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I. Berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b, c atau d pada jawaban yang paling tepat !

1. I don’t have breakfast this morning. Now, I feel ….

a. hungry b. thirsty c. happy d. angry
2. Azizah feels….she wants a glass of iced tea
a. hungry b. thirsty c. happy d.angry
3. Titin got the first rank in her class her parents fell….
a. hungry b. thirsty c. happy d. angry
4. Wisnu broke the vas. His mother is ….to him
a. hungry b. thirsty c. happy d. angry
5. Kamil never does his home work. He is ….
a. sleepy b. happy c. hungry d. lazy
6. She …. Sleepy after watching the television
a. is b. are c. am d. fells
7. Sedudo is the name of the…… in Nganjuk
a. mountain b. lake c. beach d. waterfall
8. These are names of beachs, except …
a. kuta b. kenjeran c. goa cina d. sedudo
9. Firman stayed up until midnight last night. Now he fells…
a. angry b. thirsty c. hungry d. sad
10. These are names of mountains, except …
a. kapuas b. krakatau c. bromo d. merapi

II. Isilah titik-titik berikut ini dengan jawaban yang benar !

1. Empu tantular is the name of a….…. in east java

2. The student …. a trip to bromo mountain last week
3. We can see beautiful …. in Bali
4. Dermo is the name of the ….in Wonoayu Sidoarjo
5. We can see many animals in the….
6. Toba, sarangan are names of ….
7. Jatim park 1 and jatim park 2 are located in ….. city
8. We can see many historical things in the ….
9. Borobudur and Prambanan are the name of…. in cental java
10. Parang tritis is name of a……in Yogyakarta
III. Jawablah pertanyaan berikut ini dengan jawaban yang benar!

1. Khansa helps her mother long a day. How does she fells ?
2. Terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia “Bilal stays at home alone, so he feels lonely “
3. Terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa indonesia “Aldi will go camping to bromo mountain “
4. Hisyam see a ghosts. How does he feel ?
5. Mention five kinds of tourism sites !

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