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Research Paper

Regional difference in intestinal drug absorption as a

measure for the potential effect of P-glycoprotein efflux
Shimaa M. Ashmawy , Sanaa A. El-Gizawy, Gamal M. El Maghraby and Mohamed A. Osman
Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, College of Pharmacy, University of Tanta, Tanta, Egypt

Keywords Abstract
intestinal perfusion; P-glycoprotein; piperine;
ranitidine hydrochloride Objectives The aim of this research was to assess regional difference in the
intestinal absorption of ranitidine HCl as an indicator for the potential effect of
Correspondence P-glycoprotein (P-gp) efflux transporters.
Shimaa M. Ashmawy, Department of
Methods In situ rabbit intestinal perfusion was used to investigate absorption of
Pharmaceutical Technology, Faculty of
Pharmacy, University of Tanta, Tanta 31111,
ranitidine HCl, a substrate for P-gp efflux from duodenum, jejunum, ileum and
Egypt. colon. This was conducted both in the presence and absence of piperine as P-gp
E-mail: inhibitor.
Key findings Ranitidine HCl was incompletely absorbed from rabbit intestine.
Received March 6, 2018 The length normalized absorptive clearance (PeA/L) of ranitidine HCl was
Accepted September 29, 2018 ranked as colon > duodenum > jejunum > ileum. This is the reverse order of
the magnitude of P-gp expression. Coperfusion of piperine with ranitidine HCl
doi: 10.1111/jphp.13036
significantly increased the PeA/L of ranitidine HCl from jejunum and ileum with
no significant change on the absorption from duodenum and colon. This was
confirmed by significant reduction in the length required for complete ranitidine
HCl absorption from jejunum and ileum in presence piperine.
Conclusions The results indicate that P-gp transporters play a major role in
determining regional difference in intestinal absorption of ranitidine HCl. Thus,
the regional absorption of drugs may be taken as an indirect indication for the
role of P-gp in intestinal absorption.

done in the presence and absence of known inhibitors for

the efflux transporters.[1,4,5] Other methods include everted
The efflux transporters such as P-glycoprotein (P-gp) can intestinal sac,[6–8] rat precision-cut intestinal slices (PCIS)
play a major role in drug absorption after oral administra- as an ex vivo model.[1] In these studies, the mucosal to sero-
tion. They can determine the concentration of active phar- sal transport can be compared to the corresponding serosal
maceutical ingredients and/or their metabolites in the to mucosal influx with intestinal efflux being diagnosed if
enterocytes. This may affect the driving force of drug the later was significantly higher than the former.
absorption by back efflux.[1] This effect has been shown to Despite of simplicity and generation of large amount of
play an integral role in minimizing the oral bioavailability data, the in vitro methods are not standardized and are
of drugs.[2,3] Accordingly, researchers concentrated on associated with many problems.[9] For example, in vitro
developing methods to monitor the contribution of these methods cannot determine location of transporters. In vitro
efflux transporters to the intestinal absorption of drugs.[4] models may create data which underestimate effect of efflux
Several methods have been used to study the effect of transporters on low permeability drugs.[4] In addition,
P-gp on intestinal drug absorption. These studies employed in vitro simulation of efflux transporter can overlook the
both in vitro to in vivo methods. Among the used methods heterogeneous distribution and expression of the trans-
are vesicular systems and Caco-2 cells monolayers. In these porters in the intestine.[1]
two techniques authors monitored the influx of drugs into In situ intestinal perfusion technique using animal
vesicular structure or into the cell, respectively. This can be models was introduced as an alternative strategy to monitor

© 2018 Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, ** (2018), pp. **–** 1
A new method for p-gp assessment Shimaa M. Ashmawy et al.

