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ACTIVITY 17: Health and Illness Concepts (30 Points)

1. Describe the following health concepts and give one example for each concept.
a) Health status –

b) Health beliefs –

c) Health behaviors –

2. Discuss the following internal variables influencing health status, beliefs and practices.
a) Biological dimension

b) Psychological dimension

c) Cognitive dimension

3. Give 4 examples of health life choices with illustrations/images/pictures.

4. Based on the diagram of the 8 components of Wellness (refer from the powerpoint), give
example for each wellness component with illustration/image/picture.

INSTRUCTION for Submission:

Write your answers on a short bond paper and scan your output and submit your output for Activity
17 as a PDF file. Please make your activity sheet neat and clean. NO ERASURES. Submit your
output with the filename LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME_A17 . Please practice the honor system.
Thank you!

Rubrics Question Question Questions Question 4

1 2 3
1. Content (Theoretical richness 3 3 4 5
organization) 3 3 4 5
2. Relevance of answers to the
Scores 6 6 8 10


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