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Before the 1953 EEG congress in Boston a com- preferable to a number of smaller ones. This enables
mittee was set up by the Council of the Federation the use of first class equipment, is more economic,
" t o review standard examination procedures in a provides diversified experience and training facilities,
number of the leading laboratories throughout the and allows the employment of one or more qualified
world, and to collect opinions with the object of clinical neuro-physiologists. Such a laboratory should
formulating a generally accepted guide to EEG tech- operate as a unit under the direction of an independent
nique which would form a basic standard for training, clinical neuro-physiologist. Interpretative reports
and for work, in the various laboratories of the should not be made by technicians. The pressure of
world' '. The report of this committee was not publish- numbers of examinations should never be allowed to
ed because its members felt that insufficient time detract from an adequate standard of recording.
had been available to arrive at satisfactory con- 2. Adequate clinical information, including the
clusions. reasons for referral, should always be provided by
In accordance with the statutes of the Federation the referring physician. When inadequate, supple-
its President therefore nominated a Convener to call mentary data should be obtained by a competent
together a new Committee. The following, several person in the laboratory before the examination. This
of whom had been members of the 1953 committee, is especially important in epileptic cases; details of
accepted the invitation to serve: the pattern of the seizure are essential for planning
W. Cobb, London, Gt. Britain. (Chairman) the examination technique to be used and the clinical
C. Ajmone-Marsan, Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A. interpretation of the record. Access to the clinical
H. Gastaut, Marseille, France. notes is desirable. Equally, clinical observations made
R. Hess, Jr., Zurich, Switzerland. during the examination should be reported to the re-
R. Jung, Freiburg, Germany. ferring physician.
J. R. Knott, Iowa City, U.S.A. 3. The whole record should be stored for as long
O. Magnus, Wassenaar, Netherlands. (Secretary) as possible, at least for 5 years.
K. Fetsche, Vienna, Austria. B. Preparation of the patient
R. Schwab, Boston, Mass., U.S.A.
H. Terzian, Padova, Italy. 4. Medication should not be stopped as a routine,
L. Widen, Stockholm, Sweden. but only after consideration of the particular case.
This Committee met several times during the 5. De-greasing is generally the only necessary
period from July 17th-20th 1957, in " D e Pieters- preparation of the scalp.
b e r g " , Oosterbeek, The Netherlands, and agreed on C. Apparatus
the Recommendations included in this report. They
are based in part on the unpublished report of the 6. Number of channels. Eight channels is con-
previous Committee, which contained data collected sidered to be the minimum and sufficient number for
by questionnaire from a great number of laboratories routine clinical purposes. More channels are desirable
all over the world. for polygraphic recording and detailed studies.
I t is f a r from the intention of the Committee to 7. Paper speed. Basic paper speeds should be 3
attempt to impose a set of Rules, and the term Re- and 1.5 cm/sec. P a p e r speed should be varied by
commendations is chosen advisedly; at the same time, multiple and submultiple steps as signal characteristics
and unavoidably, the sense of these l~ecommendations demand. For special purposes a very slow paper speed
varies considerably; some express no more than an may be desirable.
arbitrary preference for one of a number of alter- 8. Sensitivity (amplification). The basic ampli-
natives of possibly equal merit, others are little more fication should be 10 ~V/mm. Changes should be made
than a summary of current practise, while still others R ,
in steps of ~/~ as signal characteristics require. Every
outline essential principles of good recording tech- record should contain a calibration at the standard
nique. Behind all of them, however, lies the idea of gain at the beginning and also calibrations at all
facilitating the interchange of information, either gains, time constants and filters which have been
by means of the original record or an illustration. used. Amplification should be indicated in ~V/mm.
I f these Recommendations are followed a more or at the beginning of each montage and at each change
less Standard Record will result which will be as of gain.
easily understood elsewhere as in the laboratory of
its origin. This in no way restricts the right, or 9. Tithe constant. At least a part of each montage
diminishes the need, to use additional, non-standard, should be recorded with a time constant of not less
techniques, nor does adherence to these Recommenda- than 0.3 sec.
tions in any way reduce the need for proper training. 10. High frequency response. So far as possible
a part of each montage should be recorded at the
RECOMMENDATIONS full high frequency response of the apparatus.
A. General 11. Inter-electrode resistance should be checked.
1. A large central laboratory which serves all 12. A routine common EEG input check is desir-
the departments of a hospital or several hospitals is able.
[ 370 ]

