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den Hochalpen (1886), and Der Montblanc (1894); T. W.

needles, a neat plan of forging broken seals, and the giving

measures. A commission of twenty was to be appointed to

the purity and excellence of their style. The best is a

form for which he was remarkable. His successive volumes of

skin of these pigmented animals normally secretes one or more

been handed down. Scholars, guessing from isolated passages

AMAZONAS, the extreme north-western and largest state of

New York and their Right to term an Independent Slate (1779);

the extension of wide geographical surveys on a scientific

and consist of enormous trees and masses of tree-trunks

counties. The dispute, however, was settled by a compromise in

efficiency more completely so. These changes might be

by the river Avon, here famous for its trout. Stonehenge

professional human anatomists are complete masters of all its

liable to smoulder after the gun has been fired, hence

(q.v., B.2) that St Paul pleaded his cause at Caesarea (Acts

sallies, a singular mixture of malice of speech with goodness

and Lara, or of his uncle Ferdinand of Leon, who claimed the

depend, as in the case of all parties to contracts, upon the

town, surrounded by palm, orange and mulberry groves, and by

Christian, who suffered martyrdom when but thirteen during

and so subjected mankind to mortality. Evidently the writer

d'Acre, on the faith of which he surrendered, Abd-el-Kader and

jurisdiction was possessed by the High Court of Admiralty at

3. It consisted essentially in the adoption of Delauny's final

of training a hedge, as well as concerning the planting

Further, the navy pay division examines ships' ledgers, and

in the forms of meat and milk. For this reason these crops

AMANA, a township in Iowa county, Iowa, U.S.A., 19 m.

Different Degrees of Climatal Adaptation in Animals and

not run on as a continuous whole; this may occur either, in

the beginning of the 2nd millennium. After 2000 B.C. all

boats. The streets formerly consisted largely of mud

Braune (1892); the sixteen Geistliche Lieder by C. W. Stromberger

money that had been advanced for his theological studies, and

have to wait long for a theory if we were dependent on what

and an annual stipend of from L. 200 to L. 600. Besides the

Spaxton. A few years after the establishment of the ``Abode

&c., correspondingly greater. The desert regions yield

power of the provincial pashas, began to seek a pretext for

and met with a success almost unexampled in works of its

spiritually alike, in the brilliant personality of Jonathan

Imperiale des Sciences de St Petersbourg. The academy is

times, as is proved by the distribution of Melian obsidian

it joined the Via Postumia from Genua to Cremona. We must,

they belonged to Bokhara; but under the great amir Dost

and in the same year Capt. T. T. Behrens, of the Anglo-German

vol. of Russian ed. of Ritter's Asien (1877); Ledebour,

is the so-called Oratory of Phalaris, a shrine of the 2nd

N. of Rome on the Via Amerina (which approached it from the S.

to become ``hereticized'' by receiving the consolamentum, the

native cattle are an excellent stock on which to graft the

tropical groups of birds, only a few species extending into


1894 4662 30,678 7310 15,699

acid is converted into calcium chloride, and at the same time

One of the most important of these is the gum-resin of Narthex

Nederjoch (Vent to the Schnals Valley), snow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9,899

is next to be well ploughed and harrowed; and about 10 lb. of

1865 General Terry arrived with the land forces, and the armada

century, the practice of exempting religious houses partly or

join the ministry of George Canning in 1827, became a member

as to include those of government postmasters or spies, came

government prepared to repel the expected attack of the "Union"

lawfully vested'' in the lord high admiral of England had always

high reputation he has attained. Before his time the Italian

since 1898 there have been large exports to Europe. In parts

and illumination of lighthouses, and with experiments for

between 50 deg. and 60 deg. F. But the remarkable feature of Afghan

coming as Judge, special lessons are prescribed for the four

solution of chlorophyll, the light seen is a brilliant green

of the vessel, they agreeing to indemnify the owners from all

reference. Jesus used the word to affirm his own utterances,

mountains had been conveyed thither by glaciers. The question

accommodates all the traffic and provides through communication

extend to animals shipped from Ireland into Great Britain,

who has land adjoining a public road or a public navigable

of that task, Samuel Adams was probably the author of most of

perhaps indicates that the Centre of power was always there.

its operations raise a singular point in constitutional law.

prognostications''; John Booker's Bloody Almanac and

was given to geological studies, and when residing for a

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