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VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Ddc quyén va duy nhat tai: TAL LIEU DOC QUYEN DI KEM KHOA HOC VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU & BQ DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO HOC TU BO IDIOMS THUONG GAP (BUOI 2) C6 Vai Thj Mai Phuong Question 1. The new president was determined to to grips with the problem of unemployment among fresh graduates. A. take B. make C. get D. pay Question 2. The pandemic is likely to the makings of the worst health crisis ever. A. pay B. take C have D. cut Question 3. You're taking your life in your by driving recklessly. A. feet B. hands C.eyes D. arms Question 4, The global economy has been hanging by a since the covid-19 pandemic broke out. A. wire B. ribbon C.cord D. thread Question 5. If Sarah pulled her , we would be able to finish the project on time. A. bag B. cart C.weight D. book Question 6. Kathrine entered the interview room, trying to tall A. lay B. sit C. drop D. stand Question 7. Her boyfriend’s a bit of a diamond, but he’s a very nice guy. A. bright B. dry C. rough D. wet Question 8. He name for himself as an accomplished singer in the music industry. Acleft B. made C. gave D. put Question 9. I was worried that my parents wouldn’t like my new boyfriend, but actually they got on like a on fire. A. fence B. feet C. house D. pot Question 10, I don’t know the reason why he always his new classmate up the wrong way. A. brushes B. paints C. rubs D. scratches Question 11, It’s my birthday on Tuesday, but I don’t want to make a thing of it, so don’t tell anyone. A. large B. significant C. important D. big Question 12. We had to pay through the to get our car repaired, but at least it’s working now, A. back B. nose Ceye D. hand Question 13. Jacob out all the stops for his interview; he even sought advice from a consultant. A. put B. made C. pushed D. pulled Question 14, Rob was sacked from his position as the deputy manager and I stepped into his A. knees B. toes C. feet D. shoes Question 15. I really want to attend the concert with you, but I’ve got my full right now. Aveyes B. noses C. hands D. fingers C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Ddc quyén va duy nhat tai: Question 16. I have a feeling inside me that what she said was a lie. It just didn’t true. Acting B. call boil D. act Question 17. He seemed to light of the problem and refused to take any actions to improve it. A. make B. draw write D. work Question 18. Just wait while I tie up these ends, then I'll go and try the Italian restaurant with you. A. loose B. tight C. small D. large Question 19. As I read the document, everything began to into ph Av tise B. make C. fall D. keep Question 20. The job isn’t in the till you've had an offer in writing, A. kitchen B. bag C. drawer D. purse Question 21, They cause all the trouble, but I’m the only person to carry the A. box B. bag C.can D. package Question 22. Mike’s parents never put pressure on him; they always leave him to his own A. phones. B. appliances C. devices D, messages Question 23. Susan tied herself up in when she tried to explain this problem to me. A. ropes B. knots C. threads D. lines Question 24, We tried to solve this maths problem, but we just round in circles. A. took B. gave C. drew D. went Question 25. Mary got feet when she was asked an array of abstract questions in the speaking section, Ac hot B. cool C.cold D. bitter Question 26, Zara made a real of himself in class today. It was so embarrassing! A. display B. exhibition illustration D. demonstration Question 27. After social distancing rules had been lifted, many local businesses tried to pick up the A. pieces B. bits C. chunks. D. parts Question 28. He missed the train, and to add insult to , forgot his phone. A. pain B. wound C. injury D. hurt Question 29. Don’t believe in what the newspaper says. It just the problem out of all proportion. A. brings B. blows C. sings D. plays, Question 30. Tim reiterated that he would always take the road when dealing with any issues. A. tall B. deep C. heavy D. high C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Ddc quyén va duy nhat tai: BANG TONG HOP STT Thanh ngir Nghia 1 come/get to grips with something hiéu hod truc dién giai quyét cdi gi 2__| have the makings of somebody/something | di tiéu chun, kha nding 3___| take your life in your hands lam viée nguy hiém dén tinh mang 4 | hang by a thread thé ngan can treo sgi toe 5 __| pull one’s weight lam tron tréch nhiém cua minh 