the effect of efflux transporters on the intestinal absorption

of drugs. This technique preserves the viability of the tissue
while eliminating the effect of food and gastric residence Quantification of ranitidine HCl was conducted using
time on drug absorption. In addition to these advantages, HPLC. This utilized a Waters HPLC system equipped with
several animal models have been employed providing Waters 600 flow rate controller (Milford, CT, USA), a
greater flexibility to the researchers.[9–13] To employ this Waters 468, variable wavelength UV detector. Samples
technique in monitoring P-gp efflux transporters, authors (40 ll) were injected using Waters 717 Plus autosampler.
perfused different drug solutions of increasing concentra- This system was remote controlled using Millennium 32
tions of drug to eliminate possible saturation of the trans- software. Chromatographic separation was performed using
porters by perfusion of highly concentrated solution.[14] C18, reversed phase column (150 9 4.6 mm). The average
The regional distribution of P-gp efflux transporters have particle size of the stationary phase was 5 lm (Thermo Sci-
been investigated with the published data providing reliable entific Hypersil, Waltham, MA, USA). The study employed
distribution of these transporters throughout the intes- a mixture of Acetonitrile and 20 mM potassium dihydrogen
tine.[3,15] The studies revealed site specific expression P-gp phosphate adjusted to pH 6 (9 : 91) with the flow rate
efflux transporters with this expression increasing as we being set at 1.2 ml/min. The concentration of drug in the
move from the proximal to distal regions in the small intes- effluent was measured by monitoring at 228 nm. Caffeine
tine. For the large intestine greater expression was recorded was used as an internal standard and was included at a fixed
in the central region but the overall expression is signifi- concentration (7 lg/ml) in each sample. The calibration
cantly lower than that extracted from any of small intestinal curves were constructed from the drug concentrations and
segments.[3,15,16] Accordingly, exploring the regional differ- the peak area ratios of the drug/internal standard. The
ences in drug absorption may provide indirect indication method was validated for linearity, range, lower limit of
for the susceptibility of the given drug for efflux trans- quantification (LOQ) and lower limit of detection (LOD).
porters. However, this needs to be verified and the current
study is the first study to test this hypothesis.
In situ intestinal perfusion studies
Accordingly, the aim of this work was to investigate
regional difference in intestinal drug absorption as a The study employed 12 rabbits (average weight of 2 kg).
parameter reflecting the potential effect of P-gp efflux This selection was based on the similarity in the anatomical
transporters. To achieve this, rabbit was selected as the and physiological parameters of the gastrointestinal tract of
model animal and in situ intestinal perfusion technique was Rabbit compared to that of human.[10–12] The study proto-
employed. The intestinal absorption of ranitidine HCl, a col and animal manipulations were conducted as per the
known substrate for Pgp-efflux transporters,[17–20] was approval of the Ethical Committee of College of Pharmacy,
monitored through the duodenum, jejunum, ileum and Tanta University (Approval number, 208013).
colon. This was conducted both in the presence and
absence of piperine as an inhibitor for the efflux.
Preparation of drug solution for intestinal
Materials and Methods
The perfusion solutions containing 37.5 lg/ml ranitidine
HCl were prepared in normal saline in absence and pres-
ence of piperine (28.5 lg/ml). This was achieved with the
Ranitidine HCl was obtained from Sigma Pharmaceutical aid of bath sonication. The drug concentration was selected
industries S.A.E. (Quesna, Egypt). Caffeine and acetonitrile taking into consideration the daily dose of ranitidine
high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC)-grade were HCl and the average fluid input into the gastrointesti-
obtained from BDH Chemicals Ltd (Poole, England). nal tract.[12]
Piperine was procured from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO,
USA). Methanol (HPLC-grade), potassium dihydrogen
Segment preparation
phosphate and phosphoric acid were ordered from Merck
Chemical Co. (Darmstadt, Germany). Sodium chloride The surgical procedures and preparation of the target seg-
0.9% w/w for injection (normal saline) was purchased from ment were conducted based on the well established
El-Nasr Pharmaceutical Chemicals Company (Cairo, methodology.[10–12] Briefly, Rabbits were allowed a free
Egypt). Ketamine HCl injection (50 mg/ml) was a product access to water with complete restriction of food for the
of Sigma-Tec Pharmaceutical Industries (Giza, Egypt). night before the experiment. On the day of the study the
Chloropromazine HCl injection (25 mg/ml) was produced rabbit was anaesthetized using chloropromazine HCl injec-
by Misr Pharmaceutical Company (Cairo, Egypt). tion (2 mg/kg) as muscle relaxant with ketamine HCl being

