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First theme: education

Educated make ppl creative, no war, peace, manner, daily routine, hardskills, softskills, BOTH. RESPEKT.
Depends on the society you live in, education/money/other stuff can earn respect. More people could
be motivated to study if we push for ppl to respect you. Money cant fix anything.

Stakeholders are people connected to the motion:

Abortion: mother, unborn child, family, hospital.

Generate arguments from a stakeholder’s pov. EVERYONE’S POV. What do these people want,, what do
they NOT want.

Parents want their kids to be safe at school. Most countryside people stop their kids from going to
phnom penh bc they’re scared that they might get harassed and discriminated.


Why are private schools created, how are priv and public ones are different?

Human capital: how a worker’s experience and skills can be turned into mOOLAH. Those who invent
new things (fb, ig, msgr….)

Inclusion. Would teachers feel comfortable teaching smaller classes or bigger classes.

Equality: poverty. Especially covid 19, not many kids have the means to study.

Social/economic gap, affordability.

School Life. BULLIES. BULLIES. Underreported. THEY ARE SMART.

Others: quality of education.

Brain drain: you believe in what other ppl tell you. For example, some people teach kids to preach a
certain religion. Owo. Rather than letting kids decided what they want, those beliefs are being forced

Opportunities after school: government’s responsibilities to give fresh graduates jobs so that it shows
that people would have to have higher education in order to get jobs.

Possible Motions: Should students’ study in smaller groups or bigger groups?

Should kids with special needs conform to studying with normal kids, or have their own school especially
made for them.

Should kids with higher and lower iqs be separated? What happens after they graduate?

Should technology be integrated into school and stuff? Should teachers be able to determine that

Should we force students to study a certain curriculum or let them choose what they want to study.

Inclusion vs exclusion: should we include people of different groups be mixed in with other normal

Traditional vs modern teaching: Should we be taking notes my hand and have teachers check, or online

Curriculum: should we value art and music just the same way as mainstream subjects like math and

Quality vs quantity: Should you be allowed to study in depth on a few subjects or focus on HOW MANY

Student based vs wholistic: should the students study what they want or study the school’s prepared

Creativity vs school rules: should they wear uniform or wear their own clothes. SCHOOL RULES.



Would students do better in a group of the same group thingies, or coexist with multiple groups?

Should we focus on affordability or profit of the school.

Should students be allowed to choose their own culture, major, religion, hobbies, skills, and stuff?

Students is the most important stakeholder. THINK OF HOW THE STUDENT WOULD REACT. Also other
stakeholder’s reactions, BUT THE STUDENT MOST IMPORTANT.

Don’t be like stupid. You can put yourself as an example, but you are fighting for other people. BE
SELFLESS. Think, about, others. You are fighting for other people. Logical reasons, ALWAYS HAVE
SOMETHING TO SAY BACK AT THEM. Not all stakeholders can be involved in certain motions, only talk
about the stakeholders that are RELATED.

Think of it as a sport, your goal at the end of the day is to make a better world.

Make it sound persuasive.

Prime minister

Identify problems highlight

(Policy Motions) give the policies to be implemented.

Signposting: what is the title of ur argument.

Firstly, secondly, thirdly. Provide logical reasoning and examples.

1. Your title

2. Logical reasoning

3. sth to explain or an example why.

First speaker put foundation

Leader of opposition

This house would ban comsmic, but government but like ew. But opposition can say like sure, but
appearances and biases is always there, regardless of it, if its rooted in culture, then why not let them do
what they want to feel better, it’s their body and right. OMG SHE’S SO COOL.

Give basic reasons why you oppose, you can agree it doesn’t have to be 100%.

We agree that cosmetic surgery can be dangerous, but there is a better way to deal with this. WE can
put stricter regulation for clinics to follow by and ppl over 18+

First of all, we have freedom to choose body autonomy.

Title explanation example. Government doesn’t have the right to decide what you do with your body,
your body, this doesn’t affect all of society. For example, government still allows cigarettes and stuff
cause in some places it doesn’t affect society, same thing for cosmetic surgery.

Conclude speech with the summary of an argument.

Second Speaker reinforcing that foundation

Deputy prime minister: ok we believe the right to do with your body is cool, but we have to determine
whether that decision is rational or not. You see so many models and filters and ads on cosmetic surgey,
they’re going to influence your judgement, its not entirely your own choice. Your body autonomy is not
entirely yours. We stop you from harming yourself

If we allow it to continue, there’ll be a negative affect on all of society.

