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Security and Privacy is important because Privacy gives us the power to choose our thoughts

and feelings and who we share them with. Privacy protects our information we do not want
shared publicly such as health or personal finances. Privacy helps protect our physical safety
if our real time location data is private. We need to safeguard personal information such as
financial data, medical records, home address, social security number, phone numbers, and
much more, from being used against us or in a wrong way. Security and privacy is also
important for an organization because it helps reduce the number of data breaches that an
organization can suffer. It helps protect customer's privacy. Data Security and Privacy are
two foundational elements of building trust between the company and the user. Proper data
security can be considered a significant differentiating factor for many consumers, in light of
breaches and violations
Privacy and security of electronic health records.Research question (abstract)Because of easy
accessibility in electronic health records, privacy and confidentiality has becomean important
issue to be considered in the implementation of electronic health record systems. If the
systems developed are to succeed in achieving their intended goals, developments need to be
made to secure data and ensure maximum privacy for users.This research proposal focuses on
answering the following questions; how can patient privacy requirements be addressed? What
is the level of confidentiality and quality of private informationin HER? Is there a better way
for the health professionals to access electronic health records? How secure is the current
system in terms of data storage and unauthorized access?Research objectives Highlight the
current problems concerning data access, security and privacy in EHR. Suggest measures to
be put in place to improve electronic health records in matters concerning privacy, security
and data access. Compare the current measures in place with what is currently in place in
other countries.

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