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Name: Denmark Rey C.

Velasco RPHIST1
Section: BAD-BS CRIM Instructor: Alexandre Jr. Killip

1. Discuss the relevance of having a constitution?

A Constitution, because it defines standards for how a country should be run, acts as the foundation for
a country's governance, which is vital for ensuring that everyone's interests and needs are satisfied. It
teaches how laws are made and how the government functions. A constitution is important because it
ensures that those who make decisions on behalf of the people do so fairly. It also describes how people
in positions of authority might be held accountable to the people they serve. It acts as a guide for the
country and its people. Without it, the country may be in turmoil since there are no laws to follow. It is
critical because it preserves individual liberty as well as the nation's founding beliefs. Citizens have sway
over the government, which is guaranteed by the Constitution. It creates a system of checks and
balances to limit the power of the government.

2. Do you think there is a need to change the existing constitution? Reason out your answer.

Since previous Presidents have implemented different Constitutions in our country, I feel there is no
harm in changing it again. However, when altering the Constitution, the President must ensure that the
new Constitution provides fair and just laws to the people of the country. Or, as the people are
accustomed to the current Philippine Constitution, they can simply add to the existing laws. There's
nothing wrong with modifying it since it's up to the President whether or not to change it, but they just
must make sure that they implement such laws that are fair to the country people, that they don't take
people's rights and freedom. After all, the president's primary job is to serve the country and its people,
to meet their needs and to preserve their rights.

3. Give at least two (2) examples on how the following principles is being applied in the Philippine

a.Separation of Powers

1. A President enforces the laws that Congress passes.

2. Congress has the power to make laws.

b.Principle of Blending of Powers

1. When the President vetoes a bill then, there is checks and balances.

2. There is blending of powers when Congress enacts the bill and then the President approves it.

c. Principle of Checks and Balances

1. Through a Supreme Court decision, the judicial branch determines whether a statute is

2. The House of Representatives can rightfully vote to impeach the president, but the Senate votes that
the president has to fulfill his duties legitimately

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