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Brain Topography, Volume 3, Number 3, 1991 381

EEG Laterality in the Era of Structural Brain Imaging

Michael S. Myslobodsky*, Richard Coppola, and Daniel R. Weinberger

Summary: Bilateral EEG recording is a common practice when brain laterality needs to be assessed in cognitive neurophysiology and psychiatry
research. Its precision and validity remain uncertain. With structural brain imaging methods, it is possible to examine EEG electrode placements
according to the 10-20 system and the validity of inferences made on derived data. Frequent sources of placement errors are examined along with
important factors that contribute to EEG imbalance. Examples are mentioned where asymmetries of EEG/ERP caused by cranial and parenchymal
brain asymmetries may be mistaken for cognition-related laterality changes. Because external skull landmarks are not reliable predictors of cranial
and parenchymal brain asymmetries, laterality assessment cannot be guaranteed by the 10-20 system. Consequently, a return, on a case-to-case basis,
to nonstandard montages, assisted by structural brain imaging is seen as an acceptable alternative.

Keywords: EEG laterality; MRI; The 10-20 system; Alpha rhythm.

Introduction if the system of electrode placements in homotopic sites

were unimpeachable. None of these conditions is ful-
A decade ago the source of EEG (ERP) asymmetries filled with the International 10-20 system (Jasper 1958) so
was thought to be well understood. Clinical and research that inferences made about the state of the two bilaterally
neurophysiologists were lulled into complacency by the compared areas are not justified. This suspicion not-
knowledge that the results obtained by manipulation of withstanding, EEG laterality research leaped further for-
the cognitive state, a n d / o r by drug administration could ward with commercial availability for computerized
often be made to agree with the general predictions of EEG mapping (e.g., Duffy et al. 1979) that has made these
laterality theories. Consequently, asymmetries of EEG methods popular.
and ERP seen in the resting state and during cognitive Structural brain imaging now makes it possible to
effort were commonly regarded as a sign of cerebral examine the accuracy of these maps and the cerebral
lateralization or cerebral dominance. Based on this as- accuracy of any system of electrode placement in vivo.
sumption, comparisons of EEG potentials from different For the first time, a systematic study of the nature of
areas have gained in popularity, and they currently ap- specific relationships between the cranial and cephalic
pear to be a popular tool of cognitive neurophysiology, anatomy and the electrical activity of the brain, with the
psychophysiology and research psychiatry, dealing with aim of determining such relationships, appear within
normal and aberrant brain laterality. reach. Elsewhere, we and other groups have dealt with
Such an approach would be appropriate if potentials the issues caused by the inaccuracy of the dominant
derived from the scalp reflected the activity of the brain system of electrode placement, the International 10-20
spot immediately underneath, and if the anatomy of the system (Coppola et al. 1987; Homan et al. 1987, 1988;
two hemispheres is genuinely identical and/or, at least, Myslobodsky and Bar-Ziv 1987; Myslobodsky et al. 1990;
Steinmetz et al. 1989). In the present summary, we con-
Clinical Brain Disorders Branch, NIMH Neuroscience Center, St. tinue this analysis to show sources of inaccuracy in
Elizabeths, Washington, DC and *Psychobiology Research Unit, laterality research literature using examples of effects of
Department of Psychology, Tel-Aviv University, Ramat-Aviv, Israel. skull inhomogeneity and of parenchymal brain asym-
Acknowledgements: Supported in part by the Ford Foundation metry in plagiocephaly.
grant to MSM. Ms H. von Pragh assisted in running the VEP study; Dr.
J. Glicksohn assisted with statistical processing of the data.
Accepted for publication November 6, 1990
Correspondence and reprint requests should be sent to Dr. Richard Plagiocephaly, A Ubiquitous Cranial
Coppola, NIMH Neuroscience Center, St. Elizabeths, Washington, DC Deformity
20032. Tel: (202) 373-6222.
Copyright © 1991 Human Sciences Press, Inc. An important, even if ambiguous disclaimer of the
10-20 system was that calvarial landmarks could be suf-
382 Myslobodsky, Coppola, and Weinberger