D. Electrodes mended for a first examination. A large number of

13. Silver pad electrodes held by a cap are quick- channels does not permit significant reduction of
est to apply and easiest to adjust. Electrodes fixed this time.
with collodion are less easily displaced and are prob- 18. All changes in recording parameters and the
ably to be preferred for restless patients~ children state of the patient, as well as stimulations applied,
under the age of 5 years, and examinations of long should be indicated on the record clearly and in under-
duration. ]?or fixation of the stick-on electrodes col- standable symbols (e.g. at each change of gain the
lodion is considered superior to bentonite. Electrodes resulting sensitivity should be recorded in ~V/mm.).
should be regularly checked for noise. 19. The convention that a negative change of
potential at grid I results in an upward pen deflec-
E. t~ecording tion may be extended by speaking of the lead to this
]4. The 10-20 electrode system (see Appendix) grid as ' ~ B l a e k " and indicating it in diagrams by
is preferred. Nineteen-21 electrodes should be used a solid line. Conversely, the lead to grid II, posltivity
for a first examination in all patients over the age of which causes an upward deflection, is spoken of
of 5 years; such a number allows satisfactory separa- as " W h i t e " and drawn as a broken line.
tion of rhythms while not unduly reducing their am-
plitude. The risk of missing a local spike is con-
F. Activation
sidered to be minimal. Additional electrodes may be 20. Each routine examination should include eye
needed for precise localization. opening and closing and a period of hyperventilation
15. Both " b i p o l a r " and " u n i p o l a r " recording of at least 3 minutes. Photic stimulation is a useful
have advantages and should be used in a routine method which can easily be employed routinely. Elec-
examination. Bipolar recording should always include tronic stroboscopes are without danger to the retina,
montages with linked serial pairs in straight antero- which is not true of some other sources.
posterior and transverse lines, preferably with large 21. Sleep, either spontaneous or induced, is of
as well as with small inter-electrode distances. The value, particularly in convulsive disorders in children.
dangers of misinterpretation inherent in the use of 22. Convulsant drugs (Metrazol, Megimide, etc.)
reference electrodes should be constantly kept in mind. are used particularly for localization in cases of
16. On the record, traces from the Right side epilepsy.
should take order preference over those from the Evidently this is not an exclusive list. Several
L e f t and a transverse sequence should read from methods of activation may be used advantageously in
Right to Left. I n antero-posterior recordings the combination. I t is to be noted that considerable
sequence: Right, Right, Right, Right-Left, Left, Left, disagreement still exists as to the specific values of
Left is preferred to alternation. the various activating procedures. I n general the
17. A minimum period of 20 minutes is recom- safest and simplest should be used first.




At the F i r s t International Congress in London Certain principles were laid down as follows:
in 1947 it was recommended that an attempt be made 1. Positions of electrodes should be determined by
to standardize the placement of electrodes on the head measurement from standard landmarks on the skull.
for E E G examinations to facilitate comparison of Measurements should be proportional to skull size and
records taken in different laboratories and to make shape~ insofar as possible.
it possible to have more satisfactory communication
2. Adequate coverage of all parts of the head
of results in the literature. Dr. Jasper was appointed
should be provided with standard designated positions
to study this problem and report recommendations to
even though all would not be used in a given examina-
the Second International Congress in Paris in 1949.
Systems of electrode placements then in current
3. Designations of positions should be in terms of
use were studied, particularly from The National
brain areas (Frontal, Parietal, etc.) rather than only
Hospital, Queen Square, the system used by Dr. F.
in numbers so that communication would become more
Gibbs and his colleagues in Boston and Chicago, the
meaningful to the non-specialist.
system developed by Drs. Schwab and Abbott at the
Massachusett General Hospital in Boston, and the 4. Anatomical studies should be carried out to de-
system then in current use at the Montreal Neuro- termine the cortical areas most likely to be found
logical Institute. I t was found that only minor dif- beneath each of the standard electrode positions in
ferences existed between these several systems of elec- the average subject.
trode placement, though the designations used (num-
bers, letters, etc.) were entirely different. I t was felt, Method of Measurement.
therefore, that it should be possible to design a com- The anterior-posterior measurements are based
promise system, making use of the advantages of the upon the distance between the nasion and the inion
various systems then in use, so that common agree- over the vertex in the mid-line. Five points are then
ment could be reached and an international standard marked along this line, designated Frontal pole ( F p ) ,
formulated. Frontal ( F ) , Central (C), Parietal ( P ) , and Occi-