6 stand tall git ty tin, ngang cao dau 7_| rough diamond ngudi thé kéch, thd 16 nhung tt bung 8 | make a name for yourself’ ni tigng, duge t6n trong 9 | get on like a house on fire hoa hop véi nhau nhanh chong 10 _| rub somebody up the wrong way lam ai bye minh, khé chju make a big thing of/about/out of something am lon chuyén 12 _| pay through the nose tra mot cai gia ct eb 13 _| pull outall the stops Tam moi gia, doc toan b6 stre hre 14 _| step into someone’s shoes thay thé vj tri ctia ai 15 _ | have your hands full qua ban ron 16 _| not ring true 6 vé khong dang tin 17 _| make light of something xem cdi gi la khong quan trong 18 _ | tie up loose ends hoan thanh céng viée 19 | fall into place dé hieu 20 | in the bag chic chin 21_ | earry the ean chju trach nhigm 22_| leave somebody to their own devices dé ai lm diéu ho mun 23__ | tie yourself (up) in knots ty lam minh boi roi, lo lang 24 | go/run around in circles quan quanh ma chang dat duge gi 25 _| get/have cold feet 26 | make an exhibition of yourself 6t nhién sq hai, lo lang (dit da chudin bj truée) hanh xir ngu ngéc, thiéu suy nghi 27_| pick up the pieces tra Tai cude sng binh thong 28 _| add insult to injury xat mudi vao vet thuong 29 | get/blow something out of proportion thi phong, phéng dai 30 _| take the high road lam vige ¢6 dao dite C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Ddc quyén va duy nhat tai: TAL LIEU DOC QUYEN DI KEM KHOA HOC VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU & BQ DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO THI ONLINE HOC TU BQ IDIOMS THUONG GAP (BUOI 2) C6 Vai Thj Mai Phuong Question 1. You can get pretty good meals on airplanes these days, but you're going to pay through the A. back B. nose Ceye D. hand Question 2. The senator's spokesperson tried to light of the allegations by saying similar accusations are made all the time. A. make B. draw Co write D. work Question 3. He decided to take the road and say he was sorry. Avtall B. deep C. heavy D. high Question 4. I'm the coach, so I deserve to carry the for this loss. A. box B. bag C.can D. package Question 5. I don’t know who they're getting to step into Davidson's «but I doubt they'll be anywhere near as good a manager as he was. A. knees B. toes C. feet D. shoes Question 6. 1 can't wait for you to meet Mark; I just know the two of you will get on like a on fire! A. fence B. feet C. house D. pot Question 7. Once he explained the instructions to me more thoroughly, everything, into place, and 1 was able to complete the project. A. rose B. made fell D. kept Question 8. As soon as they met, they started to cach other up the wrong way. A. brush B. paint rub D. scratch Question 9. They have so far failed to to grips with the ecological problems. A. take B. make C. come D. pay Question 10. The others had complained that Sarah wasn't pulling her A. bag B. cart C. weight D. book Question 11. Look, I would really just rather not make a thing out of my birthday, please. A. large B. significant C. important D. big Question 12. I'm just about ready to move to Europe, but I need to tie up some ___ ends with my ex- girlfriend before I go. A. loose B. tight C. small D. large Question 13. My car barely started this morning, and to add insult to «I gota flat tire in the driveway. A. pain, B. wound C. injury D. hurt Question 14. I wasn't nervous until the morning of my wedding, but everyone assured me that I had just gotten feet. Ashot B. cool C.cold D. bitter Question 15. I'm going to leave you to your own and see what you come up with without my input, A. phones B. appliances C. devices D. messages C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Ddc quyén va duy nhat tai: Question 16. The young actor was a diamond. With some training, she'd become a superstar. A. bright B. dry C. rough D. wet Question 17. Ted didn’t want to take his life in his ___ by going there alone. A. feet B. hands C. eyes D. arms Question 18. It took a long time and a bunch of supporting roles, but I've finally __a name for myself as. an actor. Av left B. made C. gave D. put Question 19. 