ficiently accurate reference points for locating the desired The s h a p e of the c r a n i u m a n d c o r r e s p o n d i n g
cerebral sites only in individuals with no cranial deform- p a r e n c h y m a l brain a s y m m e t r y in plagiocephaly is
ities (Jasper 1958). This seemed to be a token caution shown in Figure 1. It is clear that cranial slanting would
since cranial deformity was not expected to affect introduce an error in electrode placement, at the very
e v e r y d a y research or clinical practice in the EEG least, causing considerable variation in the interelectrode
laboratory. Jasper's report of 1958 did not even specify distances. In the case of occipital flattening, occipital
what kind or degree of deformity might invalidate the electrodes would be located closer to parietal electrodes
system. The term deformity is typically used to denote homolaterally to the flattened occiput (Myslobodsky et
striking or at the very least noticeable deviation from al. 1989). Since no system of electrode placement re-
normal anatomy. It appears, however, that rather subtle, quires the quantification of plagiocephaly or recom-
normally occurring cranial deformities may conceivably mends that regular circumferential measurements be
compromise laterality EEG data. supplemented with assessments of the symmetry of the
Binnie et al. (1982) were probably the first to draw right and left quadrants of the head - as Binnie et al. (1982)
attention to inaccuracies of the 10-20 system in the have done - plagiocephaly remains virtually unrecog-
presence of inconspicuous lateral skull asymmetries. nized. This is especially regrettable since this cranial
The cranial deformity they examined - without specify- deformity requires consideration of other measurements
ing it - is known as plagiocephaly (from Gr. plagios - that go beyond a simple assessment of the hemicircum-
slant), a deformity along the sagittal suture. Occipital ference. These inter alia are:
plagiocephaly is characterized by a unilateral occipital (1) Skull inhomogeneity. Skull thickness is known to
flattening, often with compensatory bulging of the ip- differ between the sides (Lang 1983). It is expected then
silateral frontal region and prominence of the ipsilateral that resistance (and therefore current flow) in the
ear (Bjork and Bjork 1964; Simpson and David 1986). electrode-scalp interface will contribute an error unless
According to Simpson and David (1986) plagiocephaly is skull variables are used as a standard procedure to nor-
encountered in 10% of the population. However, it must malize experimental EEG/ERP values. The skull and
be more ubiquitous to have been detected in the EEG scalp are known to 'smear' EEG potentials, making the
laboratory just by bilaterally comparing the length of the sources appear deeper in the head than they actually are
frontal and occipital quadrants, as Binnie et al. (1982) (Geisler and Gerstein 1961; Nunez 1981). Given that
have done. The latter study obtained right-left quadrant calvarial bones are known to increase in width with
asymmetries of 10% or more in 70% of placements. advancing years (LeMay 1984) one may expect a more
Homan et al. (1987,1988) reported such an asymmetry in generalized distribution of EEG/ERP in the elderly. For
50% of placements. Examining CT images one can easily example, hyperostosis along with cortical atrophy that
confirm that mild slant deformity is present virtually in are frequently seen among subjects in the middle to older
almost 50% of normal individuals (Myslobodsky et al. groups (Dilhmann 1981) would notably contribute to the
1987). smearing effect and generalized potentials by moving the
The underlying brain configuration associated with generators away from the recording electrode. Since the
occipital plagiocephaly in most right-handers can be delayed ERP components may involve current sources
described as a counterclockwise torque with the left oc- over relatively widespread areas of the cortex, the finding
ciput extending laterally and backward and the wider of an unusually generalized ERP in dementia should not
right frontal lobe, often protruding forward (Daniel et al. be attributed to cognitive changes with advancing years
1990). This is the pattern of cranial asymmetry typical for until brain and skull anatomy is scrutinized.
the majority of right-handed subjects (Chui and Damasio (2) The basal angle may be another measure to be taken
1980; Geschwind and Levitsky 1968; LeMay 1977; into consideration in as much as brain parenchyma is
LeMay and Kido 1978). In left handers, especially molded by factors affecting the development of the cranial
females with components of left-handedness, a reversed basis (Moss 1958, 1959). It is an inferior angle created by
type of asymmetry is seen (see Myslobodsky and Wein- two lines: the line from the middle of the sella turcica to
berger 1987 for review). Such skull deformity, apart from the nasion, and the line from the latter point to the basion
interfering with accurate electrode placements, may also (the anterior point of the foramen magnum). The size of
introduce a problem w h e n the source derivation method the basal angle ranges from 121 degrees to 152 degrees.
or Laplacian operator (Hjorth 1975) is applied. The latter Values of less than 120 degrees indicate a 'kyphotic' base.
method assumes that the electrodes spaced for comput- Skulls with an angle greater than 152 degrees are said to
ing the local current density are equidistant and at right have platybasia (Shapiro and Janzen 1960). The kyphotic
angles to each other. This assumption is often violated base may be associated with upward motion of the oc-
due to the asymmetry of the cranial vault bones in the cipital bone (Moss 1958). With an obtuse basal angle
frontal and the sagittal planes. complicated by plagiocephaly, the homolateral occipital
CT/MRI-assistedElectroencephalography 383

