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Reflection 1

The newspaper article showed me that cyberbullying is not being taken seriously in Trinidad
and Tobago. Some people, mostly teens use the internet to bully others and lower their self-esteem
by posting or spreading negative rumours on their social media platforms. This made me realise that
being on social media can put you in a lot of bad situations and it can harm people.
The second piece I found showed me the truth about cyberbullying. Teens are mostly the
victims or suspects in the activity, they are also the most-unkind on social media sites. Most common
types are hurtful comments and false rumours. This taught me not to bully others because you may
not know how bad it can affect them.
The final piece showed me that anyone can be catfished by someone else just for them to fit
in. this can turn you against your friend who is also being catfished. This made me realise not to trust
anyone who I don’t know.

Reflection 2

I identified some contrast in the use of language I my materials. Firstly, every piece conveys a
different tone. The tone in the newspaper is very concerning. This is seen in sentences such as “Cyber
bullying is a newer form of bullying” (line 4), the words, “threaten and spread rumours (line 5)
conveys the seriousness of the issue. Th sentence “Cyber bullying makes it easier or children to mask
their true identities” (line 14) is also very concerning.
The tone in the magazine article is also one of concern. The use of statistics, “One million
children were victims of cyber bullying in 2011” adds strength to the article.
The tone of the author in the story conveys the protagonist’s jealousy. This is seen in the
sentence, “I remember not talking to some of my closest friends for days because they had taken his
attention away from me.” (line 24-26). The use of the first person narrator conveys the true feelings
of the narrator.

Reflection 3

This English SBA made me realise that group work is not an easy task. I developed a lot of
patience and understanding working with the members of the group. It also helped me to appreciate
what is required too successfully work in a group. It even helped me to listen to my group members’
opinions in a respectful manner.
As an English Language Student, this SBA helped me to improve my ability to scan for ideas.
It also helped me widen my vocabulary through the reading of the materials. It taught me how to
access the quality and accuracy of information from online and from other resources.
Personally, this SBA helped me to think about social issues in the Caribbean. It helped
develop in me an appreciation for reading. I became confident in myself when I presented as I was
never a big fan of presenting in front of people, but this SBA helped me overcome my fears.

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