1 know a lot of people are upset, but you did the right thing, so tall A. lay B.sit C. drop D. stand Question 20. I'd love to help but I've got my full organizing the school play. A. eyes B. noses C. hands D. fingers Question 21. When the score got to 8 to 2, we knew the game was in the A. kitchen B. bag C. drawer D. purse Question 22. Afier the loss, their chances of getting into the championships are hanging by a A. wire B. ribbon cord D. thread Question 23. With a voice like that, Alice the makings of famous singer. A. pays B. takes has D. cuts Question 24. The senator is going to have to out all of the stops if he's to have any chance of winning this election. A. put B. make C. push D. pull Question 25. Do you think that Mary's explanation for her absence true? As rang B. called C. boiled D. acted Question 26. We've tied ourselves in this past week trying to choose who to hire, but I think we've reached a decision. A. ropes B. knots . threads D. lines Question 27. After our son committed suicide, we were left to pick up the ___inasilent home. A. pieces B. bits C. chunks D. parts Question 28. Vicky is always making a(n) of herself in the cafeteria by singing along to whatever is playing in her headphones. A. display B. exhibition C. illustration D. demonstration Question 29. The media have the incident up out of all proportion. A. brought B. blown C. sung D. played Question 30. The committee spent all afternoon trying to come up with a new PR proposal, but they around in circles the whole time. A. took B. gave C. drew D. went C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Ddc quyén va duy nhat tai: TAL LIEU DOC QUYEN DI KEM KHOA HOC VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU & BQ DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO BO CAU HOI TRONG DIEM TU DONG NGHIA - TRAI NGHIA (BUOI 2) Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined bold word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 1. He said he hadn’t killed his old neighbour, but then he admitted it A. accepted B. protected C. denied D. discussed Question 2. Cycling would be a practical approach to the problem of air pollution in this city. A. debate B. review CC. solution D. conclusion Question 3. If you accept this position, you're expected to commute quite long distances. A. carry B. follow C. direct D. travel Question 4, Smith is a elever student; he’s always the first one to answer my questions, A. bored B. intelligent C. interested D. stupid Question 5. She was reared by an uncle because her parents died in an accident when she was just 2. A. told B. raised killed D. saved Question 6, When you go to New York, you can have an opportunity to meet people from diverse cultures. A. different B. similar C. ancient D. modern Question 7. He was presented with an award for his contribution to finding a new drug against diphtheria. A. invited B. admired C. reeruited D. given Question 8. I was asked to give a precise description of the accident, but I was too shocked to remember anything. A. exciting B. difficult C. unclear D. accurate Question 9. Tom is an outstanding player; he’s won 3 matches in this year’s tournament. A. normal B. polite C. excellent D. kind Question 10, One way to lose weight is to eliminate all fatty foods from your diet. A. remove B. create . improve D. consume Question 11. It was not until he was aware of his shortcomings that he found ways to better himself, Avachievements—_B. weaknesses C. discussions D. developments Question 12. The weather was marvellous so our family went to the beach. A. creative B. new C.enthusiastic ——_D. wonderful Question 13. I have a good relationship with one of my cousins; he’s always decent to me. A. attractive 8B. anxious C.kind D. different Question 14, Martin was disappointed when his job application was rejected. A. offered B. refused C. accepted D. designed Question 15. This exam is obligatory for all high school students before they go to university, A. optional B. permitted C. useful D. compulsory C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Ddc quyén va duy nhat tai: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 16, Susan was out of shorts when her boyfriend left her to live in another country. A. injured B. satisfied C. upset D. rich Question 17. The event will be preceded by a brief talk of the new president. A. followed B. happened C. summarised. recorded Question 18. It’s not very secure to earn a living by working in this remote area. A. exciting B. boring C. safe D. dangerous Question 19. A child will develop better if he or she is brought up by caring parents. A. supportive B. friendly . poor D. unkind Question 20. I wish I had a magic wand to deal with this problem. I've thought about it for months! A.a long stick B. an easy solution C. a complicated way D.a short tube Question 21. My grandmother always has a soft spot for him since he’s polite and handsome. A. attracts B. notices likes D. hates Question 22. They