2 © 2018 Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, ** (2018), pp. **–**
Shimaa M. Ashmawy et al. A new method for p-gp assessment

used as the main anaesthetic. Ketamine HCl was injected surface area (cm2), Pe denotes the apparent permeability
15 min after the muscle relaxant and was delivered in two coefficient (cm/min) and Q is the average flow rate of the
successive doses (45 mg/kg) at 15 min intervals. Smaller perfusate through the target segment (ml/min)
dose of the anaesthetic (25 mg/kg) was injected if required.
The anaesthetized rabbit is mounted on a thermostated PeA ¼ Q  lnfCðoutÞ =CðinÞ gss ð1Þ
matrix with the animal being in a supine position. Abdomi-
The fraction of the drug absorbed at steady state (Fa)
nal hair was removed the skin cleaned before making a 6–
was calculated using the following equation.
8 cm midline abdominal incision. The target intestinal seg-
ment was exposed and the required length was cannulated
from both sides after tying with surgical thread. This iso- Fa ¼ 1  fCðoutÞ =CðinÞ g ss ¼ 1  expðPeA=QÞ ð2Þ
lates the segment and eliminates the effect of food while The length of the intestine remaining after complete drug
maintaining the viability and blood supply of the segment. absorption is described as the anatomical reserve length
The cannulated segment was cleaned using warm saline. (ARL) and was calculated from the following equation in
The measured length depended on the target segment with which L* is the anatomical length of given intestinal seg-
length being 15, 30, 30 and 10 cm for duodenum, jejunum, ment and l* is the intestinal length along which complete
ileum and ascending colon, respectively. The perfusate was absorption is achieved. These lengths were expressed in
pumped at constant rate (0.19 ml/min) for 2 h during centimetres.
which the perfusate was collected at 10 min intervals. ARL ¼ ðL Þ  ðl Þ ð3Þ
Pumping was achieved using Harvard-22, constant rate
perfusion pump obtained from Harvard Apparatus (Millis, Practically, it is difficult for the solute to disappear com-
MA, USA). The net weight of each perfusate sample was pletely form the intestinal lumen especially in a logarithmic
recorded. This was used in estimation of the net water flux situation. Accordingly, a 5% fraction was assumed to
which is determined from the difference between the remain with 95% absorption being taken as an approximate
expected sample volume and the recorded sample volume. reflection of complete absorption. Taking this into consid-
The concentration of ranitidine HCl in the perfusate sam- eration the length required for 95% absorption (L95%) was
ples was quantified using the developed HPLC method. calculated using the following equation.
This involved centrifugation of the perfusate samples and 
0:05 ¼ expfðPeA: l Þ=Qg
loading of known volume of the perfusate sample into
tubes previously spiked with the specified amount of the where PeA is absorptive clearance normalized to length and
internal standard. This was subjected to vortex mixing l* is L95% for the given drug.
before loading into the HPLC vials.
Effect of solvent drag on intestinal absorptive clearance. To
investigate the pathway of drug transport across the intesti-
nal membrane it was essential to monitor the drug absorp-
Data analysis
tion as a function of water flux. This was achieved by
The in situ intestinal perfusion study generates useful data plotting the PeA as a function of net water flux Jw (ml/min)
including the permeation parameters and water flux. These which was calculated from the difference between the vol-
data have been manipulated to predict the mechanism of ume of the perfusate pumped during a given time period
drug transfer through intestinal membrane. Detailed meth- (Qin) and the volume of perfusate recovered from the
ods for calculation of these parameters and analysis of data segment during this time (Qout). This is simplified by the
are available in literature reports.[11,12] The proceeding sec- following equation.
tions will present a briefing on this. Jw ¼ Qin  Qout ð5Þ
Absorptive clearance. The concentration of the ranitidine The rate of drug absorption (Js) which is calculated in
HCl recorded in each sample was corrected with respect to lg/min depends on the contribution of diffusive and con-
the net water flux to produce the actual amount of drug vective processes. The net amount of drug absorbed per
remaining in each sample (Cout). The ratio between Cout unit time can by driven from the following equation is then
and the amount of drug perfused Cin was used to calculate given by[21,22]:
the fraction of drug remaining after perfusion. The fraction
Js ¼ Ks ðC  Cp Þ þ [s Jw C ð6Þ
remaining at steady state {(Cout/Cin)ss} was taken from the
average of the fractions remaining in samples collected dur- where the diffusive process is described by [Ks (C-Cp)] in
ing the second hour of perfusion. This was used to calculate which Ks is the diffusive permeability coefficient of the
the absorptive clearance (PeA) expressed as ml/min using drug. The concentration of the drug in the intestinal lumen
the following equation in which A represents the effective is expressed as C with that in the plasma being defined as

