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1. In Hamlet, the "mousetrap play" is an example of

(A) Hamlet's use of psychological manipulation against Claudius

(B) Hamlet's shrewd analysis of Ophelia's psychological


(C) bawdy comedy

(D) the Ghost's melancholy

2. What is "The Murder of Gonzago"?

(A) The play that Hamlet asks the players to perform.

(B) The rule book that Hamlet cites to the players

(C) The secret words that Hamlet tells Ophelia so that she will know his madness is feigned

(D) The book that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern bring to Denmark to cheer Hamlet

3. When Hamlet leaves his mother's room in Act 3, Scene 4, what does he take with him?

(A) The dead body of Polonius.

(B) A portrait of his mother.

(C) A portrait of his dead father.

(D) The dead body of Claudius.

4. When Claudius finds out Hamlet has killed someone, what is he most worried about?

(A) Whether the murder will affect his power and ability rule.

(B) Whether Hamlet should stand trial.

(C) Whether a doctor can help Hamlet get better.

(D) Whether Hamlet will try to kill.

5 What is the weather like at the beginning of the play?

(B) Snowing.

(D) Hot.

(A) Pouring rain.

(e) Very cold.

6. How many dead bodies are there on the stage in the last scene

(A) four
(B) two

(C) ten

(D) one

7. What does Hamlet call Polonius?

(A) father

(B) dear man

(C) a fishmonger

(D) father-in-law

8. Whom does Polonius send to France to spy on Laertes?

(A) Reynaldo

(B) Ophelia

(C) Guido

(D) Marcellus

9. What happens to Horatio at the end of the play?

(A) He gets poisoned by accident.

(B) He wants to kill himself, but Hamlet asks him to live.

(C) He kills himself.

(D) He wants to kill himself, but Fortinbras stops him.

10. Who returns Hamlet to Denmark after his exile ?

(A) Horatio

(B) Claudius

(C) A Group of pirates

(D) Monks

Attempt any 4 of the Following:

1. Hamlet as a tragic Hero.

2. Significance of play within play in Hamlet.
3. Discuss the significance of soliloquies in Hamlet.
4. The problem of Hamlet’s delay in taking revenge.
5. Shakespeare as an Elizabethan dramatist.

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