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a) T; b) F; c) F; d) T.

a) T
b) F - The position all connectors take in a sentences may vary.
c) F - Therefore is placed between both sentences and after a comma.
d) F- However is always followed by a comma and comes at the beginning of the second sentence,
usually after a full stop.

a); d)

b); c)

a) Neither/nor
b) Either/ or
c) Neither

a) However
b) Therefore
c) Even Though
d) However

a) New York is sometimes haunted by anonymity. However, both its inhabitants and those who go
there on holidays love it.
b) Correct.
c) I only want to work either as nurse or a pharmacist. Any other jobs are not an option.
d) He left as soon as he saw me. Therefore, I can only assume that he is still mad at me.

1- d); 2- a); 3- b); 4- c)

a) Even though; b)However; c) therefore

a) therefore; b)Even though; c)neither; d)nor; e)either.

a) Never...again; b) Therefore; c) So

1) – b); 2) – c); 3) – e); 4) – d); 5) – a)

1) – d); 2) – c); 3) – a); 4) – b)

a) and; b) so; c) before; d) but
a) Even though; b) However; c) both...and; d) therefore

a) I was listening to the radio; therefore I managed to hear the news about the accident.
b) Even though she had a terrible headache, she went to work.
c) The car is not only very small but also very noisy.
d) He was more than qualified for the job. However, he didn’t get it.

1) Neither my brother nor my sister are very busy at work.
2) There is both a shopping centre and a small shop in this town.
3) Even though the doctor has advised her to stop smoking, she hasn’t stopped yet.
4) I might either learn how to cook or how to bake.

1) – a); 2) – d); 3) – c); 4) – b)

a) He’s stupid and arrogant, therefore no one likes him.
b) She’s fond of travelling. However, she can’t afford to go the places she wants to visit.
c) I’m neither rich nor poor.
d) Even though his phone was big, he kept losing it.

a) Nicole didn't eat anything at the party therefore she was very hungry.
b) Even though she is the boss, she works as hard as her employees.
c) He knew the answer. However, he refused to tell it to the others.
d) Some people believe in heaven and in life after death, I don’t believe in either.

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