were willing to do anything to find their missing daughter. A. active B. excited C. hesitant D. helpful Question 23. The thought of going to the party without my parents really daunts me. A. carries B. admits C. comforts D. frightens Question 24, Both sides are at loggerheads over the deal. More talks will be needed before it’s reached. A. introducing B. agreeing C.understanding —_D. arguing Question 25. This remake of the film “So Far’ is a far ery from the original. A. different from B. kind to C. harmfal to D. similar to Question 26, Most families in my village have been on the breadline since the covid-19 pandemic broke out. A. healthy B. exhausted C. poor D. wealthy Question 27. Our company has decided to expand into new markets to earn big profits. A. restrict B. open C. grow D. help Question 28. The school will undergo extensive renovation to meet the increasing demands of its students. A.improvement —_ B. closeness CC. similarity D. damage Question 29. I’ve had this run-of-the-mill job for years and I think it’s time I quit it and found a new one. A. similar B. boring C. exciting D. different Question 30. After the holiday, the staff were rushed off their feet and had to work overtime. A. very rich B. very tired C. very busy D. very free C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Ddc quyén va duy nhat tai: BANG TU VUNG. sTT Tir vung Tir loai Phién am Nghia 1 | admit v Jod’mut/ thira nhiin 2 _| practical adj /'preektikl/ thiét thye 3__| approach a /o'prootf! cach tiép can 4 | commute v /ka'mju:t/ di chuyén, di lai 5 | clever adj Ikleva(r)/ théng minh 6 | rear v Ir1a(ry/ nudi nang 7 _| diverse adj Idar'v3's/ da dang 8 _| diphtheria a [dif Orariol bénh bach hau 9 | precise adj prr'sars/ chinh xe 10 | outstanding adj /aot'staendin/ néi bat 11 | tournament n /‘tuonomont! giai dau 12__| eliminate v iv mmeit/ loai bo 13. | diet n Pdarat! ché d9 an 14 _| shortcoming a ['fo:tkamuy/ Khuyét diém 15 | better v /'beta(r)/ cai thign 16 _| enthusiastic adj ‘in, Oju:2izestik! nhigt tinh 17_| marvellous adj J'ma:valas! tuyét voi 18 | decent adj ['dissnt/ tt bung 19 | reject v In'dgekt tirchéi 20 _| obligatory adj /o'bligatri/ bat bude 21 | compulsory adj fkom'palsori/ bat bude 22_| precede v ipri'si:d/ dién ra truée 23_| secure adj st’ kjva(r)/ an ton 24 | caring adj 'kearmn/ quan tam, yéu thuong 25 | willing adj Cwalin/ sin long 26 | daunt v Ido:nt/ lam nan long 27_| remake n rismerk/ ban lam lai 28 | pandemic a /peen’demik/ dai dich 29 | expand v ‘ik’ spaend/ mé réng 30 | undergo v /,anda' gao/ tién hanh 31 | renovation n /reno' veri’ sy cai tién 32_| extensive adj Jik'stenstv/ rong rai, rong khap 33__| overtime n Faovatam/ gig Lim thém C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Ddc quyén va duy nhat tai: BANG CAU TRUC SIT Clu tric Nghia 1 approach to sth cach tiép cn véi gi dd 2__| aware of sth nhan thite duge gi dé 3 havea good relationship with sb cd m6t mdi quan hé tot véi ai dé 4 | out of sorts cam thay khé chiu 5 __| earma living kiém sing 6 | amagie wand dia thin; m6t cdich dé dang dé giai quyét vin dé 7_| have a soft spot for sb 6 cam tinh véi ai dé 8 | at loggerheads tranh cai, bat déng quan digm 9 | a far ery from sth | Khe xa so voi gi dd - 10 | on the breadline nghéo rot méng toi 11_| run-off-the-mill tam thuong 12_| be rushed of your feet ban tii byi C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Ddc quyén va duy nhat tai: TAL LIEU DOC QUYEN DI KEM KHOA HOC VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU & BQ DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO THI ONLINE BO CAU HOI TRONG DIEM TU DONG NGHIA - TRAI NGHIA (BUOI 2) Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined bold word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 1. He's always telling everybody how elever his children are. A. bored B. intelligent C. interested D. stupid Question 2. She made me aware of my own shorteomings Avachievements —_B. weaknesses C. discussions D, developments Question 3. The medical examination before you start work is obligatory. A. optional B. permitted C. useful D. compulsory Question 4, We've achieved some marvellous results with this new drug. A. creative B. new C.enthusiastic ——_D. wonderful Question 5. I'm almost ashamed to admit it, but I watch this show. A. accept B. protect C.deny D. discuss Question 6. We don't know the precise details of the story yet. A. exciting B. difficult C. unclear D. accurate Question 7. Everyone said he was a decent sort of guy who helped others a lot. A. attractive