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Writing: a Film review

1. Name of film: About time

2. What type of film: drama
3. Who wrote the movie? Richard Curtis
4. Where did the story take place? United Kingdom
5. Characters: the main characters are Tim Lake and Mary, he is tall, he is white skin, red
short hair and blue eyes. He likes to play tennis with his father. Mary is medium size; she is
white skin and brown eyes. She admires Katy Moss.
6. Summary of the story:

The begging

Tim learned from his father that the men in his family have the secret ability to travel through

Tim used his ability to fall in love

He is a lawyer

Tim falled in love with mary

Main events/problems

Kit kat was not happy

She had an accident

His father had terminal cancer

He could n´t go back to the past to talk to his dad if he has a baby

The ending

Tim learned that it is better to live each day once and to appreciate life with his family as if he
were living it for the second time.

7. Who is your favorite character? Why?

8. What have you learnt from the movie?
9. Would you tell your friend to watch this film? Why? Why not?

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