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Quarter 2
Unit 3: The Strengthening of the Filipino Family
Module 1: Lesson 1: Tribong Pinoy

Surfing the Waves

1. According to the primer, what are the strong points of the Filipino
character? Do you recognize and experience them in your family?
Share your observation with your partner.
 Pakikipagkapwa-tao,
 family orientation,
 joy and humor
 Flexibility, adaptability and creativity
 Hardwork and industry
 Faith and Religiosity
 Ability to survive
 I do experience and recognize them in my family like in
pakikipagkapwa-tao -we demonstrated by helping each other in times
of need. Family orientation-concerning and showing love for the
family. Whatever the problem is, we are always reminded that our
family’s always there to love and support us no matter what.
Joy and humor- although we encounter many problems our life are
like roller coaster up and down, we never forget to smile, laugh at
those we love and at those we hate and we make jokes about our good
fortune and bad. Flexibility, adaptability and creativity-
We can adjust and to adapt to circumstances and the surrounding
environment, adjusts to whatever happens even in unplanned or
anticipated events. Hardwork and industry-my parents especially my
father even though he has a disability to do 8 hour office work he
make sure to give my family a comfortable life. Faith and Religiosity-
my family has a deep faith to God, accept what God is planned to us.
Ability to survive-we lived through the hardship of our life.
2. Describe in outline form some attitudes, traits, and family practices in relation
to the said values.
a. Family orientation
i. source of personal identity, emotional and material support
ii. one’s main commitment and responsibility
ii. feeling of belongingness and rootedness in a basic sense of security
b. Joy and Humor
i. Filipinos have a cheerful and fun-loving approach to life and its ups
and downs.
ii. Pleasant disposition, sense of humor
iii. Propensity of happiness
c. Hard work and industry
i. Have the capacity for hard work given proper conditions;
ii. To raise one’s standard of living and to possess the essentials of a
decent life for one’s family
iii. Willing to take the risks with jobs abroad and, while there, to work
at two or three jobs.
d. Faith and religiosity
i. Filipinos have deep faith in God.
ii. Enables us to comprehend and genuinely accept reality in the
context of God’s will and plan.
iii. Religious expressions is very tangible
e. Ability to survive
i. Capacity for endurance despite difficult times
ii. Ability to get by on so very little
iii. Filipinos make do with what is available in the environment

Filipino families are closely knit. Family comes first among any other priorities in life.
Good morals and values start at home. The family molds the child’s character. It is
where moral values are first being taught. The parents are the ones responsible in
inculcating good manners and right conduct to their children that they will carry on as
they grow up. My culture and upbringing played a major role in who I’ve become
because every experience I’ve had great or bad it showed me something that impacted
my life and growing up. Having a Filipino culture influenced my qualities throughout
everyday life.

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