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Some people believe that success in life comes from taking risks or chances.

believe that success results from careful planning. In your opinion, what does success
come from? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

SUCCESS in life could have different ingredients but the final RECIPE always includes careful
planning rather than ONLY CHANCE. All the specific reasons for it are going to be reviewed in
the following paragraphs.

Firstly, the final goal is the result of achieving small goals. There is a famous phrase that
PSYCHOLOGISTS have said about ACCOMPLISHING a final goal or assignment THAT IS TRYING
to divide it into small goals, thus every small goal that you get, you will feel that the final one
is closer and possible. To do this, it is important to have a plan and also an estimated time to
get every step. Another thing to take into account is to have a strategy. The plan cannot work
without a good strategy. IT MEANS HAVING different options or plans (A, B, C) if one of them
fails. Success is not a straight line; it has some curves and gaps.

Secondly, people must work with their personality traits and mind. Discipline, responsibility
and self-organized can contribute to the success path. People must practice them in their
daily routine, and they can not only be worth it to get success, but also keep it for a long time.
It is important to be successful but also to keep it with maturity. Additionally, working with
your mind to believe in you and visualize the goal from the scratch.

In conclusion, success in life comes from careful planning rather than taking risks or chances.
It INCLUDES ORGANIZING your small goals, practicing good personality traits in your daily life,
and training your mind. In my opinion, that is the success recipe.

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