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Suicide Assessment Five Step Evaluation and Triage (SAFE-T)

Patient Name: _____________________________________ DOB : ___/___/___ Today’s Date: ___/___/___

1. Risk Factors Note those that can be modified to reduce risk

Suicidal behavior  none  past attempts  aborted attempts  rehearsals  self-harm

Current/past psychiatric diagnoses and treatment

Key symptoms
 anhedonia  panic attacks
 impulsivity  global insomnia
 hopelessness  command hallucinations

Family history of suicidal behavior  none  History includes:

 academic  major loss
 family  major trauma
 relationships/ social  financial
 reputational  legal

Change in  none  discharge from psych facility  non-compliance with RX  recent RX change

Risk Behaviors  none  substance abuse  alcohol  self-harm  inappropriate sexual behavior

Access to weapons, sharps, meds (RX/OTC)

Copyright© 2015 by Girls to Women Health and Wellness. All Rights Reserved. Based on Suicide Assessment Five-Step Evaluation and Triage (SAFE-T). Go to for more information.
2. Protective Factors Note those that can be enhanced
Internal  ability to cope with stress  religious beliefs  frustration tolerance  absence of psychosis

External  responsibility to family or pets  positive therapeutic relationships  social supports

3. Suicide Inquiry Suicidal thoughts, plans, behavior and intent

Last 48 Hours Past Month Worst Ever
Current Plan  none  timing  location  lethality  availability  preparatory acts

Behaviors  none  past attempts  aborted attempts  rehearsals  self-harm

Current Intent  none  expects to carry out plan  believes plan is lethal  believes plan is self-injurious

Reasons to die
Reasons for live

Copyright© 2015 by Girls to Women Health and Wellness. All Rights Reserved. Based on Suicide Assessment Five-Step Evaluation and Triage (SAFE-T). Go to for more information.
4. Risk Level Determine risk. Choose appropriate intervention to address and reduce risk

Risk/Protective Factors Suicidality Possible Interventions

High Psychiatric disorders with severe Potentially lethal suicide Admission generally indicated unless a
symptoms, or acute precipitating attempt or persistent significant change reduces risk.
event; protective factors not ideation with strong intent Suicide precautions
relevant or suicide rehearsal
Moderate Multiple risk factors, few Suicidal ideation with plan, Admission may be necessary depending on
protective factors but no intent or behavior risk factors. Develop crisis plan.
Give emergency/crisis numbers
Low Modifiable risk factors, strong Thoughts of death, no Outpatient referral, symptom reduction.
protective factors plan, intent or behavior Give emergency/crisis numbers

5. Document Treatment Plan Assessment of risk, rationale, intervention and follow-up (ECW browse text setup)
Risk/Protective Factors  High  Moderate  Low

Suicidality  High  Moderate  Low

Intervention Level  High  Moderate  Low


Suicide Precautions Advised

Daily close monitoring and supervision, ongoing consistent contact with safe individuals, restrict access to weapons (including firearms, knives, ropes,
dangerous machinery, etc.) and medications (Rx and OTC). Counseled on supportive strategies to ensure safety and minimize conflict while arranging
for further assessment or monitoring for response to treatment.

Suicide Prevention Plan Provided

Crisis Plan Developed with Patient

Follow-up (who and when)

Treatment Center

Copyright© 2015 by Girls to Women Health and Wellness. All Rights Reserved. Based on Suicide Assessment Five-Step Evaluation and Triage (SAFE-T). Go to for more information.

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