Figure 1. CT and MR images of skull with a slant deformity (plagiocephaly), A: fop view of the 3D skull image produced
with Elscint 2400. The calvarial vault is 'removed' fo show that the long axes of the temporal bone pyramids are not
orthogonal to the nasion-inion line. Arrows denote aluminum bars attached to the skull. They emphasize the degree of
its obliquity. B: view from the bottom demonstrates the deformity of skull basis. Mastoids' perimeter (M] and M2) was
thresholded to show the asymmetry of their size. C, D: T]-weighted 7 mm MR images (Gyrex 5000, 0.5T) illustrating
parenchymal asymmetries associated with plagiocephaly, The pyramidal bones (seen as triangularly shaped void) are
of different size indicating that the right pyramidal ridge is slightly above the left one in the horizontal plane. Small circular
hyperintensities at the preauricular points and at T3, T4 sites (arrows in C,D) are lipid markers (capsules) affixed to the scalp.
They permit notice that electrodes at T3 would not be coplanar with MR images (C) and that consistent with a slant
deformity along the sagiftal line the right marker is imaged in front of the left one (D).

electrode will be positioned somewhat lower with regard lobodsky and Bar-Ziv 1989) may be associated with the
to the occipital pole thereby contributing to reduced EEG fact that individuals with frontipetal, mesopetal and oc-
potential values at occiput a n d / o r to the enhanced cipitopetal heads were not distinguished in that sample.
parieto-occipital differences of the signal. They are encountered with about equal frequency in the
(3) Head shape was long categorized as either frontipe- normal population (Minkin 1925). In the study by Mys-
tal, mesopetal, or occipitopetal (Minkin 1925). In fron- lobodsky and Bar-Ziv (1989), the occipital lobe distance
tipetal subjects the occipital pole is high up and the from the inion was assessed using lateral radiographs.
cerebellum is shifted frontally. In contrast, in skulls of Such an approach is acceptable assuming that both oc-
the occipitopetal shape the occipital pole lies lower in cipital lobes are on the same horizontal plane. However,
relation to the Frankfurt horizontal plane. Unusually this may be a risky assumption. In plagiocephaly, the
high variance in the distance of the occipital lobe from frontipetal and occipitopetal hemisphere configurations
the internal inion (endion) reported elsewhere (Mys- may coexist in the same skull. The possibility of such
384 Myslobodsky,Coppola, and Weinberger


Figure 2. A: Tl-weighted coronal MR image (Gyrex 5000, 0.5 T) through the caudal portion of the temporal lobes, roughly
corresponding to the central line in the 10-20 system. Note that the right lateral sulcus runs steeper in the caudal temporal
lobe and is imaged above its left counterpart. B: Noninteractively thresholded MR images of several 5 mm cuts through
the temporal lobes are stacked to show the variation of the lateral sulcus level in the coronal plane.