pital ( O ) . The f i r s t p o i n t ( F p ) is 10 p e r cent of the be 6 cm. between the C and P lines, and 6 cm. between
nasiou-inion distance above the n a s i o n ; the second P and O. The occipital points are then 3 cm. above
p o i n t ( F ) is 20 per cent of this distance back f r o m the inion.
the p o i n t F p , and so on in 20 per cent steps back f o r L a t e r a l m e a s u r e m e n t s are based upon the Central
the Central, Parietal, and Occipital mid-line points coronal plane. The distance is f i r s t m e a s u r e d f r o m
(hence the name 10-20 s y s t e m ) . These divisions are left to r i g h t p r e a u r i c u l a r points (felt as depressions
at the root of the zygoma j u s t a n t e r i o r to the t r a g u s ) .
These points were selected because they seemed easier
to determine with accuracy t h a n the external a u d i t o r y
meati. Be sure the tape is p a s s i n g t h r o u g h the pre-
determined Central point at the vertex when m a k i n g
this measurement. Ten per cent of this distance is
then taken f o r the t e m p o r a l point up f r o m the pre-
auricular point on either side. The Central points are
then m a r k e d 20 per cent of the distance above the
t e m p o r a l points, as shown in f i g u r e 2.
Then A-P line of electrodes over the temporal
lobe, f r o n t a l to occipital, is determined by m e a s u r i n g
NAS 0 the distance between the F p mid line point (as de-
termined above), t h r o u g h the T position of the Central
line, and back to the mid occipital point. The F p
electrode position is then m a r k e d 10 per cent of this
oN distance f r o m the mid-line in f r o n t , and the occipital
electrode position 10 per cent of the distance f r o m the
mid-line in back. The i n f e r i o r F r o n t a l and posterior
temporal positions then fall 20 per cent of the dis-
tance f r o m the F p and O electrodes respectively along
Fig. 1 this line, as shown in f i g u r e 3.
Lateral view of skull to show methods of measurement from
nasion to inion at the mid-line. Fp is frontal pole position,
F is the frontal line of electrodes, C is the central line of
electrodes, P is the parietal line of electrodes and 0 is the
occipital line. Percentages indicated represent proportions of
the measured distance from the naslon to the lnion. Note that
the central line is 50% of this distance. The frontal pole and
occipital electrodes are 10% from the naslon and inlon re-
spectively. Twice this distance, or 20%, separates the other
line of electrodes.
illustrated in f i g u r e 1. I t will be noted t h a t this
places the Central line of electrodes j u s t one h a l f the
distance between nasion and inion.


Fig. 3
Superior view with cross section of skull through the temporal
line of electrodes illustrating the 10/20 system applied in this
Flg. 2 direction as described in the text.
Frontal view of the skull showing the method of measurement
for the central line of electrodes as described in the text. The r e m a i n i n g m i d - F r o n t a l (F3 a n d F 4 ) and mid-
F o r example, i f the nasion-inion distance is 30 cm. P a r i e t a l (P3 and P 4 ) electrodes are then placed
f o r a given p a t i e n t , the F p line will be 3 cm. above the along the F r o n t a l and P a r i e t a l coronal lines re-
nasion, the F line 6 em. back of the F p line (or spectively, equidistant between the mid-line and
9 cm. f r o m the n a s i o n ) , the C line 6 cm. back of the t e m p o r a l line of electrodes on either side, as shown
F line (or 15 cm. f r o m the n a s i o n ) . There will also in f i g u r e 4.