B. anxious C.kind D. different Question 8. The region is renowned for its outstanding natural beauty. A. normal B. polite C. excellent D. kind Question 9. He took me to the North Georgia mountains where he was reared. A. told B. raised C killed D. saved Question 10. The prime minister rejected any idea of reforming the s A. offered B. refused C. accepted D. designed Question 11, We need to adopt a new approach to the problem. A. debate B. review C. solution D. conclusion Question 12. On his retirement, colleagues presented him with a set of golf clubs. A. invited B. admired C. recruited D. given Question 13. She commutes from Sunset Park to Manhattan each morning. A. carries B. follows C. directs D. travels Question 14, People from diverse cultures were invited to the event. A. different B. similar C. ancient D. modern Question 15. This procedure does not completely eliminate the possibility of an accident. A. remove B. create C. improve D. consume C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Ddc quyén va duy nhat tai: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 16. I’m afraid there is no magic wand for us to fi A.a long stick B. an easy solution C. a complicated way D.a short tube Question 17. I don’t think we should expand our business in the current economic climate. Av restrict B. open C. grow D. help Question 18. We've done everything we can to make the house as secure as possible. A. exciting B. boring C. safe D. dangerous Question 19. The party is at loggerheads with the president over public spending. A. introducing B. agreeing C. understanding D. arguing Question 20, Weekdays are slow in the restaurant, but at weekends the staff are rushed off their feet. A. very rich B. very tired C. very busy D. very free Question 21. We're ready and willing to do everything necessary to meet this challenge. A. active B. excited C. hesitant D. helpful Question 22. Peter overslept this morning and has been out of sorts all day. A. injured B. satisfied C. upset D. rich Question 23. He's very efficient and caring - | think he would make a good nurse. A. supportive B. friendly C. poor D. unkind Question 24, Despite how troublesome he could be, the teacher had a soft spot for Daniel. A. attracted B. noticed C. liked D. hated Question 25. We have a commitment that the city will only carry out new construction and renovation that meets green building principles. A.improvement —_ B. closeness . similarity D. damage Question 26. I'm not sure if I fully understand the sentence which precedes this one. A. follows B. happens C. summarises. records Question 27. Many people without jobs due to the pandemic are on the breadline. A. healthy B. exhausted C. poor D. wealthy Question 28. The service was good, but the food was run-of-the-mill or worse. A. similar B. boring C. exciting D. different Question 29. She had struggled with problems that would daunt the most energetic and resourceful of people. A. carry B. admit C. comfort D. frighten Question 30. Living in the heart of New York City is certainly a far ery from living in the rural area. A. different from B. kind to D. harmful to D. similar to C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Ddc quyén va duy nhat tai: C6 Vai Thj Mai Phuong 1. DAP LAI LOI CAM ON TAI LIEU DQC QUYEN DI KEM KHOA HQC. VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU & BQ DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO HOC TU BO CAU HOI GIAO TIEP XA HO Congratulations! Thank you. You're welcome. Thanks a lot. Don’t mention It’s very kind of you. Not at all. My pleasure. 2. DAP LAI LOI XIN LOI I'm so sorry. Ivsalright \, Never mind. No problem. That’s okay. 3. DAP LAI LOL KHEN/CHUC MUNG You look so beautiful in that dress. Thank you. It’s nice of you to say so. 4. DAP L LOL YEU CAUDE NGHY/MOV/CHUC Could/Can you ....? Do you mind/Would you mind How about V-ing ...? Do you feel like V-ing . Sure Here you are. Yes, that’s fine. Not, not at all. No, that would fine. Of course not. That's a good idea. Why not? It sounds interesting. Would you like to . May [ help you with ....? Yes, I'd love to. I'd love to, but .... Yes, please. No, thanks. I can manage it. Merry Christmas! Same to you! C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Ddc quyén va duy nhat tai: 5. DONG TINH/KHONG DONG TINH Statement Agree Disagree Tthink/believe that . Totally agree with you. T don’t quite agree with you. I couldn’t agree with you more. | I don’t think you're right. You can say that again, You're wrong. It's definitely true. LUYEN TAP Question 1. Hai is thanking Tom for his compliment, “Thank you for your kind words, Tom.” - Tom: A. Same to you. B. Good idea. C. That’s not good. D. You're welcome. Question 2. Peter is asking to borrow Nam’s pen, ~ Peter: “Can I borrow your pen, Nam?” - Nam: 2 A.Here you are. —_B. Me too. C. Thanks alot. _D. Congratulations! Question 3. Linda and Jimmy are at the school gate. ~ Linda: “Have a good holiday!” ~ Jimmy: * a A. You're welcome. B.It’sall right. C, Here youare.