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DTCC Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Name: Celina Lombardi Grade: 3

Date of Lesson: 9/26/22 Content: Geography

Time of Lesson: Social Studies Block Length of 45-50 minutes

Part 1: Expectations for Student Outcomes


What CCSS, NextGen, or DLM Geography K-3a: Students will understand the nature and uses of maps, globes, and other geo graphics.
standards are you utilizing across
the lesson?

Measurable Objectives:
3rd graders will work together to accurately navigate, design, and describe a map using their knowledge of cardinal
State in observable and measurable
terms that can be linked directly to directions with teacher prompting.
the assessments

I Can Statement/Essential
Question: I can create my own map of a space station and describe it using my knowledge of cardinal directions.

This should be stated in student

centered language.

Part 2: Instruction Preparation

Class Context:
The class is full of 3rd graders – aged 8 to 9 years old.
What is your learner population?

For this lesson, the concept I am teaching is maps, and the skills the students will be displaying include navigating a map and
What is the specific concept or describing a map using cardinal directions.
skills you are teaching today?

Students have spent a few years learning and understanding the nature of maps, and how to read them. This activity offers less
Why are you teaching this? How teacher support and allows them to get ready for their next standard in the upcoming year, which includes developing a map by
does it connect to what you’ve
themselves, and being able to describe it correctly.
taught before and will teach in the

Map- a picture of an area that shows the objects within it.
What vocabulary will be used in Cardinal Directions- Directions to describe the places around me – North, East, South, West.
this lesson that supports students’
Navigate- finding your way to a certain area or place.
understanding? Why is this
vocabulary important?

Researched-Based Strategies:
This lesson includes student-centered strategies: collaboration with their peers (elbow-partners and groups), cooperative learning,
What research-based strategies
and using questions, cues, and organizers.
are you implementing that
positively impact student learning?

References & Sources: - activating video
What are the references and
sources you utilized in creating All worksheets and checklists were developed by me, and are attached.
this lesson?

Part 3: Core Instruction

Teacher will grab attention of students and say “Guess what class?! Today we will be going on a field trip… all the way to outer
Activating & Engagement space! We’re going to visit a space station. How do you think we will get there?” “That’s right we can’t go to outer space today,
Strategies: but we will just pretend!” “Give me a thumbs up if you’re excited!” (Expected: Thumbs up)
“Okay, we are going to watch a video about our space station that we have in outer space, make sure you have your listening ears
How will you hook your
on!” Teacher will show a short video about the International Space Station (ISS). (With the video included, this should take between five and eight minutes.)

Instructional Suggested Materials &

Instructional Sequence & Activities Grouping
Time Resources
20 minutes Teacher will state the object of the opening activity – allow PowerPoint ☒Whole Group
students to become excited. goes with Small Group
“Who’s ready to become astronaut for today?” “Today, we aren’t instruction.  ☐Above
going to stay inside of the space station, instead we are going to (attached)  ☐On
go out into outer space. Who remembers what we must wear if  ☐Below
we go outside of the space station?” “Alright let’s stand up and ☐Independent Practice
put on our space suits.” *Pretend to put on a space suit and sit
back down*
*Instruction goes with power point*
Reference the compass rose – “Who knows what this is?” “What
does it tell us?” “Why is it important for astronauts?”

Given slide 5, have the children draw or describe how many tiles
North, South, East, or West the astronaut needs to travel on the
map to reach the particular planet. Teacher may ask children to
raise their hand quietly for the chance to come to the
SMARTboard and draw the pathway, while also giving the
directions, using cardinal word choices.

Repeat these instructions for the rest of the slides.

Given slide 11, ask the students an enrichment question… “If

Mars is North of Venus, where should I put it on the map?”
Thank the children for listening, offer praise for working hard.