© 2018 Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, ** (2018), pp. **–** 3
A new method for p-gp assessment Shimaa M. Ashmawy et al.

Cp. and the convective process is represented by (Øs Jw C)

in which Øs is the sieving coefficient of drug. Equation (6)
can be approximated to Equation (7) at steady state, taking
into consideration the existence of sink conditions in
Jss ¼ DAKp=DxðCss Þ þ [s Jw ðCss Þ ð7Þ
where Jss is the steady state solute flux (lg/min), D is the
diffusion coefficient of the drug, A is the effective surface
area of drug absorption Kp is the (octanol/water) partition
coefficient of the compound. Dx is the path length. Css is
the length averaged steady state concentration of the solute
in the lumen (lg/ml). Rearrangement of Equation (7)
Jss =Css ¼ DAKp=Dx þ [s Jw ð8Þ Figure 1 The absorptive clearance of ranitidine HCl normalized to
intestinal length (PeA/L) during the perfusion of different anatomical
sites of rabbit intestine. (Data at steady state are presented as
The term Jss/Css represents the overall PeA of the given mean + SEM, n = 3).
solute (ml/min) which is achieved via different permeation
pathways and can be practically calculated as permeability
surface area product, PeA. reflected from the values of L95 which showed as opposite
ranking with the differences being significant (Table 1).
The recorded L95 value in any of the tested segment was
Statistical analysis
significantly longer than the actual length of the segment
The calculated membrane transport parameters were sub- indicating incomplete absorption of the drug after oral
jected to statistical treatment to test for the significance of administration. The incomplete absorption is even clearer
the recorded differences. This employed Kruskal–Wallis test from the recorded negative values for the ARL (Table 1).
with multiple pairwise comparisons using the Conover- The water flux normalized to segment length was also
Iman procedure to compare between individual segments monitored. The results indicated nonsignificant differences
and groups. P-value <0.05 was considered significant. (P > 0.05) between different segments of the small intestine
with respect to the water flux. With respect to the colon
there was a significant increase in the water flux with water
flux approaching 3-fold that is recorded in the tested small
intestinal segments (Table 1).
Membrane transport parameters of
The effect of net water flux on the PeA of ranitidine HCl
ranitidine HCl in rabbit intestine
was assessed. Figure 2 shows a plot of the PeA of ranitidine
The intestinal perfusion study involved calculation of the HCl from different intestinal segments as a function of the
membrane transport parameters at steady state. The last six net water flux, both normalized to the segment length. The
samples were taken as the samples corresponding to the regression parameters of these plots are presented in
steady state. Figure 1 presents a plot of the PeA per unit Table 2. The regression data indicated that the slope of the
length as a function of time. This plot confirms the steady plots was significantly different from zero in cases of duo-
state pattern of the data. Table 1 presents the membrane denum, jejunum and ascending colon. The slope of the plot
transport parameters of ranitidine HCl after perfusion of was not significantly different from zero in case of the
its aqueous solution through different intestinal segments ileum. The intercept of the line passing through the data
of rabbit. The calculated membrane transport parameters was used to calculate the relative contribution of the tran-
reflect the dependence of the intestinal absorption of rani- scellular and paracellular pathways in the overall absorp-
tidine HCl on the absorption site. The extent of drug tion of ranitidine HCl. For the duodenum 52.9% of the
absorption decreases as we move distally through the small absorbed drug was due to the transcellular route with com-
intestine before increasing again at the ascending colon. parable contribution being shown in case the jejunum in
This is reflected from the PeA per unit length which was which 53.8% of the PeA was due to transcellular route. This
ranked as duodenum > jejunum > ileum < ascending route was responsible for 62.5% of the PeA in the ileum.
colon. Statistical analysis revealed that the existence of sig- For the colon the absorption was mainly via the paracellu-
nificant differences among different segments according to lar pathway which was responsible for absorption of 92.3%
the above rank (P < 0.05). This pattern was further of the amount of drug absorbed (Table 2, Figure 2).

