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10/29/22, 10:42 AM PA System MCQ [Free PDF] - Objective Question Answer for PA System Quiz - Download Now!


The word fax is a short form of facsimile and is a method of sending images over
telephone lines.
The original document is fed into the fax machine, which encodes the images on the paper
into signals to be sent over the phone.
At the other end, a second fax machine prints black dots on a piece of paper that
corresponds to the information received.
There should be dedicated telephone line and telephone number for the fax machine.


A teleprinter is a telegraph transmitting and receiving machine.

Teleprinter resembles a typewriter because it has a typewriter-like keyboard.
A teleprinter is a mechanical device driven by electrical motors controlled by microprocessors.
A teleprinter acts both as a transmitter and as a receiver. 1/1

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