig. 3 shows the appearance of cherry tomatoes stored at 4◦
C for 32 days. From the beginning, the skin of the cherry tomato was 3.6.1. Titratable acidity (TA)
Ascorbic acid and citric acid make up the majority of the cherry to­
Table 2 mato fruit’s titratable acidity Barreto et al., 2016(. The acidity of control
Antibacterial activity of C1Z3O edible films. group, cherry tomatoes covered with C1Z3, and C1Z3O1.5 decreased from
0.34%, 0.35% and 0.35% to 0.09%, 0.12% and 0.15%, respectively,
Edible film Escherichia coli (mm) Staphylococcus aureus (mm)
after 32 days of storage. Increased storage time considerably decreased
C1Z3 0 ± 0a 0 ± 0a the titratable acidity of uncovered cherry tomatoes. There was a sig­
C1Z3O0.5 14.7 ± 0.051b 13.9 ± 0.11b
C1Z3O1 22 ± 0.040c 17.1 ± 0.092c
nificant difference between group treatments in the tests on the same
C1Z3O1.5 22.5 ± 0.039d 19.3 ± 0.050d days (p < 0.05) (Table S6, Fig. 4). Metabolic biochemical activities such
Antibiotic (Tetracycline) 18.5 ± 0.070e 14.7 ± 0.049e as ATP synthesis can be carried out using organic acid breakdown.
Means in the same column with different letters are significantly different (p < Higher titratable acidity is consistent with a decrease in the metabolism
0.05). Data (n = 3) reported are mean values ± SD. of organic acids (Barreto et al., 2016). A similar result has been reported

N. Roshandel-hesari et al. Food Chemistry 396 (2022) 133650

Fig. 4. Weight loss (A), Shrinkage (B), and titratable acidity (C) of edible coated (C1Z3, C1Z3O1.5) and uncoated (control) cherry tomato fruits in 32 days.

for other chitosan/essential oil edible films in cherry tomatoes and to­ properties, the best ratio of chitosan and casein (C1Z3) was determined
matoes (Dovale-Rosabal, Casariego, Forbes-Hernandez, & Garcia, to prepare the base or the film. Then, based on physicochemical prop­
2015). erties, antibacterial, antioxidant, and antifungal activity tests, it was
determined that 1.5% of essential oil had the greatest effect on the films.
3.6.2. Weight loss and shrinkage OEO-enriched films showed strong inhibitory activity against Escher­
Weight loss is an important parameter for the consumer and could be ichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, as well as significantly increased
directly related to reduced fruit quality and fungal infections (Pobiga, DPPH radical scavenging activity. Films containing essential oils and
Przybyl, Zubernik, & Gniewosz, 2020). Shrinkage is the deformation of somewhat non-essential oils also showed good antifungal activity
food volumes such as fruits or vegetables during storage. Evaporation against the growth of B. cinerea. Along with antioxidant, antibacterial,
and transpiration significantly lower the water content of fruit. Due to and antifungal activities, other properties of edible films were also
the transfer of moisture of natural pores and respiration, fruits and studied. These included mechanical properties (tensile strength (TS) and
vegetables can shrink and lose weight. Hydrophobic essential oils, on the elongation at break (EAB)), physicochemical properties (film thickness,
other hand, help improve the semi-permeable membrane coating’s opacity, water solubility, moisture content, and water vapor perme­
characteristics by preventing water from passing through, which re­ ability), and structural properties (FTIR, SEM, GC–MS).
duces sample weight loss and shrinkage (Perdones, Sanchez-Gonzalez, Study of coatings with and without essential oil on cherry tomatoes
Chiralt, & Vargas, 2012). The weight loss of coated and uncoated and storage at 4 ◦ C confirmed the bioactive properties of OEO to
cherry tomato fruits at different times is shown in Table S6 and Fig. 4. maintain fruit quality. The coatings were able to delay changes in
Weight loss during the storage time increased for all cherry tomato fruits titratable acidity (TA), shrinkage percentage, and weight loss compared
(p < 0.05). However, C1Z3 and C1Z3O1.5 coated fruits showed less weight to control fruits during storage. The shelf life of the cherry tomatoes at a
loss than the uncoated fruits. In this study, at the end of storage (32 cold temperature was increased to 32 days. In the end, we can say that
days), the weight loss in control group was 42.78%, but the C1Z3 and chitosan-casein-OEO edible films can be used in the food industry as an
C1Z3O1.5 coatings were 29.18% and 17.88%, respectively. There was a effective biodegradable packaging material for long-term fruit storage.
significant difference between the group treatments on the same day test
(p < 0.05). At the end of storage time, the uncoated cherry tomatoes CRediT authorship contribution statement
showed the highest shrinkage, 66.84%, while the C1Z3, C1Z3O1.5 coat­
ings exhibited lower shrinkage, 45.1% and 31.12%, respectively Narjes Roshandel-hesari: Formal analysis, Investigation, Method­
(Table S6 and Fig. 4). Similar results for peach gum polysaccharides as ology, Software, Visualization. Majid Mokaber-Esfahani: Conceptual­
an edible coating to prevent cherry tomato weight loss have been ization, Supervision, Writing – review & editing. Akram Taleghani:
observed (Pobiga et al., 2020). Formal analysis, Software, Investigation. Reza Akbari: Validation.

Result and discussion of in-vitro antifungal effects of the films, Declaration of Competing Interest
microbiological analysis, and antifungal effect of coatings on
B. cinerea on cherry tomatoes are available in the Supplementary The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
Material file. interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the work reported in this paper.
4. Conclusion
Data availability
In this study, due to the high antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti­
fungal properties of OEO, it was used as a bioactive agent in combina­ The authors do not have permission to share data.
tion with chitosan and casein to produce efficient, biodegradable edible
films to increase food shelf life. Due to mechanical and physical

N. Roshandel-hesari et al. Food Chemistry 396 (2022) 133650

Acknowledgement Langeveld, W. T., Veldhuizen, E. J., & Burt, S. A. (2014). Synergy between essential oil
components and antibiotics: a review. Journal of Critical reviews in microbiology, 40,
76-94. 10.3109/1040841X.2013.763219.
The authors thank Gonbad Kavous University for the financial and Li, J., & Zhuang, S. (2020). Antibacterial activity of chitosan and its derivatives and their
facilitation support of this work. interaction mechanism with bacteria: Current state and perspectives. Journal of
European Polymer, 138, 1–12.
Marvdashti, L. M., Koocheki, A., & Yavarmanesh, M. (2017). Alyssum homolocarpum
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mechanical, thermal and barrier properties. Journal of Carbohydrate Polymers, 155,
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