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Graduate Program

Master of Business Administration

Individual Assignment of Operations
Section 8

Name Id No

1. Getahun Tamene EMBA/971/14

SUBMITTED TO DR. Hailemichael(PhD)

November, 2022

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

I support the Manager's point of view because services can be the same but
what distinguish them is the level of their customer service. service levels, in
particular service time and attitude were a major reason for customers
choosing to leave a particular institution. For example I personally don't like
banks that make me wait for a lot of time and I took decisions like opening
accounts in other banks that give a hood customer service. And one of the
basic and best customer service is provision of services over a short period of
time. It is a service that exceeds customer expectation and makes you stand
out from rest of the competitors… delights the customers. Excellent customer
service is one of the best ways for businesses to retain clients and get
customers coming back again and again. It is the biggest factor determining
future growth of the economy & the profitability of companies.

There are five compelling reasons why we invest in customer Service :

1. Good service keeps customers,
2. Good service builds word-of-mouth business ,
3. Good service can help you overcome competitive disadvantages ,
4. Good service is easier than many parts of your business,
5. Good service helps to achieve bottom line business goals easily
6. Solving a problem at our expense is an important investment in our

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