4 © 2018 Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, ** (2018), pp. **–**
Shimaa M. Ashmawy et al. A new method for p-gp assessment

Table 1 Membrane transport parameters of ranitidine HCl after perfusion through rabbit intestinal segments in absence and presence of

Segment PeA (ml/min) Rout/Rin PeA/L (ml/ l*(L95%) (cm) ARL (cm) JW (ml/min) JW/L (ml/

Duodenum 0.0241 (0.0020) 0.8734 (0.0120) 0.0017 (0.0001) 370.38 (38.45) 350.38 0.0189 (0.0058) 0.0013 (0.0004)
Jejunum 0.0380 (0.0019) 0.8023 (0.0132) 0.0013 (0.0001) 538.01 (37.59) 418.01 0.0382 (0.0138) 0.0014 (0.0005)
Ileum 0.0237 (0.0023) 0.8708 (0.0106) 0.0008 (0.0001) 2432.76 (720.38) 2372.76 0.0403 (0.0101) 0.0014 (0.0003)
Colon 0.0369 (0.0015) 0.8065 (0.0065) 0.0039 (0.0003) 146.21 (10.57) 131.21 0.0383 (0.0011) 0.0040 (0.0002)
Ranitidine HCl with piperine
Duodenum 0.0228 (0.0025) 0.8742 (0.0144) 0.0016 (0.0002) 597.41 (139.1) 577.41 0.0129 (0.0014) 0.0009 (0.0001)
Jejunum 0.0708 (0.0013) 0.6735 (0.0027) 0.0024 (0.0000) 326.10 (28.30) 206.10 0.0473 (0.0156) 0.0016 (0.0005)
Ileum 0.0476 (0.0073) 0.7546 (0.0288) 0.0017 (0.0002) 346.83 (30.571) 286.83 0.0480 (0.0106) 0.0018 (0.0004)
Colon 0.0382 (0.0030) 0.8047 (0.0120) 0.0036 (0.0002) 270.08 (62.98) 255.08 0.0322 (0.0040) 0.0030 (0.0004)
Values between brackets are SEM, n = 3. PeA is the overall absorptive clearance, Rout/Rin is the fraction remaining to be absorbed, PeA/L is the
absorptive clearance per unit length, L95% is the length required for 95% absorption, ARL is the anatomical reserve length which is the length of
intestine remaining after complete drug absorption, JW is the water flux and JW/L is the water flux normalized to the segment length.

