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Polytechnic university of the Philippines

College of Architecture Design and The Built Environment

Interior Design Department

GEED 20103

Mark John Hije

BSID 3-1
How does the study of population ecology help us understand why some populations grow, some
remain stable, and others decline?

Nothing in this earth is constant but change, population of each species are dynamic relative to a
specific span of time. Member of species constantly increase its population through reproduction or by
giving birth, and decrease its population by death, the relationship of this two will determine their position
in the graph, will the population grow, remain stable, or decline. In this sense, biotic potential is
Introduced, according to (Corwin, 2015) with an Ideal environment and unrestricted conditions like lack
of disease, no predators, and sufficient food supply Biotic potential should be attained by a species, but
mostly of the species are constrained with its environment and tend to fail its biotic potential.

Factors are big denominators in the movement within species’ population, some species cannot
adopt to certain changes, some of this change are fast pace and large-scale urbanization, animals are
displaced causing wide disturbance to their natural systems, in turn their reproduction and behavior were
disturbed. In addition, according to (Nebraska, 2015) When species are subjected to high levels of human
disturbance, the way they feed, interact with humans, breed, and even react to predators might change.
(Marvier et al, 2004; Lowry et al, 2012; Salsbury, 2004; Frid et al, 2002). Likewise, with Human, Social and
political unrest could cause shift in the population of a certain affected areas, and could affect general
population. This stated few Factors creates difference in population across species, the improvement
(urbanization) can gave rise to a population count in Human and other related species that may benefit
with such activity, on the other hand, this action could also decline number of populations to other
species, and retain others that are unaffected.

In this regard, by knowing factors affecting the population differences with each species we can
assert when and where a population is critical endangered or not, then, necessary actions are taken ahead
to stop possible extinction of a specific species, on the other hand we can also identify if a certain area is
reaching its carrying capacity relative to the population of its occupants, in this view least we have
measure to first know the underlying reasons, and secondly create necessary move to balance ecology.
Why has human population growth, which increased exponentially for centuries, started to
decline in the past few decades? Indicate/show/cite specific evidence

Since the 1800 the worldwide population was ever increasing, according to (Roser, 2019) The
world population now is 1,860 times more than it was 12,000 years ago, when it was roughly 4 million -
half the present population of London. Record shows that in the year 1800 there are only 1 billion people
in the planet and as of 2020 it reaches 7.753 billion and today recorded to increase by 200 million more
recorded in number to that reached 7.9 billion and is still projected to increase. However, the world
population growth rate decline significantly with 2.2% per year, In the last 50 years to 1.0% in the year
2022 (statisticstimes, 2021).

Photo retrieved from Ourworldindata.Org

The Global population have reached its peak between 1962 to 1963 with 2.2% (Roser, 2019) and According
to UN this trend will continue to the next coming decades. As seen in the chart provided from the year
1960 it starts to decline in number, implying that the world population are not growing exponentially.

In relation to that, given the shifting population and fertility statistics, there is less rivalry to be the first
baby of the year than there used to be. Fewer infants were born in New York City in 2020 than in any
other year on record, while the US population rose by only 0.1 percent between July 2020 and July 2021,
with the country gaining only 392,665 people due to net migration and births outnumbering deaths. The
same parallel trend in the Philippines, according to record presented by in the year
2000 the Growth rate are 2.18% while on the year 2020 it declines to 1.35%.

With the decreasing trend in the population growth rate, some underlying reasons are presented
by (Walsh, 20220) Increased pandemic fatalities have a part, as do the inescapable rising mortality rates
in an aged society, in addition, pandemic channel stress and unrest to most of the families and individuals
thus significantly shifting their choices in life to the extent of prioritizing other concerns than having

To support the cited article, according to the Data Sheet by (ISSD, 2021), "COVID-19 is expected
to be the reason of an increase in crude death rates in various nations throughout the world and a decline
in life expectancy in the United States." Italy, Russia, and the United States had higher crude death rates
in 2020 than in 2019. Furthermore, early 2020 data suggest that in the United States, life expectancy at
birth declined from 81.4 to 80.2 years for women and from 76.3 to 74.5 years for men. [SDG Knowledge
Hub stories on the World Data Population Sheet from 2020, 2019, 2018, and 2017]

However, dropping fertility rates are the fundamental culprit, since fewer Americans have children, and
those who do have smaller households.
Photo retrieved from

As supported by the data sourced from the World bank, graph shows the decline in Fertility rate.

in addition, evidences show that increased number of people now are opting to do not bear
children or to build family, because of the present stresses and worries that they don’t want their children
to experience, such concerns are even intensifying by the political unrest and social pressures that many
if not everyone is experiencing. According to US surveys, the stated optimal number of children in a
household has remained slightly over 2.5 since the mid-2000s, even while actual fertility rates have
decreased. There are reasons holding population growth below the level that people say they want,
whether due to delayed relationship and marriage, economic concerns, or changing lifestyle choices.
(Walsh, 2022).
What is carrying capacity? Do you think carrying capacity applies to people as well as to other
organisms? Why or why not?

