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Re: 0022 Fix found

some consoles ( 7 out of 10 for me ) after freeboot can not boot and blink stop on
CL .
with ej button also could not boot xell .
you shod write org.bin and after that write .ecc .
then power on with power buttn .
maybe this help too boot xell . maybe .
then you must extact riginal nand with xebuild GUI.
KV.bin and other Decrype factor you need .
in JRunner yu must select Creat Nad without original dump .
you must have CPU key and other extracted files from your org dump .
select your LDV ( count your "F" in xell screen )
then you should erase your console nand .
then write updtflash that you made with JRunner .
unplug power cord for 2 min .
plug it and power on console . maybe you have RROD 0022 within first 10 sec
unplug power and plug again . after that your console must be alive .
this methd work for my 5 consoles that slept for 4 mounth .
good luck

Re: jasper 0022 after 25-30 sec

check R8C2 resistor and see if you get 1k can also get 0022 if that
resistor is blown


Habeis probado a borrar la nand? A mi me ha funcionado de esta manera con el

siguiente comando
usar Utilizo nandpro 2.0e

Para placas con memoria de 16 MB, "nandpro usb: -e16 0x00000"

Para placas con memoria de 256 MB / 512 MB, "nandpro usb: -e64 0x00000"

Y despues he metido la nand original, "nandpro usb: -w16 nandoriginal.bin"

Ha sido la �nica forma que he conseguido arrancar de nuevo mi consola Xbox 360

Tambien deciros que no me habia cargado ningun punto de la placa base pero tambien
me salian las 3LR con Error 0022

Un saludo, by daviduuuu

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