cranial deformity in a normal sample adds to the neces- (5) Neural packing density. Ingraham et al. (1986; 1991)
sity that EEG studies be paralleled by structural brain n o t e d that larger brain size was associated with
imaging. decreased CT density in frontal white, frontal gray, and
(4) Sulcal variance. The necessity to take into account corona radiata. A similar finding was also reported by
the contribution of variation in sulca! patterns seems Pearlson et al. (1989). Given asymmetry of brain size in
intuitively obvious. The symmetry of EEG potentials plagiocephaly, it would be interesting to explore whether
depends significantly upon dipole orientation. In a the difference in the "neural packing density' could con-
regular bilateral EEG comparison one cannot recognize tribute to imbalanced spread of activity and neuronal
asymmetries contributed by either radial or tangential synchronization within the cortex due to the operation of
dipole variations because the depth of sulci and the sulcal nonsynaptic, i.e., direct or ephaptic influences from one
pattern are much too variable (e.g., Connolly 1950) to cell to another. Such a process may not play a significant
afford accurate EEG analysis without an individual role in the normal propagation of activity, but might be
anatomical map. ! t should be recalled that the anatomi- relevant in pathological conditions, facilitating synaptic
cal substantiation of the 10-20 system has been worked transmission and synchronization in abnormally active
out predominantly for the major sulci. Jasper (1958) cells in the subliminal fringe. Alternatively, a narrowing
alluded to the precision of placement within +1 cm from of extracellular spaces could augment the efficacy of
such landmarks as the Central and Sylvian fissures. It is ephaptic interaction between neurons, with larger areas
doubtful that this magnitude of error is acceptable for of membranes intimately opposed to each other due to
bilateral EEG analysis of the retroinsular cortex (Habib et changes in the extracellular ionic environment (e.g., K+
aE 1984; Geschwind and Lewitsky 1968). Figure 2 shows accumulation during activity). Ephaptic transmission is
a coronal MR image through the temporal lobe to typically discussed in relation to mechanisms of epilep-
demonstrate that the lateral ends of the lateral sulcus togenesis, especially in immature neural tissue (Jasper
appear on different levels. Given that in the majority of 1969; Purpura 1969; Schwartzcroin 1984). However, it
cases (79%) the right lateral sulcus is located superior to could conceivably operate in cases of psychopathology
its counterpart on the left (Habib et al. 1984), there is a with occasions of epileptiform EEG potentials (e.g.,
possibility that electrodes located along the coronal line schizophrenia).
will record from dissimilar dipoles. Thus, T4 will appear (6) The irregularity of skull sutures, too, may distort
under the sulcus when T3 will be precisely opposite to potentials because the current tends to follow a lower
its lateral end or even slightly above it. Information on resistance path (Nunez 1981). Plain skull X-rays show
sulcal variance might apparently become imperative in that individuals with plagiocephaly have narrowing or
individuals with increased sulcal depth and width, such complete obliteration of sutures unilaterally. The asym-
as encountered among the elderly and psychotic patients metry of sutural closure is so frequent that it is of value
with brain a~ophies (e.~., Weinberger et al. 1980). in establishing prevalence of benign plagiocephaly
CT/MRI-assistedElectroencephalography 385

