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ROG NIDAN FEVER AYURVEDIC FORMULATION ONLIW COACHING CLASSES *91- 8319811628, 3962265728 “foea@ Increase in body temperature over the normal value of an individual . Definition - 1) Nozmal—+ 97-100" Fon retal measurement dural variation 2) Fever when > rectal temp>1004° F (28 °C) > cealtemp> 995° F G75 °C) > axillary temp > 99°F G1.22O 3) Hyperpyrexia temp» 107 (41S) > Lom -984°F-100.6°F > High 100% 04°F > Wypermyrenia-2108F oF Site everyone dag fareahet ise of temperature above 100 dey facneit Pulse rate increases BY 1D oF Respiratory rate increases Wy ine Coaching Ciasses Eduypyedic Formulation Ou > Infections: Bacterial, viral, rickets, fungal parasitic ee > Neoplasm: Inany neoplasmic condition eg, Carcinoma of pancreas lung et > Vascular: Acute Ml, > Mersbotic: Go AYURVEDIC FORMULATION ONLINE COACHING QASSESvsi-si9si3ez8, 4962265728 ulmonary embolism, dehydration, porphyria, acidosis > Traumatic: Injuries > Collagen disease; SLE, RA, > Drug fever- Drug induced fevers a symp of an adverse drug reaction > Endocrnal: Thyrotoxicosis, Addisons disease Hematological: Acute hemolytic ei Hyperpyrexia vs hyperthermia Hyperpyresia| Hyperthermia 1) ~aLsse 1) Body emp rises above is se point say 2) Sets theemostat above normal body emi 40.5°C 3) Than generates heat 0 achiev@this emp 2) BREHIca soko, newrleptic maligna 4) Bx UC hemorrhage sis & thyroid syndrome stom 3) Treatment “fas, doesn respond 0 8) Treatment using NSAIDs amsinyretis. Pathogenesis Oy SS Pyroges: Substance that eases ever 1) Bxogena > er: Pyrogen = Mieeobial products nema toxins o> whole mic organisms Endotoxin praduce by al gram novsts bacteria 2) Endogenous Pyeihs CAAA rk nl oN iki GALOCmune inflammatory and hesnopoctc proces, Cytokines causes fever ar called pyrogenic cytokines, They are produced by activated immune cells and cause the increase inthe thermoregultory setpoint in the hypothalamus. > Bx IL-1, IL-6 (ieriukin |, interhikn 6), Tumor necrosis fetor TNP, Ciliary Interferon INFa neurotrophic factor CNTF ‘AYURVEDIC FORMULATION ONLINE COACHING CLASSES +31 Infections microbial TS ear Michal of nlanntion, immune reactions, toxins endothelial ells, thers [See Pyrogenic cytokines IL-1, IL-6, TNR.INF Cucatation, lla —_| iypothalamic Endosbelom ae levatert shermaregulatory tf spike occurs duily-Quoidian fever > Occurs every altemateday-Tectian fever > ecu every third day- Quartan fever x Malaria, kalazar, payemia septicemia et 44) Hectie o septic The temperature variation between highest and lowest temperature is very lacge exceeds 5°C eg Sepierian '5) Pelebstein type: There isa regular alteration of recurrent bouts oPfever and uebrile periods ‘The temperate ay take 3 days 0 sise remain high fO€3 days and vemitsin 3 days follomet by epyrenia for9 days seen in Hodgkins Iympoms, (Hodgkin's Iymphor malignant Iympnoma usualy transformed B\ymphoeyte (6) Low grate fever = Temperate is present daily especially in the evening for several days ‘butdocs nt exceed 37.8°C at anytime eg. Tubeless: Investigation in febrile adult -- 1) Urine analysis and vrine microscopy : > Hematuria, WBC, bacteria, pyuria —» UTL > Microscopic hematuria, proteinuria et 2) Blood test aycec. & WRC>12c1091L or roasses HIV) © (CD4~ 500 cellmm to start ART antiretroviral therapy) Increase Eosinophil count —> worm infestation and dug allergy () Blood film - For Malaril paras (RFTLET Abnormal bacteremia with severe sepsis syndrome, > Increase Transaminas in acute hepatitis (4) C-RP- increase Bacterial infection (@) Serology ‘ Docterial intétion ex syphlis, > Protozoan infection es amocbiasis 3) Cultu 1) Bod cuhare Basen sph et 2) Sputum utr: Paces paimoni thtculns 3) Urine cue Un into © Swot cater a > diacrhea > Miroscopy For ova.eyt, panies e.g, umocbisis, Toxin tst- Cstrium cite 5) CSF cuhure- Meningitis bacteria, Viral fungal 4) Polymerase chain reaction 5) maging 1) Chest X-ray-Prcumonia, TB 2) USG -Localizing abscesses, empyema gallstones. 3) CT sean 44) MIRE Intracranial lesion, bone and joint infections. Inta-abdorsinalo intracranial abscesses, lymphadenopathy. [AYURVEDIC FORMULATION ONLINE COACHING CLASSES 94 -319813628 0962265728 AYURVEDIC FORMULATION MOBILE APP ALL BAMS , AIAPGET / PG NOTES & VIDEOES ARE AVILABLE ON OUR APP AYURVEDIC FORMULATION ONLINE COACHING CLASSES ; +91- 8319611628 , 8962265728

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