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UNIT 2: “In my opinion”

Lesson Objectives:
 To introduce the new unit and vocabulary
 To use verb be in descriptions

Name: ______________________________ Date: _________________

1.- Draw the missing faces and write the names for each picture. - Creado y diseñado por VillaEduca® 1 Inglés – 7º Básico

2.- Listen to the conversation and complete it.

Hello Anna! How are you?
Hey Richard! I`m fine thanks!
Anna. I want to go cycling. Would you like to join?
No Richard. I am really _____________ right now.
Come on Anna! I am so _____________.
Thank you Richard, but you know I`m _____________ about bikes.
You should be _____________. Your favorite actor is in town
Really?! I`m on my way!!

3.- Answer the following questions using full sentences.

1) Where does the conversation take place?

2) Who are the people talking?
3) What does Richard want?
4) How is Anna right now?
5) How does Anna feel about bikes?
6) Why should Anna be excited?

4.- Work with a partner. Practice the conversation and present it to the class. - Creado y diseñado por VillaEduca® 2 Inglés – 7º Básico

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