retrospectively on a dry skull (Kreiborg and Bjork 1981; is known to be the evoked counterpart of the alpha
Zivanovic 1983). There is often a shift of the posterior rhythm (Lansing and Barlow 1972), covaries in a
part of the sagittal suture to the affected side (Kreiborg predicatble w a y with skull thickness and parenchymal
and Bjork 1981). Total coronal and parieto-occipital brain asymmetry (Myslobodsky et al. 1989a, b). A
a s y m m e t r y in s u t u r e closure w a s encountered by preliminary study aimed at distinguishing between the
Zivanovic (1983) in skulls of European origin in 66.8 % relative contribution of these factors is presented below.
(n=147) of males and in 80.9% (n=72) of females. It is not The sensory alpha afterdischarge (AD) of VEP was
clear whether there is any systematic bias in laterality of collected in ten subjects, in three successive sessions
sutural closure. If it occurs, a significant scalp current, separated by one to three weeks. Examining AD data
due to generators that are rather far from the recording session-by-session we noted a well-recognized tendency
point on one side, may be expected (Kaznelson and of AD amplitude to increase with repeated trials. There
Nunez 1981). According to Rush and Driscoll (1968), the was a trend, however, toward a more pronounced incre-
current density at the scalp relative to the cortex imme- m e n t of AD at O1, so that a small a l p h a AD
diately underneath a suture may be three times that for a predominance at 0 2 seen in the first session disappeared
nonsutured bone. It is conceivable that with a detailed in the third session (Figure 3). A two-way Analysis of
EEG laterality analysis, notably in infancy, a conduc- Variance conducted on the data (recording sites x ses-
tivity imbalance may cause a detectable EEG symmetry. sion) confirmed a significant interaction between record-
(7) Asymmetries of the mastoid prominence were men- ing sites a n d s e s s i o n s [F(2,16)=8,22; p < 0.01,
tioned elsewhere (Myslobodsky and Bar-Ziv 1989; Mys- Greenhouse-Geisser corrected]. Consequently, a rever-
lobodsky et al. 1989; Tulasne and Tessier 1981). Mastoids sal of alpha balance was expected to occur in the third
often differ in size a n d / o r pneumaticity. The more session. This course is shown clearly in Figure 3a where
pneumatic mastoid would be less conductive compared the AD voltage is documented to increase at O1 in the
to its more 'sclerotic' counterpart. Connecting the two third session. Figure 3b demonstrates that this effect was
bony masses to create a joined mastoid reference may contributed by eight of the ten subjects. In eight of them
conceivably create significant current flow between them AD asymmetry was altered toward greater negative
which will act at reducing actual laterality values (Nunez values in the third session. We compared AD values with
1981, 1988). thickness of the occipital bone at O1 and 0 2 for each
A more subtle source of laterality errors may be in an recording session separately. Figure 4 depicts significant
intrinsic imbalance of the sternomastoid muscles in cases session differences in regression trends. Thus, an inverse
of plagiocephaly which is often evidenced by asymmetric association between alpha AD and bone thickness, statis-
mastoids. Therefore, every time a subject is asked to tically significant in the first session (r= -.65, p<0.04)
focus on a centrally located target, the imbalanced tensile approached zero value (r=-.05, ns) in the third (Figure 3a).
forces may impose right-left EEG asymmetries. Kreiborg Hence, although in keeping with Leisnner et al. (1970)
et al. (1985) observed marked asymmetry in activity of and our earlier report (Myslobodsky et al. 1989), alpha
the sternomastoid muscles on the two sides in a patient AD was reduced homolaterally to thicker occipital bone,
with plagiocephaly. The muscle on the affected (flat- that was possible to confirm only for the first session.
tened) side exhibited about twice the activity of the left. This suggests that the weight of the bone factor may differ
When the head was directed homolaterally to the flatten- depending upon alpha amplitude.
ing, the EMG appeared to be symmetrical. Given that An explanation that attempts to deal with this paradox
the s t e r n o m a s t o i d muscle is p r o b a b l y controlled suggests that the impedance of tissue under the record-
homolaterally (Mastaglia et al. 1986) one may expect ing electrodes is not the only factor governing the degree
enhanced reactivity of the hemisphere homolateral to of attenuation of EEG potentials. Given that cortical
the flattened occiput when attention to centrally located generators project activity via volume conduction to dis-
stimuli is imposed. tances away from the recording sites (Abrahams and
Ajmone-Marsan 1958; Jame et al. 1968; Morrell and Mor-
Components of Alpha Asymmetry rell 1965) such distant generators - if recruited in a
synchronous activity - may act as a factor changing the
The foregoing raises a number of questions regarding cortex/scalp attenuation ratio of the EEG from trial to
the validity of EEG techniques. One of these is this: If trial. Cooper et al. (1965) suggested that "the charac-
parenchymal and cranial asymmetries do matter for teristic fluctuations in normal alpha rhythms are probab-
EEG/ERP studies of brain laterality, could the mag- ly due mainly to changes in the area involved in
nitude of error be figured on the basis of structural brain synchronous discharge rather than to variations in local
imaging? In our exploratory studies in the past we amplitude" (page 225). After more rigorous estimates
showed that alpha or alpha afterdischarge of VEP, which years later, Nunez (1981) arrived at a similar conclusion,
386 Myslobodsky, Coppola, and Weinberger


AD,,,,PL,T°,~ ~ V~ 20

~ #1
0 --~ #2
-~- #3

-10 -~- #4
-~- #6

0 -~- #6
-- Session 1 | -20
0 ~,- #Q

~- ~ession 2

01 02 ~-- Session 2 1 2 3 -~- #10



Figure 3. a: Changes of alpha-afterdischarge (AD) amplitude (in uV) a t O1 and 0 2 as a function of three retest sessions
(denoted by numbers) c o n d u c t e d with an interval of one to three weeks in t e n subjest (group average), b: Individual
values of alpha AD asymmetry index [(R)L)/(R+L)*100] as a function of test sessions. Note a trend toward the reversal or
an increase of negative value of the index. In this and the next figure, each point is based on two within-session retests.
The techniques of the study were detailed elsewhere (Myslobodsky et al. 1989).

