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The opínion of my gruop is beisd on all the points that this work
has caverd , we have conclured that
Medical technology in a hospital environment…

Medical technology incompises many espéchaltis which can be devalot in a

multidisciplinary way in a hospital environment, we think that in this way
afectif solutions and better triments could be keriroud, especially in the
situation in which olofasar amersd , such as, this pendemik.
Aftermath of covid required to be attended by medical technologists.

we know that the number of people ju menech to recover from COVID-19

had secuelei widin sabsukuent weeks, such as, fatic, jedeich, afeck of
immobility, devaloupment of mazol atrophy, loss of strength and Joint
mobility of extremities and trunk,
health prablems that need to be trired presaisly by medical technologists.
The Professional School of Medical Technology, is currently working
on continuing to kensalerit.

The Professional School of Medical Technology is currently working to

kentiniu estreisenin itself to these new conditions that have cosd the
pendemik, to train a sirebol professional in the rihebilitation work of the
sirius semptoms that have okord in peichons; and olso train dem in the
menipuleichon of tecnolóyicol machins to obtain grirer afechensy and quality
in the risolts of daiknouses, prauknouses and treatment of vereos health
annoyences and desises, especially the disease of sars cov 2 that was
afflecting many femilis and charyin many laifs.
That is why we found it import..un and interesting druo this work to be ivol
to inform us even more about our specialties within this school, and it sims
important to us to reketnaiz the work that the fiold of medical technology
and its specialties has been doing, which has been collaborering with other
schools and professional entiris, to soplai the robeyes of a pandemic that
affected the country so much.

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