State the objective for the next activity: “Now that we have a
refresher on our cardinal directions which are…?” (Expected:
North, South, East and West.” “Great job! Now, I am going to
split you up into groups. Once I split you into your groups, I
would like you to go to your group and wait for the next
*Split students into homogeneous groups pertaining to skill

Grab attention of students: *Pass out large poster boards* “On

this poster board, I would like you to create your own map of a
space station, like the one we heard about in the video. However,
there are some rules, and you must think hard about these rules.
One of the rules states that the Library of the Space Station is
North of the Dining Area. You need to make sure that you check
off your check list with your group, and I will be around if you
have questions!” “Give me a thumbs up if you understand!”
(Expected: thumbs up) *Answer any clarifying questions for the
Students will work together as they complete their map, using the
checklist given. This particular group will be broken into two
groups, above, and on, as there are only four students who are iPad
above. The above students will have additional items to check off Compass cut- ☐Whole Group
on their checklist, as they will also start off with a completely out Small Group
blank map. iPad are available if needed. The On-grade level Poster Board  ☒Above
20 minutes  ☒On
students will start off with a cut out of a compass, and the title Pencils,
written on the poster board. From here, they will create their markers, pens,  ☐Below
map, and they are given an iPad to help with spell checks, and rulers ☐Independent Practice
pictures to draw for the map. There will be frequent check-ins by Checklist
the teacher. Allow the above grade-level students to draw a
picture of the outside of the space station, if needed.
20 minutes Students will work together with teacher prompting and support, iPad ☐Whole Group
as they create their own map of the space station. Students are Compass cut- Small Group
required to complete at least five of the items on the checklist. out  ☐Above
Students are also entitled to breaks to the calm-down corner, as Checklist cut-  ☐On
well as brain breaks, if needed. Students are given cut-outs of the outs  ☒Below
items listed on the check list, as well as a cut-out of the compass, Poster Board ☐Independent Practice
and the Title written. The iPad is available if needed. Pencils,
markers, pens,


Accommodations: Students are allowed breaks to the calm-down corner if needed, as well as brain breaks. All students are also offered access to the
iPad for spelling corrections and reference to drawings, if need be. Students are also allowed to ask clarifying questions and use
How will you differentiate your support from the teacher for clarification and help with the assignment. All students, even those categorized as above grade level,
lesson for all learners? Include will be able to use an iPad if needed. For the assessment, students are able to draw a picture and write the letter of the cardinal
specific IEP goals if appropriate. direction, or they are allowed to offer a verbal answer to the teacher for the assessment.
Collect the maps from the students and have them return to their seat. Have a thumbs up, thumbs down assessment with the entire
class as you navigate the space station maps. Allow the students who created the map to hold the posterboard. The teacher will
ask the class questions that correlate with the checklist such as “Is the library North of the Dining Area?” “Class, give me a
Closure: thumbs up if it is, and a thumbs down if it is not.” Expectedly, the maps will be correct, and the other students will be able to
decipher whether something is correct or incorrect.
How will you tie the lesson
together? What are your next
steps? End with the statement “I learned something today” (Expected: Thumbs Up) Encourage the children to discuss what they have
learned from the lesson with their elbow partner. After discussion, ask the children to share what their partner shared with them.
Record this information on an anchor chart to post on the wall in the class at their eye-level. This will allow the students to refer
to this anchor chart for reminders throughout following lessons of how to navigate a map.

Assessment Name Assessment Type

Description of how you will Thumbs up/ Thumbs down assessment/ Give each child a sticky note to
evaluate student achievement of write one fact about any of the maps… The sentence needs to be in the
the lesson objectives. same format as: “The _____ is North (South, West, East) of the ______.”
The sentence needs to be one not stated on the checklists posted on the
board. Students may stand up to view the boards and checklists closer.
Once the students are confident with their answers, they will make sure
their name is on it, fold their sticky notes, and place them in a bin or bowl
near the teacher’s desk. The teacher will grade on accuracy, and if the
student followed the directions of making the sentence different from the
previous sentences. Accommodations for the assessment are listed in the
accommodations section.

Part 4: Post Lesson

Reflection: If I were to complete this lesson, something that I think will go well, is the concept of keeping the children engaged, and
As an educator, it is important to
being able to grab their attention when needed. Doing frequent check-ins and doing one direction at a time won’t give them
reflect on your practices.
much time to get off task or too out of hand to handle. With this being said, something that may be challenging, and may not
 What went well in this lesson?
What didn’t work? go as planned may be the time I have allotted for completing their map. After being in a third-grade classroom, I can see how
 How could you improve the it takes many children at least 7 to 8 minutes to even begin a task with teacher prompting once or twice. I fear that 20 minutes
lesson if you taught it again? may not be long enough for the children to complete their maps.

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