maintaining the circulatory blood flow and tissue viabil-

Effect of piperine on intestinal absorption
ity.[12] The selection of rabbit depended on the physiologi-
of ranitidine HCl in situ
cal similarity between this animal and human intestine
Table 1 presents the membrane transport parameters of with respect to surface area change from one location to
ranitidine HCl after co-perfusion with piperine trough dif- another.[23,24] Ranitidine HCl was selected on the base of
ferent segments of rabbit intestine. Perfusion of piperine the published data which reflected the influence of P-gp
along with ranitidine HCl modulated the membrane trans- efflux transporters on its intestinal absorption.[19] The per-
port parameters of ranitidine HCl. This was manifested as fusion solution contained ranitidine HCl at a concentration
significant increase (P < 0.05) in the PeA per unit length of 37.5 lg/ml. This concentration was calculated based on
(PeA/L) in case of the jejunum and ileum compared with the daily dose and average fluid intake and influx into the
the corresponding values recorded for the drug in absence GIT. This principle is well-documented in literature to
of piperine. There was no significant change (P > 0.05) in investigate the in situ intestinal absorption of drugs.[12]
the PeA/L after coperfusion of piperine with ranitidine HCl The results of intestinal perfusion of ranitidine HCl
through the duodenum and the colon (Table 1). The same reflected its incomplete absorption as shown from the calcu-
trend was manifested in the L95 values which were reduced lated L95 and ARL values. This incomplete absorption com-
significantly (P < 0.05) after coperfusion of piperine with plies with the reported poor bioavailability (50%) after oral
ranitidine HCl in case of jejunum and ileum compared administration.[25,26] In addition to the incomplete absorp-
with the corresponding values recorded after perfusion of tion, the PeA of ranitidine HCl depended on the absorption
ranitidine HCl alone (Table 1). site with the absorption from different segments being in
With regard to the intestinal transport pathway of rani- the order of duodenum > jejunum > ileum < ascending
tidine HCl, coperfusion of piperine increased the percent- colon. This order can be explained taking into consideration
age contribution of the transcellular route from 62.5 to various factors. The first possible reason for this order can
76.5% in case of the ileum. There were no changes in the be due to the difference in the surface area available for drug
relative contribution of the transport pathways in other absorption at different anatomical site. Considering this
segments after coperfusion of piperine (Table 2, Figure 3). parameter the surface area can be ranked as jejunum >
duodenum > ileum > colon.[27,28] This rank order does
not correlate well with the recorded rank of the PeA from
the tested anatomical sites. Accordingly, the surface area dif-
The aim of this work was to probe the feasibility of moni- ference cannot be considered as the main factor contribut-
toring site dependent PeA of drugs as a possible tool to ing to site dependent PeA of ranitidine HCl. This is
identify the role of efflux transporters in intestinal absorp- particularly clear taking into consideration the higher PeA
tion of drug. This was achieved using in situ intestinal per unit length and lower L95 recorded in case of the colon.
absorption technique with rabbit being used as model ani- The relative contribution of diffusive and convective
mal. The selection of the technique was based on its sim- absorption processes to drug absorption can be consid-
plicity, elimination of the effect of food, possibility of ered in explaining the regional differences in intestinal
investigating regional difference in drug absorption while absorption of the drug. The recorded results reflected

© 2018 Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, ** (2018), pp. **–** 5
A new method for p-gp assessment Shimaa M. Ashmawy et al.

Figure 2 Absorptive clearance of ranitidine HCl as a function of water flux in different intestinal segments: (a) duodenum, (b) jejunum, (c) ileum
and (d) ascending colon. Parameters are normalized to segment length.

Table 2 Effect of water flux (ml/ on the overall absorptive clearance (ml/ of Ranitidine HCl in absence and presence of piperine:
Regression parameters are obtained by fitting data to Equation (8)

Regression parameters Duodenum Jejunum Ileum Ascending colon

Intercept (DAKp/Δx) 0.0009* (0.0002) 0.0007* (0.0003) 0.0005** (0.0003) 0.0003** (0.0007)
Slope (∅) 0.5647* (0.1191) 0.4513* (0.1539) 0.2523** (0.1784) 0.8883* (0.1694)
% Transcellular 52.9 53.8 62.5 7.7
% Paracellular 47.1 46.2 37.5 92.3
Ranitidine HCl with piperine
Intercept (DAKp/Δx) 0.0007* (0.0003) 0.0012* (0.0003) 0.0013* (0.0004) 0.0009** (0.0005)
Slope (∅) 0.944* (0.2527) 0.712* (0.1348) 0.216** (0.2130) 0.874* (0.1474)
% Transcellular 43.8 50.0 76.5 25.0
% Paracellular 56.2 50.0 23.5 75.0
Values in parentheses are  the standard error values, n = 3. (DAKp/Δx) is the permeability coefficient and (∅s) is the sieving coefficient. *Signifi-
cantly different from zero (P < 0.05). **Not significantly different from zero (P > 0.05).

comparable contribution of the two pathways in rani- absorption can be affected by any factor affecting water
tidine HCl absorption from small intestinal segments flux with those affecting transcellular absorption domi-
with colonic absorption being mainly through convective nate in the small intestinal absorption. Accordingly, the
pathway. This was indicated from the relationship effect of P-gp efflux can be a determining factor in the
between the PeA and net water flux, both normalized to overall PeA of ranitidine HCl. This supposition is sup-
segment length. This finding is expected taking into con- ported by previous investigations on ranitidine HCl
sideration the polar nature of ranitidine HCl and the which suggested a significant role for p-gp efflux in
reported water absorption capacity of different intestinal reduced oral absorption of the drug.[17–20] Studying the
segments.[29–31] Accepting these findings, ranitidine HCl regional distribution of P-gp in intestinal segments