__D. Same to you. Question 4, Linh and Mai are talking to each other. “How about going to the cinema tonight?” ~ Mai: A. Thanks alot. __B. Thanks, I’m fine. C. Don’t worry. D. Great idea! Question 5. Tom and Peter are talking about the covid-19 pandemic. - Tom: “The current situation of the covid-19 pandemic is worrying.” - Peter: * . The global death toll has risen to 6 million” A. Thanks a lot B, Actually, you could be wrong C. Lagree D. 1 don’t agree with you Question 6, Hung and Dung are at the canteen, ~ Hung: “Could you give me the salt, please?” -Dung:s_” ‘A. Poor you! B.Here you are. C. Good luck! D. Take care! Question 7. Peter and Tom are at the airport. ~ Peter: “Thank you for giving me a lift to the airport.” - Tom: “ A. You must be kidding. B. Don’t worry. C. My pleasure, D. Congratulations! Question 8. David and Johnny are at the supermarket. - David: “How about buying some tomatoes?” ~ Johnny: “ p A. Same to you. B. Me too. C.Here you are. _D. Good ideal C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Ddc quyén va duy nhat tai: Question 9. Peter and Tim are in the class. “Do mind you if I opened the window?” A.Yes,please. —_B. Yes, I'd love to, C, Same to you, —_D. No, notatall, Question 10, Susan is talking about Laura’s new hat, ~ Susan: “Your new hat perfectly suits you!” - Laura: p A. You're welcome. B. Never mind. CMe neither. D. It’s nice of you to say so. Question 11, Michael is apologising to his manager for being late. ~ Michael: “Sorry I’m late, [ missed the bus.” ~ Manager: ” A. Me neither, B, You're so kind. C. It’s all right. D. Thanks a lot. Question 12, Peter and Mary are talking about social media. + “Using social media quite often can have a negative influence on teenagers.” . They can’t pay attention to what they’re doing.” A. P'm not sure about that B. That's true C. I think differently D. You're totally wrong Question 13. Peter is talking to an old lady. ~ Peter: “May I help you with your luggage?” - Old lady: “ o A. You're welcome. B. Yes, please. ©. Thanks, I will. D. What a shame! Question 14, Linda and Mitchell are talking about self-driving cars. \da: “I think driverless cars will become popular in the future.” - Mitchell . Research projects on these cars are already underway.” A. Lagree with you B. You're totally wrong C. Its all right D. think differently Question 15, Rob and Dan are talking about online shopping. “Nowadays an increasing number of people opt for shopping online.” :“_. They can buy a variety of products from the comfort of their home.” A.No problem B. That's a bad idea . That’s true D. I don’t quite agree Question 16, Linda is talking to Lucy, her best friend. inda: “How about carpooling to the festival?” ~ Luey; A. Don’t worry. B. Why not? C. I think I have some, D. Good luck! Question 17. Linh and Mai are talking after school. ‘Would you like to go to the local museum with me and Nam this weekend?” = Mai: A, Sorry to hear that. B. Never mind, C. Yes, I'd love to. D. Same to you. C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Ddc quyén va duy nhat tai: Question 18. Quyen and Trang are at a coffee shop. “Guess what? I got a 7.5 in the IELTS.” A. Why not? B. Congratulations! C. Here you are. DD, Thank you. Question 19, Tom is at Johnny’s house. “Thanks for your lovely party.” ~ Johnny p A. Same to you, B. I'm glad you like it. C. It’s up to you. D. Sorry to hear that. Question 20, Mai and Lan are talking about city life in the future. “I think more and more people will live in big cities in the next 10 years,” . People will be fed up with traffic jams and air pollution in cities. A. Lcouldn’t agree with you more B. You're totally right . You can say that again D. 1 don’t quite agree Question 21. Mike and Rob are talking about books. - Mike: “I strongly believe that books are useful to our lives.” - Rob: . The more we read, the more knowledge we acquire.” A. Surely that’s not the case B. I quite disagree C. You're absolutely right 1 think differently Question 22. Laura is at the shopping mall ~ Shop assistant: * ~ Laura: “I’m looking for a sweater.” A. How much does it cost? B. You're in luck! ©. Would you like to try it on? D. May I help you? Question 23. Tim and Falla are talking about using bicycles. ‘Cycling can be beneficial to our health.” . We can do exercise while cycling.” A. I disagree with you B. You can say that again C. You're totally wrong D. That’s not the case Question 24, Peter and Laura are in the class. ~ Peter: “May I borrow your pencil, please?” ~ Laura: ” A. Thanks a lot. B. Sorry to hear that. C. Congratulations! D. 1 left mine at home. Question 25. Richard accidentally stepped on Nam’s foot. ards “I'm sorry for stepping on your foot.” ~ Nam: “ 7 A.Never mind, _B. Me too. C. You're welcome. D. Congratulations! Question 26. Linda and Tim are talking about recycling. \da: “I think that recycling is very useful for the environment.” It can help to save energy and reduce pollution.” ‘A. Tcouldn’t agree with you more B. I quite disagree C. Sorry to hear that D. That's a bad idea C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Ddc quyén va duy nhat tai: Question 27. Tony and Lucy are at the = Tony: “Would you like some ice cream?” hool’s canteen, + Lucy: ” A. Here you are, B. Better luck next time! C. You look so great! D. Yes, please. Question 28. Dawes and Luke are in a bookstore. ~ Daontis: “I really want to buy this book.” ~ Luke: “ a A. Thank you, B.I’'msosory. — C. Me too. D. That's OK. Question 29. Lucy met her friend, Linda on her way home. = Lucy: “Wow. Your new bag looks so nice!” ~ Linda: “ . A.No worries. B. Thanks. I bought it yesterday. C. How dare you! D. It sounds interesting. Question 30. Luke and Peter are talking about university life. ~ Luke: “Life at university is worse than I thought.” - Peter: * . I've always been under pressure to meet the deadline.” A. [would say no B. That’s not the case C. Actually, you could be wrong Tagree with you C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Ddc quyén va duy nhat tai: TAL LIEU DOC QUYEN DI KEM KHOA HOC VIP 90 - TONG ON TRONG DIEM BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU & BQ DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO THI ONLINE HQC TU BO CAU HOI GIAO TIEP XA HOL C6 Vai Thj Mai Phuong Question 1, Anna and Mark are talking about their recent test on History. Anna: “You got a 9.0, didn’t you? Congratulations!” Mark“ 2 A. I think so B. Thank you C. You're welcome D. It’s all right Question 2. Pat and Linda are talking about the global climate change. Pat: “I strongly believe that unless governments act swiftly, our planet will be in danger.” Linda“ . We now feel the greater impacts of global warming.” A. No way B. Actually, you could be wrong C. Come on. Surely that’s not the case. You ean say that again Question 3. Belly and Becca are talking about their trip to Ha Long Bay. Belly: “I was impressed by the natural landscapes and the local cuisine in Ha Long” Becca e A. Thave no idea B. Exactly C. It’s a good question D. You're welcome Question 4, Lina and George are talking about doing exercise. Lina; “I strongly believe that people should exercise early in the mornings.” George: . This inereases our blood pressure and makes us easily suffer from stroke.” A. [doubt it B. Fair enough C.1t’s all right D. Can you say that again? Question 5. Joe and Linda are planning a night out. Joe: “Let’s try some Italian food at Jeffery restaurant tonight.” Linda: “ ” A. It’s all right B. That’s a good idea C. L would love to D. Don’t worry Question 6. David and Tim are talking about travelling. David: “In my opinion, tourism can have an adverse impact on the local environment.” Tim: “ . People tend to dispose of waste improperly.” A. You shouldn’t say that B. I’m not sure I go along with that CC. Tcouldn’t agree with you more D. What nonsense! Question 7. Oliver is talking to Chloe about her promotion. Oliver: “I’m pleased to inform you that you were promoted to senior sales rep.” Chioe: A. Oh, what a pity! B. Congratulations! C. Who'd have ever thought! D. Thank you, but you're right C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Ddc quyén va duy nhat tai: Question 8. Helen and Sarah are talking to each other. - Helen: “Thanks for your lovely present.” ~ Sarah: * . A. D'm sorry. B. I'm glad you like it. C.No, thanks, D. Congratulations! Question 9. Tom and Jerry are arranging to go to the local museum. Tom: “Why don’t you come with me and go to the local museum?” Jerry: “ 2 A. Sorry, I can make it B. Oh, I didn’t realize that C. It sounds great! D. You're wrong Question 