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After arriving from Argentina, Fiona was greeted by an angry Peggy who scolded her for what happened.

I believe this unlikely tenderness of Peggy towards Fiona was her inner self who is worried about Fiona.
In crucial times like this, Fiona needed someone who is close to her to console her. Someone who will
tell her that what happened to her was not the end of the world. She offered herself to Fiona when she
needed someone the most. She told Fiona that what happened to her do not define who she is and it is
simply something that had happened to her. She tried her best to comfort her, as a mother and as a
woman. She deeply understands what happened to Fiona and she even made her feel safe. Just for
moment, Peggy did something that could make Fiona feel that she is not alone. Peggy showed her
affection as a mother towards Fiona like any mother would react when something happened to their
daughter. This somehow draws them closer to each other. For Peggy to act that way was unexpected,
she really do care for Fiona as her daughter. She was terrified, angry, devastated and in sorrow for what
happened to her. She may not be able to express it directly but I can feel it through her words and
actions as well. She comforted Fiona by her warm embrace that would mean she is not alone in facing
this challenge in her life. Her mother will always be there for her despite their differences. The message
she wants to convey through her actions and words is that she wanted Fiona to know that she will be
there for her. A simple gesture like this is all she needed to surpass this circumstance of her life.

Fiona while talking with Mary reflected on the time that she prayed to a Christian God. She even have
thoughts of being baptized as a Christian. She was “saved” from being killed by the God that Mary
believed in. After the incident she believed that her prayers were answered because she was not killed
by the man who raped her. She grew interested with it and along the way become curious with it. Fiona
had undergone a lot of circumstances that questioned her beliefs. She was Jewish in which Christianity
came from. Some of the teachings were similar and not far from each other. At one point, she also
questioned Mary why of all the people in the world, why would she suffer such predicament. Fiona was
in the phase wherein she was still confused of what religion to believe in. I understand how she may
feel during this crucial moment of her life. Fiona will question everything that has happened to her and
why it happened to her out of all the people in the world. She was just in high school and innocent and
pure and yet she was violated by some stranger. At this stage, she does not quite understand what to
believe in. Whether to believe in the God she used to worship while growing up or to the God that
“saved” her from getting killed. It made her confused at the same time angry.

When she returned to school, Fiona has thoughts of entering college earlier than she can. She wanted to
escape high school because it brought a lot of painful memories to her. She did not enjoy her high
school years to begin with so she needed to finish as soon as possible. She wanted to move on from this
painful stage of her life and start anew in her college. She also sensed that Peggy wanted her out of the
house so she wanted eagerly to enter college to be free from all the burden and the painful memories
she had. On the other hand, aside from escaping, she also begun to think what path she would take for
her future. She can be a neurosurgeon who can be the head of the hospital one day, a pilot where she
could fly a plane, a writer like her mother, a proclaimed cellist and etc. She had a lot in mind to which
path to take. She wanted to be successful so that her life will turn out great despite of having a difficult
and traumatic past. She made this an inspiration and motivation to move on and to dream bigger
because like what Peggy had told her what happened to her will not define who she is. This will also
serve as her escape from all that had happened to her. She did not let it get into her. She doesn’t want
to be controlled by others when it comes to deciding for herself. She wants to pave a path for her future
where she can be what she wants to be. In this way, she can find a place where she can be safe and
secured. She wants to collect life merits and learn from it. She wanted to grow as a person and change
her life in a positive way.

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