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Name: ________________________ Date: ____________________

Practice with Negative Exponents

Taken from Eureka Lesson 9:

Write each expression using positive exponents:

a. a−3=¿

b. −3

c. b−5=¿

d. −9
e. 10−80=¿

For each of the following problems, apply the rule of negative exponents to rewrite each expression with positive

1 x2
Ex 1. =
5 x −2 5

Key takeaways:

 Only the x had a negative exponent, so nothing happened to the 5

 The base of x−2was moved to the numerator because we took the reciprocal
 The exponent of x−2 switched signs (from negative to positive) after we took the reciprocal

−3 2 b
Ex 2. a b=

Key takeaways:

 Only the ‘a’ had a negative exponent, so nothing happened to the ‘b’
 The base of a−3was moved to the denominator because we took the reciprocal
 The exponent of a−3 switched signs (from negative to positive) after we took the reciprocal

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