10, Carol and Michael are talking about the gap generation. Carol: “I think that there is now a growing gap between grandparents and grandchildren.” a . Two different generations hold distinct opinions on almost everything” A. You're right B. Can you say that again? C. could agree with you anymore D. You're welcome Question 11. Mary is saying goodbye to Paul after a party at Paul’s home, Mary: “I had a really good time. Thanks for the lovely evening.” Paul: “ S A. I’m glad you enjoyed it B. Yes, it’s really good C. Oh, that’s right D. No, it’s very kind of you Question 12, Linda and Daisy are talking about the environment. Linda: “Our environment is getting more and more polluted.” Daisy: “ _ It's really worrying.” A. Sorry to hear that B, Surely that’s not the case C. Actually, I can’t make it D. [totally agree with you Question 13. Linda and Susan are talking with each other. Linda: “Thank you very much for inviting me to your hous Susan: “ 7 A.My pleasure —-B. Same to you. —_C, Here you are, . Me neither. Question 14, Peter and Mitchell are talking about cooking. Peter: “I think women are better cooks than men.” Mitchell: “ . Some famous chefs are male.” A. You can say that again B. [have no idea C. Ittakes time to prove D. I don’t quite agree with you Question 15. Anna and Bob are in a room. Anna: “Do you mind if | use your phone?” Bo o A. Not at all. Help yourself B. Yes, certainly C. Sorry, I have no idea D. You can say that again Question 16. David is apologizing to his teacher for being late. David: "Sorry I'm late! The traffic is so heavy." ‘Teacher: - Come in and sit down.” A. Thank you B. You're so kind C. Me neither D. It's alright C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac! VIP 90 - BOT PHA BIEM SO VO1 BO CAU HOI DE TRUNG TU VA BO DE PHAT TRIEN DE THAM KHAO 2022 Bién soan: Cé Vii Thi Mai Phuong || Ddc quyén va duy nhat tai: Question 17. Linda was late for the conference. Linda: “I’m so sorry for being late. The traffic was so bad.” Jacksor 7 A. You're welcome B. No problem. It has just started C. You'd better take over from Peter _D. I think you're right Question 18. Tom and Falla are talking about the drawbacks of the Internet. Tom: “Many students are distracted from their study when paying much attention to online games.” Falla: * . This can lead to their poorer academic results.” A. [totally agree with you B. You should leave it out C. I think differently D. It’s alright Question 19, Silas is talking to his roommate, Salah, about the Olympic Games. Silas: "Do you think our country can host the Olympic Games some day in the future?" Salah: " . We can't afford such a big event." A. Pm afraid I go along with you B. I can't agree with you more C. Yes, you're right D. No, I don't think so Question 20. Laura is telling Bob about her exam results. Laura: " S Bob: "That's great. Congratulations!" ‘A. [hope I'll pass the exam tomorrow —_B. I've passed the exam with an A. C. I'll get the exam results tomorrow, —_D. I didn't do well in the exam. Question 21, Cullen and Paul are talking about the resurgence of the coronavirus. Cullen: “I strongly believe that our country will be facing another wave of infections.” Paul: * . It seems that the new variant is more contagious.” A. Come on, you're totally wrong B. You're right C. Tcan agree with you any more D. It’s toally unnatural Question 22. Nancy and James are talking about their school days. "I think school days are the best time of our lives.” We had sweet memories together then." A.I'mafraid so -B. Absolutely ©. That's nonsense. I doubt it Question 23. John and Mike are talking about Mike's new car. John:" Mike: "Thanks. I'm glad to hear that." A. Where did you buy your car? B. What a nice car! C. Your car is new, isn't it? D. My car is very expensive. Question 24, Jane and Anna are talking about an item Jane has just bought. Jane: “Do you like my jacket? It’s made of pure silk.” Anna: * A. Really? It must have cost you a fortune B. No, not for me C. Yes, give it to me D. You're such a show off! Question 25. Tim and Pauline are talking about traffic jams in their country are getting more heavily congested.” . The government should take stricter measures to tackle the problem” A. Lagree with you B. Of course not. You bet! C. L will take it into account D. You're welcome C6 Phuong chtic cdc em Iép VIP 90: ON LA TRUNG TU - THI LA TRUNG TUYEN Vi quyén Igi chinh dang cia chinh cdc em. Khéng chia sé tai ligu BOC QUYEN nay cho ngudi khac!

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