6 © 2018 Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, ** (2018), pp. **–**
Shimaa M. Ashmawy et al. A new method for p-gp assessment

Figure 3 Absorptive clearance of ranitidine HCl in presence of piperine as a function of water flux in different intestinal segments: (a) duode-
num, (b) jejunum, (c) ileum and (d) ascending colon. Parameters are normalized to segment length.

revealed that its expression is site dependent. The magni- with piperine, a known P-gp inhibitor. The results
tude of expression is ranked as ileum > jejunum > duo- reflected significant changes in the membrane transport
denum.[3,32] This rank order is the reverse of the rank parameters of ranitidine HCl in presence of piperine
order of the PeA of ranitidine HCl which means that compared with perfusion of the drug alone (Table 1).
drug absorption is reduced in segments containing high This change depended on the site of absorption with the
expression of P-gp transporters. This suggests that P-gp PeA increasing in case of the jejunum and ileum. This
transporters play a major role in determining regional increase suggests that the inhibitory effect of piperine on
difference in the absorption of ranitidine HCl. Taking the P-gp transporters was a factor in the enhanced
the findings of the current study together with the con- absorption of ranitidine HCl and can suggest that the
firmed role of P-gp efflux in oral absorption of ranitidine regional difference in absorption of ranitidine HCl can
HCl, the regional absorption of drugs may be taken as be explained on the base of the relative extent of expres-
an indirect indication for the role of P-gp in its intestinal sion of the efflux transporter in each segment. This sup-
absorption. This is of particular importance if the position is supported by the previous findings which
recorded difference was in the small intestinal segments classified piperine as an inhibitor for intestinal efflux of
in which transcellular pathway play significant role in drugs,[33–37] in addition to the published work on the
drug transport. It is important to highlight that existence role of P-gp efflux in reduced intestinal absorption of
of P-gp transporters in the large intestine has been ranitidine HCl.[17–20] Considering the recorded effect of
noticed mainly in the central portion, but the absolute piperine together with relative distribution of efflux
amount much less than that present in the small intes- transporters in different intestinal segments, regional dif-
tine.[16] For the current drug the absorption of ranitidine ference in intestinal drug absorption can be taken as a
HCl from the ascending colon was mediated by the con- measure for the potential role of efflux transporters in
vective process with the role of water flux dominating. intestinal absorption of given compounds. However, fur-
To further confirm the correlation between regional ther investigations are required using different drug
differences in drug absorption and the role of P-gp efflux molecules. This can provide the pharmaceutical formula-
transporters, ranitidine HCl was perfused simultaneously tor with a reliable method for identification of potential

© 2018 Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, ** (2018), pp. **–** 7
A new method for p-gp assessment Shimaa M. Ashmawy et al.

P-gp substrates. This identification can allow for opti- coperfusion of the drug with P-gp inhibitor resulted in
mization of the absorption of P-gp substrates. The tech- significant increase in drug absorption from segments
nique can be extended to identify inert P-gp inhibitors expressing the P-gp efflux transporters. The study thus
which can be used as pharmaceutical excipients to highlighted the role of P-gp transporters in determining
enhance the intestinal absorption of drugs suffering from regional difference in intestinal absorption of ranitidine
P-gp efflux. Optimization of intestinal absorption can HCl. Accordingly, the regional absorption of drugs may
enhance oral bioavailability providing a chance for reduc- be taken as an indirect indication for the role of P-gp in
tion in the dose and minimization of the side effects. intestinal absorption.

Conclusion Declarations
The regional difference in rabbit intestinal absorption of
ranitidine HCl correlated with the magnitude of expres- Conflict of interest
sion of P-gp transporters in each segment with drug The Author(s) declare(s) that they have no conflicts of
absorption reducing in segments having greater extent of interest to disclose.
P-gp expression. This was further confirmed by

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