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The City School

PAF Chapter

Prep Section


Class – 6

2nd Term

Worksheets for Intervention Classes


Q1. Complete the timeline.

a. Elamite
b. 900-550BCE
c. 550-331BCE
d. Seleucid
e. 141BCE-224CE
f. Sassanid

Q2. What is Qanat System?


Q3. What was qanat system used for?


Q4. Write down the features of the royal road.


Q5. Read the following statements and identify the ruler.

a. I was a benevolent monarch who worked to improve the lives of my subjects.

b. I followed my father’s rulership and extended his empire from Egypt to the shores of the River
c. I had the history of my battles, victories, and succession inscribed in three languages.

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Q3. Match the terms with their meanings.

Terms Meanings
a. Shahenshah Name for a Persian province
b. Chapar Khaneh Founder of Persian religion
c. Zoroaster Tombs of ancient Persian emperors
d. Behistun Inscription Relay stations on a long journey
e. Karez Persepolis
f. City of the Persians Canals that brought water from sources to cities
g. Satrapy The god of Zoroastrianism
h. Ahura-Mazda History written on a rock face in Darius’ rule
i. Naqsh-e-Rustum Great King, King of Kings
j.Qanat Underground water channels for storing water

Q4. Complete the statements.

a) The founder of the Persian Empire was _______________ the Great who fought against the
_______________ .
b) The __________________________________________________ is written in three scripts.
c) The Royal Road from _______________to_______________ was built by
d) The last king of the Sassanid Empire in Persia was _________________________________ .

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Q1. Explain in a short sentence each of the following Greek influences for our modern world.

a. Democracy:_____________________________________________________________________
b. Mythology:_____________________________________________________________________
c. Architecture:____________________________________________________________________
d. Olympic games: _________________________________________________________________
e. Plays and theatre: _______________________________________________________________
f. Plato:__________________________________________________________________________
g. Aristotle: ______________________________________________________________________
h. Socrates:_______________________________________________________________________
i. Pythogoras:_____________________________________________________________________

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j. Archimedes:____________________________________________________________________

Q2. How was Greece divided for governance?


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Q1. Complete the table showing the origin of the months name in the Gregorian calendar.

EXAMPLE: January: Janus (roman god gates, doorways, beginnings and endings)

1. February: _____________________________________________________________________
2. March: _______________________________________________________________________
3. April: _________________________________________________________________________
4. May:__________________________________________________________________________
5. June:__________________________________________________________________________
6. July:___________________________________________________________________________
7. August:________________________________________________________________________
8. September:_____________________________________________________________________
9. October:_______________________________________________________________________
10. November:_____________________________________________________________________
11. December:_____________________________________________________________________

Q2. Explain the division of the Roman Empire into two wings.


Q3. Match the following

Roman kingdom 509-31BCE

Roman republic 31BCE-1453CE

Roman empire 753-509BCE

Q4. What were the reasons for the decline of the Roman Empire?


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Mark the statements with a tick (√) if correct or a cross (X) if incorrect.

1. Hajjaj bin Yusuf was an uncle of Mohammad bin Qasim.

2. Hajjaj bin Yusuf was a senior officer in the Abbasid Khilafat.

3. Mohammad bin Qasim’s army had soldiers on horseback and camels.

4. Raja Dahir was the ruler of Multan.

5. The conquered regions in Sindh and southern Punjab came under Umayyad

6. Mohammad bin Qasim ruled Sindh for a long time.

7. The people of Sindh were happy when Mohammad bin Qasin went back to

8. An Arab army had been sent in 644 by the Khalifa at Makkah to conquer Sindh
and Balochistan.

9. Raja Dahir was defeated at Debul in Sindh. 10. Mohammad bin Qasim was sent
to Sindh because pirates had attacked a ship going to Arabia.

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Chapter : Turkish Muslims Conquer Northern India
Quiz on the Delhi Sultanate Test your knowledge

1. He was the father of Mahmud of Ghazni: _________________________________________.

2. Mahmud of Ghazni beautified this city: ___________________________________________.

3. The number of times Mahmud of Ghazni invaded India: _____________________________.

4. The great Persian poet who lived at Mahmud’s court: _______________________________.

5. He came with Mahmud of Ghazni to India and wrote about this country: ________________.

6. Name of the book written on the history of Persia: _________________________________.

7. The Arabic word for slave is ____________________________________________________.

8. Mohammad Ghori fought him to conquer Delhi and Agra: ____________________________.

9. The Qutb Minar was built and named after_________________________________________.

10. The Delhi Sultans depended on these men for advice:_______________________________.

11. The fierce Central Asian tribe that invaded India in 1221:____________________________.

12. The daughter of Iltutmush who succeeded him:____________________________________.

13. His tomb is in Anarkali Bazaar in Lahore: _________________________________________.

14. He was successful in keeping the Mongols away from the Sultanate:___________________.

15. The Qutb Minar and Quwwatul Islam Mosque were completed by ____________________.

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Chapter : Afghans and the Sultanate of Delhi

Check your knowledge about the Afghan rulers of India from the 13th to 16th
1. List the names of the Afghan dynasties that ruled India from 1290 to 1526.

Write the years of their rule along with the names.

2. Write the names of prominent rulers of these dynasties, along with the dates of their

3. Which famous traveler came to India in 1333? Write briefly about him and his stay in

4. What event took place in 1398 that strongly affected the Delhi Sultanate?

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Chapter : The Making of Hindu and Regional Kingdoms
The Sultanate breaks up
Fill in and colour the blank map of the subcontinent with boundaries of
Hindu and regional kingdoms that became independent after the Sultanate

Briefly describe (in one sentence each) the new kingdoms that arose after the Delhi


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Chapter: Social and Cultural Developments
How the Sultanate ruled Explain in a short sentence the role of the following in
the Delhi Sultanate:-






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