According to (Britannica, 2019) A species' average population density or population size that are
sustained within a specific environment below which its numbers tend to rise and above which its
numbers tend to drop due to resource scarcity. Because of the specific food, housing, and social
requirements of each species in an environment, carrying capacity varies. Likewise, the number of
individuals who can be supported in a given area within natural resource limits, and without degrading
the natural social, cultural, and economic environment for present and future generations (Hardin, n.d).
The carrying capacity of a certain environment varies within an area and with the species, it can be
affected by some changes in technological advancements, but mostly in a negative way together with
pressures with population increase, by overthrowing demand to the environment and results to a
degradation, its carrying capacity decrease, leaving the environment unsustainable for the inhabitants,
the population could not survive a suffered environment for a long period.
allegorically, we humans are part of the big play, and the stage is our planet, likewise, with all
other organisms, we all thrive to survive. It is notable that among all other organisms, humans have
altered the environment a great deal, our impact is so extensive that we shift weather patterns to the
extent of introducing worldwide shift through Global warming, and our causes significantly shift earth’s
natural landscape and natural processes.
The human population is projected to reach 9.7 Billion by the end of 2050 (,
2021) and likewise, with the smaller environments, the earth also has its limit on life-sustaining resources,
in simple say, humans have carrying capacity. According to ( Every species,
including humans, has a carrying capacity, ecologists, on the other hand, have a tough time calculating
human carrying capacity. Humans are a very complex species, we do not reproduce, consume resources,
or consistently interact with our living environment. Carrying capacity is greatly affected still by the
human’s social groups, traditions, way of life, technological capacity, and the like. In that sense, according
to (, n.d) technological advancements are sought to increase the carrying capacity of
humans based on the article Other technical breakthroughs increased Earth's carrying capacity for human
endeavor even further. The discovery of metals and their alloys, for example—first copper and bronze,
then iron and steel—enabled the production of greater tools and weapons. Similarly, the advent of the
wheel and ships enabled the simple transfer of vast amounts of valuable commodities from excess to
shortage regions. Likewise, in the agriculture sector, advancements in technology, and farming techniques
contribute to an increase in yield thus, providing more resources. Furthermore, as support cited in the
article the evolution of human sociocultural systems has included a lengthy succession of discoveries and
inventions that enhanced the effective carrying capacity of the environment, allowing population
To conclude, Humans like other species living on earth have limits called carrying capacity. It just
depends on us how we address such concerns Being able to expand our carrying capacity is dependent on
our ingenious minds to transform our home into a healthier planet that does not leave with a shortage in
resources or an unbalanced state, sustainable efforts are on the way and being pushed through for several
years now, as mankind, we have the shared responsibility to practice for the greater good of our home


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Britannica writters. (2020). Population ecology. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved June 23, 2022, from

Corwin , S. (2019, January 27). What is biotic potential? Population Education. Retrieved June 23, 2022,

Hermann, H. R. (2017). Biotic potential. Biotic Potential - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. Retrieved
June 23, 2022, from

Walsh, B. (2022, January 5). The Great Population Growth Slowdown. Vox. Retrieved June 23, 2022, from

Roser, M., Ritchie, H., & Ortiz-Ospina, E. (2013, May 9). World population growth. Our World in Data.
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World bank. (n.d.). Fertility rate, total (births per woman). Data. Retrieved June 23, 2022, from

I. I. S. D. S. D. G. K. (2021). 2021 population data sheet highlights declining fertility rates: News: SDG
knowledge hub: IISD. SDG Knowledge Hub. Retrieved June 23, 2022, from

Britannica Editors. (2019). Forest. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved June 23, 2022, from

National Geographic Society. (n.d.). Carrying capacity. National Geographic Society. Retrieved June 24,
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Carrying Capacity And Growth Of The Human Population - Million, Billion, Increased, and Times -
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