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Importance STEM Education Curriculum in Pre School

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Importance STEM education Curriculum in Pre School

Article: STEM comes to preschool

Author: Moomaw, S., & Davis, J. A

Published: September 2010

The technological revolution has rendered science, technology, engineering, and

mathematics (STEM) learning more important than before (Moomaw & Davis, 2010). Kids who

acquire STEM ideas throughout their schooling are increasingly capable of meeting

progressively innovation focused career needs. STEM education is vital since it promotes ability

to think critically and fosters an interest in technology. Beyond the advantages of mastering

STEM subjects, STEM supports the problem-solving and inquisitive studying that are essential

for success in a range of activities and professions. The paper will cover children doing better in

class, increasing children's self-confidence, extending opportunities for children, supporting

students in remaining current and being creative, find early role models, and ultimately It shapes

the world and is an expanding field as the importance of STEM education in pre-schools.

Children Cope Better in Class

Children who are exposed to STEM disciplines at a young age are better equipped to deal

with obstacles in non-STEM courses. They improve their problem-solving abilities, as well as

their ability to analyze issues and discover solutions to them (Moomaw & Davis, 2010). Because

of creative technology and innovations, the globe has advanced dramatically. STEM offers an

opportunity for pupils to be imaginative and think beyond the mainstream. Many professions

need sophisticated mathematical and scientific skills. Children will benefit from becoming taught

to math and science at a young era.

Boosts Confidence in Children


STEM program gives children an advantage in whichever job path they choose. STEM

programs often provide children with hands-on experience (Moomaw & Davis, 2010). This

understanding enhances their confidence since they understand they can complete whatever task

has been set to them. Who wouldn't desire 90% of their pupils to flourish in their chosen career

once they complete high school because of their problem-solving abilities.

Extending Opportunities for Children

STEM education, as indicated in the article, is now important not only in the IT industry,

but also in historically non-tech disciplines (Moomaw & Davis, 2010). Greater occupational

flexibility is one of the advantages that a STEM background offers. Students will be able to

access a larger portion of the employment market by honing these talents in academia. Several

employers will even supplement your STEM training with job-specific instruction. Additional

reasons STEM children have more possibilities than the others is because there are still too few

kids seeking these programs.

Aids Pupils in Staying up to Date and being Creative

Technology is constantly evolving and is employed in practically every part of our life.

STEM expertise is becoming increasingly important as businesses evolve with new technology

and business machines and equipment are becoming more tablet computer (Moomaw & Davis,

2010). One of the numerous advantages of STEM education is that it emphasizes the need of

staying current with information and encourages students' creativity. STEM expertise is essential

as businesses evolve with new software, office machines, and machines.

Prepare them for the future

One of the arguments offered for STEM occupations is that, in addition to their projected

growth rates, businesses are willing to pay for people with this expertise (Moomaw & Davis,

2010). In other terms, comparable to other research opportunities, the money and time invested

in a STEM education will have a better return over the long term for the kids.

Find early role models

Preschoolers’ instructors are some of the pupils' first positive examples (Moomaw &

Davis, 2010). As an early childhood educator, they have the chance to set a positive example by

being enthusiastic about science and math. If the students see that their favorite teacher is

engaged in STEM topics, they will develop a greater interest in the curriculum as well.


Moomaw , S., & Davis, J. A. (2010, September). STEM comes to preschool. Retrieved

September 22, 2022.

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