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Types of NFT

1. ART
Art is the most popular form of NFT out there. Because of that, art is also the kind of
NFT that sells the best. In present times, virtual artworks including digital pics,
GIFs, and short videos are being sold online as though they are physical items. The
conception of NFTs was a prime opportunity for artists to sell their best works online
as though they are physical. Right now, a lot of the most expensive NFTs are works of

The Merge: USD 91.8 million

The Merge is a unique digital artwork in the world of NFTs because, instead of being a
single piece of work, The Merge is, what can be called, fragmented art. Created by the
renowned artist who goes by the pseudonym Pak, The Merge was sold on NFT
marketplace Nifty Gateway between 2 and 4 December 2021. It fetched a record sum of
USD 91.8 million — the most expensive NFT ever sold that is an artwork. Instead of a
single owner, The Merge is held by 28,983 collectors.This is because the artwork was
sold in units known as ‘mass’.

Music also is the highest in the NFT spectrum.  Music has been a fungible good
for decades, being recorded and distributed on records, cassettes, CDs, and
digitally. However, musicians and DJs have been selling their work as NFTs
lately, earning some of them millions of dollars in a matter of hours.
Musicians typically only pocket a fraction of the money that their music
generates due to streaming platform cuts and record label cuts. When it
comes to NFTs, musicians can keep roughly 100% of the money, which is why
so many musicians are turning toward this method.

Game creators have developed profound levels of interest in NFT and
using them immensely. NFTs are used as in-game items in online gaming
platforms. Non-Fungible Tokens helps drive the growth of in-game
economies through immutable ownership records for in-game items.

Only in-game content such as characters, skins, etc., are sold as NFTs and not
the entire game. Another use case of NFT is in the sale of a limited edition
version of DLC assets to the player who wants to enjoy the exclusive
uniqueness of NFT assets. This, however, doesn’t stop the company from
selling its regular DLC. For example:

Cryptokitties CryptoKitties, the first NFT game, made news for how much money people
were prepared to bet on the colorful kitties. Dragon, a pale purple kitten, was the most expensive

one ever auctioned, fetching 600 ETH. While that would now be almost 2.3 million USD, it was

nevertheless an amazing 1.3 million price tag at the time, more than double what the second most

expensive cat (Founder Cat #18) went for – still 253 ETH, or about half a million at the time.

4.Collectible items/Trading cards

Collectibles being sold for thousands of dollars isn’t something new, and it’s
the same for NFTs — can be sold as digital trading cards or kept as collectibles.
NFTs can be thought of as digital trading cards. We all know about limited edition
baseball cards selling for thousands of dollars, and the NFT market isn't much
different. People can buy and trade virtual versions of trading cards on the market
and keep them just like keeping the real thing. And, just like the real thing, some sell
for over a million dollars.

Companies can sell all types of collectible items on the NFT market, not just trading
cards. If it's anything that you can deem collectible, it can be put on the market.

5.  Big Sports Moments

Another way NFTs have been used is to capture memorable sports moments in
form of short video clips. This doesn’t have a physical equivalent like other NFT
types we talked about so far but the historical significance is priceless — makes
sense while they are expensive. Some of these NFTs can feature sports
moments from game-changing touchdowns to groundbreaking slam dunks.

NFTs offer something that doesn't really have a physical equivalent: memorable
sports moments. These are short clips of significant moments in sports history, like
groundbreaking slam dunks or game-changing touchdowns. These clips can be as
short as 10 seconds but sell for upwards of $200,000.

6. Virtual Fashion
Why should fashion be any different from anything else bought and sold on the
NFT market? It’s all about personal preference when it comes to splurging
money on a gorgeous Bikini you won’t be able to wear. You can use NFTs to
style up your online avatars instead of buying NFTs artworks.

This NFT type is unquestionably reserved for the more fashion-conscious and
opulent individuals. And of course, each item would be limited and one-of-a-

7. Memes

The sale of memes as NFTs has been the most significant achievement in
the field of NFTs in recent years. Memes have been linked to NFTs,
despite their popularity among internet users and being part of popular
culture. The preparedness of meme creators to develop an expanding
futuristic ecosystem is demonstrated by the sale of memes as NFTs.
In case you thought the internet couldn't get more interesting, you can buy
and trade memes on the NFT market. What's neat is that in some cases, the
person in the meme is the actual seller. Some of the more popular memes like
Nyan Cat, Bad Luck Brian, Disaster Girl, and others are on the list, racking in
between $30,000 and $770,000. The most valuable meme NFT sale to date is
the Doge meme, which sold for a jaw-dropping $4 million.

FOR EXAMPLE: Considered as one of the most iconic memes of the internet,
'Doge'- the image of an excited looking Japanese Shiba Inu has sold as an NFT
(non-fungible token) for a whopping sum of $4 million (Rs 29.999 crore). This
price makes Doge the most expensive NFT meme in history

8. Domain names
The NFT market has made it possible for users to register and sell domain
names. You can create a detour around having to pay a third-party company
for the management of your domain name by acquiring one on the NFT

There are exclusive rights on the name ownership meaning you don’t need the

Examples of domain name NFTs providers are Ethereum Name Service (ENS)
and Unstoppable Domains through decentralized domain name services.

Domain names aren't safe from the spread of NFT fever. You can register a domain
name and sell it on the NFT market, and that comes with a certain benefit. Usually,
you need to pay a third-party company to manage your domain name. If you buy one
on the NFT market, you will be able to claim exclusive ownership of the name,
cutting out the middleman.

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