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Anywhere St.

5th Annual

November 18th , 2022
Rambu Solo - Sending the Dead to the After-life

More of a tradition than a 'festival' per se, Rambu Solo is followed by the Toraja people from south Sulawesi in Indonesia's highlands. It is a funeral ceremony intended to send off the spirits of the dead to the after-world.
Nyepi - The Day of Silence in Bali

This festival commemorates the Balinese New Year.

Baliem Valley Festival - Mock-War Amongst the Papua Tribes
Baliem Valley Festival in Indonesia

This Indonesian festival is unique to the people of Papua, a set of islands in Indonesia's eastern province. It involves the staging of a mock-war as it is believed that
war is a symbol of prosperity and fertility.
Pasola - Jousting Festival of the Sumba People

It is a jousting festival in which participants ride horseback without saddles and attack each other with wooden-spears called hola. In fact, the word 'pasola' is derived from the word 'hola'.

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