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Year 9 Sport Academy – Netball

Student Name Teacher Miss Anderson

Assessment Type Practical Assessment Title Skills and Participation
Weighting 25% Mode of Submission In Class
Draft Due Date N/A Final Due Date Term 3, Week 10

Learning Intention:

Students take on the role of active learners by participating in all practical sessions. Students will
continue to develop their netball skills and knowledge of the sport by participating in netball training
sessions and coaching activities.

Success criteria:
Students will show success by contributing in all lessons, showing commitment and dedication.
Students will also show success by

- Applying feedback to improve physical performance in Netball.

- Evaluating and demonstrating and understanding of movement concepts and strategies for
successful outcomes in Netball

Assessment conditions
Students will be marked through observation, individual and/or peer reflection.
AC Descriptor A B C D E

ACPMP099: Student applied Student applied Student applied Student applied some Student applied no
perceptive feedback to informative feedback satisfactory feedback feedback to develop feedback to develop
Provide and apply
develop and refine to develop and refine to develop and refine and refine specialised and refine specialised
feedback to develop
specialised movement specialised movement specialised movement movement skills in a movement skills in a
and refine specialised
skills in a range of skills in a range of skills in a range of range of challenging range of challenging
movement skills in a
challenging movement challenging movement challenging movement movement situations. movement situations.
range of challenging
situations. situations. situations.
movement situations

ACPMP101: In-depth Thorough Sound understanding Some understanding Limited understanding

understanding of understanding of of Netball, evident of Netball, evident of Netball, evident
Develop, implement
Netball, evident Netball, evident through practical through practical through practical
and evaluate
through practical through practical participation and participation and participation and
movement concepts
participation and participation and involvement in involvement in involvement in
and strategies for
involvement in involvement in coaching activities. coaching activities. coaching activities.
successful outcomes
coaching activities. coaching activities.
with or without

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