that w h e n the generators are all in phase and dipoles are by electrical activity, the less the ratio between cortical
aligned in parallel, the time-averaged potential is propor- versus scalp EEG amplitude. The solid angle principle
tional to the total n u m b e r of generators near the implies that the limit of the spatial distribution of alpha
electrode. This hypothesis implies that alpha imbalance would be set by the anatomical size of the area. It is of
may be, inter alia, associated with asymmetries of the interest that this corollary of Cooper's hypothesis was
spatial distribution of EEG potentials. virtually unnoticed by students of brain laterality and
Further, according to the solid angle principle, fleshed consequently has remained unexplored in a search for
out by Gloor (1985), the larger the area of cortex occupied the nature of alpha asymmetries. The problem is that it


20 20 2
• , +


Pearson's r
-10 ~ + _10 J ~ -F * • Pearson's r
-~ -.65
-20 + -~-- -,37
-+- .54
-~- -.05
-30 _ _ I I _ ~ i ~ J* -~-- ,43
-30 ~ I 1 I
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
-30 -20 -10 0 10 20
X & Y indice=: I(r-lJ/(r-I)]xl00 x & Y Indices: Jr-II/(r÷l).tOO

Figure 4. The family of least square lines represent hemisphere asymmetry of alpha-afferdischarge values at O1 and 02
in three sessions (denoted by numbers) plotted against asymmetry indices of (a) occipital bonethickness and (b) occipital
width (an average of AD values of ten subjects). The techniques of the study were detailed elsewhere (Myslobodsky et
al. 1989).
CT/MRI-assistedElectroencephalography 387

was impossible to identify a recognizable anatomical is this process not reflected in the higher and more sig-
border of the alpha-generating area. Also, although nificant dependence u p o n a s y m m e t r y of the hemi-
anatomical asymmetries of the brain hemispheres were spheres in the third session. The answer to this may
already described (for review see Connolly 1950) they require a recollection that although the left temporo-oc-
had to be virtually rediscovered with the advent of struc- cipital diameter is greater than the right in the right
tural brain imaging (e.g., LeMay and Kido, 1978). Today, handed population, this is by and large true when meas-
it is widely recognized that especially pronounced dif- urements are taken close to the occipital poles. The width
ferences in brain width and length can be found in the ratios of the hemispheres differ from one brain segment
occipital area, the putative site of alpha origin. Thus, the to another as one progresses either anteriorly a n d / o r
occipital lobe was found to be more often longer and dorsally, from subventricular to supraventricular cuts
wider on the left side, notably in right-handed males (Myslobodsky et al. 1991). It is possible then that as alpha
(LeMay and Kido 1978). In view of the right-left asym- spreads it may occupy areas of different size thereby
metry of the occipital area mentioned above we com- causing changes of cortex/scalp attenuation ratios on the
pared alpha AD values with the right and left occipital right and left sides.
width derived from the CT. A significant positive cor- The individual analyses of the data is consistent with
relation between AD and width asymmetry was found this explanation. Figure 3b demonstrates individual
(r=.55, p<0.05). Moreover, there was a significant session alpha AD asymmetry indices plotted as a function of
difference in this correlation; small in the first session, the sessions. Two subjects who are absent from the graph
correlation values became stronger in the second and showed an opposite trend, i.e., a predominance of alpha
third sessions. Yet, it was only in the second session that AD at 0 2 with repeated trials; both had a 'reversed'
the r value reached statistical significance (p<0.05). We pattern of occipital width asymmetry (i.e., right occipital
therefore entertain the possibility that the magnitude and width predominance). Further, three subjects had AD
degree of asymmetry of potentials recorded from the two predominance at O1 in the first session with a subsequent
hemispheres are determined by local skull resistance rise of negative index values. It appeared that all of them
when the amplitude and the spatiotemporal synchrony had a thicker right occipital bone that determined the
of these potentials are small as is the case in the first negative asymmetry index in the first session. Sub-
session: increased power of beta activity has long been sequent increment of their alpha AD over the left hemi-
related to high level autonomic arousal and anxiety sphere was consistent with the principle that lateral AD
(Lindsley 1960; Volavka et al. 1967). Given that the imbalance is an increasing function of the degree of
majority of our subjects had somewhat thicker left occipi- asymmetry of the alpha-generating field.
tal bone (median asymmetry index was -3.05), alpha AD To summarize, bilateral EEG potentials may not be-
asymmetry favored the right side. In other words, as have as a simple code since the dependence of the
more activity sweeps around the cortical palisades to laterality index on some cephalic and parenchymal vari-
form equivalent dipoles in the pyramidal neurons - as is ables appeared to change as function of time. As a result,
apparently the case in the second-third sessions - the various cranial and cephalic asymmetries may
attenuation becomes increasingly dependent on the area masquerade as EEG/ERP imbalances that develop due
occupied by alpha. It may be further proposed that with to 'dynamic' (functional) mechanisms.
an increasing active area on one side, the latter's contribu-
tion eventually becomes sufficient to 'outweigh' that per-
taining to skull asymmetry. Given that the median
occipital width asymmetry index was -7.8, the weight of One conclusion that can be drawn from the above is
bone thickness may have become negligible with alpha that techniques of structural brain imaging provide suf-
build up in the second-third sessions. These results and ficiently reliable information to warrant individualized
their interpretations are in satisfactory agreement with a montages that may or may not be derived from the 10-20
computer simulation by Nunez (1989) of the interaction system. The other is that the tendency to increase the size
between skull thickness and the area of active cortex. His of a sample would aid in reducing the between-subject
Figure 5 shows a family of curves, representing changes variance, but help little in controlling the between-hemi-
of three different skull resistivities as a function of dipole sphere within-subject variance. The fact that some com-
layer size. Note that an increase in local resistivity causes mercially available computerized EEG brain mapping
a much larger drop in the ratio of cortical/scalp potential systems advertise 'normative data banks' and encourage
when the dipole area is small. research neurophysiologists to share their data to foster
A question that remains is the one we initially set out the growth of the database, demonstrates the lack of
to answer: If the gradual build up of EEG alpha is as- awareness that these two goals are altogether different.
sociated with the generalization of the rhythm, w h y then The 'bank' could hardly minimize the error margin of the
388 Myslobodsky, Coppola, and Weinberger