This provides a total of 21 standard electrode Electrodes at the mid-line in Frontal, Central and
positions, including midline electrodes in Frontal, Parietal regions were originally designated Fo, Co
Central and Parietal regions, and the two auricular and Po but this led to some confusion since Po, for
electrodes. Electrode separations are approximately example, might be interpreted as parieto-occipita].
the same for all pairs in the A-P direction. Coronal Consequently the midline positions have been changed
lines of electrodes are also approximately equally to Fz, Cz, and P z (z for zero !). The complete system
spaced, with the exception of the shorter distance be- of placements with designations is shown in figure 4,
tween the auricular and mid-temporal points. Addi- 5, and 6.
tional electrodes may be placed between any of these I n addition to the positions described above pha-
principal standard positions for especially refined ryngeal electrodes are designated P g l or Pg2 for the
localization studies (with numbers provided for these left and right side respectively. Additional electrode
special positions as well, as indicated below). positions over the posterior fossae are also shown, de-
signated Cbl and Cb2 (Cerebellar) for the left and
Designations of Electrode Positions. right sides respectively.
Traditional anatomical terms have been employed
to designate electrode positions over the various lobes Anato~nica~ Studies.
of the brain, with the exception of the Central region A f t e r these electrode positions were agreed upon,
which is, strictly speaking, partly frontal and partly anatomical studies were carried out with the help of
parietal. I t represents the cortex in the vicinity of Dr. Penfield, Dr. McRae and Dr. Caveness to de-
the Central Sulcus, both pre and post-central. I t is termine the cortical areas over which each position
sometimes called the sensori-~notor area. would lie in the average brain. Two methods were
In order to differentiate between homologous employed: (]) metal clips placed along the Central
positions over left and right hemispheres it was and Sylvian fissures at operation were then used to
decided to use even numbers as subscripts for the identify these fissures in X-ray studies of the skull
right hemisphere, and odd numbers for the ]eft after the EEG electrodes had been applied, and (2)
hemisphere. Fp2, F4, F8, C4, P4, T4, T6, and 02 electrode positions were carefully marked in the head
become standard positions on the lateral aspect of the of cadavers, drill holes placed through the skull and
right hemisphere, while Fpl, F3, F7, C3, P3, T3, T5 the cortex marked with India ink in each position
and O1 become standard lateral positions over the before removing the brain for examination. Brains
left hemisphere. These numbers were selected to with gross lesions or local atrophy were excluded.
allow for intermediate positions (e.g. F2, C2, C6, etc.) Although some variability was found, and is to be
for special localization studies. expected, the position of the two principle fissures


",. j


INION ~ ~"--.....__.~...,~ INION

Fig. 4
The lateral view of left and right hemispheres showing all standard electrode positions, omitting intermediate
positions (such as C5 and C6) which are used only for special studies with more closely s p a c e d electrodes.
These drawings were made from a series of X-ray projections wlth true lateral views. The location of
principal fissures was determined by silver clips placed at operation and by other a n a t o m i c a l studies
described in the text. The location of pharyngeal electrodes (Pg 1 and Pg 2) was also obtained from X-ray
studies with these electrodes in place.

~ig. 5
F r o n t a l superior and posterior views showing all the s t a n d a r d electrode positions as described in the text.

@ @ @

@ @ @
@\ / /@


~lg, 6
A single plane projection of the head, showing a l l s t a n d a r d positions a n d the location of the Rolandic and
S y l v l a n fissures. The outer circle was drawn a t the level of the n a s i o n a n d inion. The i n n e r circle
represents the temporal line of electrodes. This d i a g r a m provides a u s e f u l stamp for the i n d i c a t i o n of
electrode placements in r o u t i n e recording.
T H E T E N T W E N T Y E L E C T R O D E SYSTEM: 3'75

should be within plus or minus about 1 cm. of t h a t a subsequent I n t e r n a t i o n a l Congress. I t should help
indicated on the drawings, provided the head measure- to make more comparable the results obtained in
mcnts are carefully made and the brain is free of various laboratories. I t should certainly facilitate the
gross distortion due to expanding or contracting communication between laboratories, in tile literature,
lesions. Due to the obliquity of the Central Fissure and with referring physicians who become familiar
the upper central electrodes will usually lie pre-central with tile localization of E E G abnormalities in terms
while the lower ones will be post-central in most cases. of these s t a n d a r d landmarks.
I t should be pointed out t h a t this is not " t i m
COMMENTS Montreal s y s t e m " or " t i l e J a s p e r s y s t e m " as it has
This electrode system was adopted for trial at tile sometimes been erroneously called. A d i f f e r e n t method
meeting of the General Assembly of the I n t e r n a t i o n a l of Iueasurement was used in the ~ o n t r e a l Laboratories
Federation in :Paris, 1949. Since then it has been prior to 1949 when it was changed to conform to the
adopted by several laboratories and has been con- I n t e r n a t i o n a l S t a n d a r d recommendation.
sidered fairly satisfactory. I t was not intended t h a t Respectfully submitted,
this system should prevent trials of other electrode
placements, possibly with the view of its revision at ~ERBERT H. J.~SPI~JR, 5I.D.

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