brain laterality student or rather it could reduce variance Frontal lobe and bone asymmetries may mirror those of
at a cost of inflating the likelihood of the type II error, i.e., the occipital lobe and the parietal and occipital bones
the error of losing information that may have determined (Lang 1983). Consequently, frontally derived alpha may
the goal of a project. These goals may be better served by be more noticeably affected by changing EEG power -
categorizing (and/or normalizing) the data on the basis being either bone or brain area weighted - than laterality
of individual anatomical variables. measures derived from the more symmetrical, central,
To the best of our knowledge, Leisnner's and Cooper's parietal or temporal leads. In summary, although EEG
findings were not discussed in cognitive neurophysiol- laterality should not be dismissed lightly on account of
ogy. Exciting development in the area of brain duality the fact that its roots reach down into the anatomical
may have mesmerized most of us into a belief that pos- structure of the skull and the brain, the faint asymmetries
sible errors introduced by skull anisotropy can be we measure can be proven to be relevant with full aware-
reduced by comparing a change in potentials occurring ness of all components of EEG laterality. While this may
in the course of retests, after the "baseline" EEG laterality seem to be a costly way of running an EEG study, it is
has been established. However, the foregoing test-retest obviously within the resources of anyone who already
dynamics of alpha AD may serve as a caution of what has regular access to CT/MRI data. If anything, review-
may be the operative difference between the CT/MRI-as- ing structural brain images helps to realize that EEG
sisted EEG and that of regular practice. They suggest that brain laterality does not reside on the surface of our
vagaries of alpha laterality, to a significant extent, repre- electrodes.
sent imbalanced EEG attenuation values at the scalp
consequent to changes of spatial synchrony of neuronal References
A corollary to this suggestion is that EEG changes in Abraham, K. and Ajmone-Marsan, C. Patterns of cortical dis-
the course of any trial that involves habituation - as is the charges and their relation to routine scalp electroen-
cephalography. Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol., 1958,
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