What about the people who can’t afford to get it. What about the natural beauties. There’ll be
inequality. Inequality bad for society, beauty standards are increasing = more inequalities. If the society
is so based on beauty, then ppl might go to cheap cosmetic surgeries where it could actually affect
If you have time, compare both worlds. (we’re taking away their freedom, but we’re preventing people
from making poor decisions. ) (people are happy on your side)

Deputy leader of opposition

Yes, appearances is always exist, on government side, lookism doesn’t always come from cosmetic
surgery, but now, people have this option to choose, they can. Who are these people to tell me what to
do when its my choice, we agree that it is serious! But they prolly know what’s in store for them, the
doctor is already telling them what will happen, if people who want and can do, they will. If they feel
happier with it, then YEAH.

Third Speakers wrap things up

Government/Opposition Whip

Take the debate back and highlight.

Cosmetic surgery is harmful and stuff, YOU CAN BE EMOTIONAL HERE. Imagine you born and by society’s
standards, you aren’t pretty, and you are pressured to get cosmetic surgery. We alrdy told you how the
problem will play out, and vulnerable people.

Explain how your side is better in comparison.

Oppostions revolves around freedom to choose, it’s forced to you by society. OUR SIDE IS BETTER. We
better protect the people stuff. We win this debate cause we do better at this, at this, and this.

In our world, we realistically say what things are gonna play out, we are giving people a choice to live
how they want, and make it their choice that they can fit in. cannot provide more information, nothing

Quality of the explanation. Omg. First and second can only do reply speakers

Reply speakers. Is cosmetic surgery unhealthy, can people make rational decisions when. Reply speaker
comes up with your own questions

Is cosmetic surgery a forced or an option.

Point of Information (POI)

The first minute can speak with no interruption, people can accept or reject, the last one minute, no one
can ask.

ask politely, and only ask after being accepted.

Point of clarification: for evaluation of reasoning, facts, sources, or authority.

“POC, where did that information come from, what source?”

-Question of expansion: what about this other aspect of….see government IS INCONSISTENT. LOL. OMG

Leading questions: you believe in …., do you also agree…..

Contradictions: but you contradicted yourself.

Please keep it 15 seconds long.

If you’re online, my poi is like this and this.

Types of Motion:

Model Debate:

-call for the implementation of action/policy/change, teams may use models. Models illustrate how the
solution would look like in the real world you can use stuff in the real world.

We can regulate smoking and have smoking zones, you can’t just smoke anywhere, and cigs are
expensive, and you need an id, and sold in small places in stories.

This house believes that (sth) does more harm than good. Debaters have to mention harm and benefits.
Often requires comparison to a world without (said sth.)

This house supports/opposes x

In this motions, sth exists, and the debate is all about whether we have reasons to support of oppose
sth. Characterization and definition is important.

Th prefers x to y

How the world is better with x/y.

Th regrets x

-x already exists and must say the world will have been better off.

-nuclear weapons. Yeah but we don’t want it. It can be a war deterent, but its not just destruction, it can
be about energy source and BRING US TO THE MOON.

North korea making us sweat a bit.

Th prefers a world where x (happens rather than y)

-in this debate, debaters have to describe what this world looks like, but do not need to defend how we
arrive at this world.

Opp has to support sq or one with plausible changes not an imarginary world.

Th, as an actor, motion

-argue from the actor’s perspective

-think about status quo and what the actor facing.

“this house, as a woman, if you show masuclintyt we get cool”

What females role in socriety, what happens to female. Or sth

-argue in best interest of the actor.

Yeah but we should instead of being the other gender, embracing our feminity can show sth sth.


Thw ban smoking

-ban smoking as a whole

-don’t focus on communist countries democratice contruneis

-do not focus on specific stuff.

Thw ban smoking in school areas:

The school.

-read the motions 3 times

-find the status quo

-find the relating stakeholders

-create arugments surrounding those actors.

-create policies or arguments in accordance to valuing lives, rights, and the quality of life for the

-always compare the worst case scenarios on your side to be better than the best case scenarios on their

Constructive Speech:

-3 minute speech

1. arguments or reasons

2. rebuttal or rejection

Reply Speech:

It is the 2min speech. Final Summary of your team case.

Dpm and dlo 2nd speaker

Rebuttal against the previous speaker: reject the previous speaker

-rebuild your team case: explain more about the argument

-deeper analysis of the argument

-introduce new argument.

Dw and ow


Clashes of the debate

No new argument comparison

Weighting the impact. There is no right or wrong. This is how im better than him.

Reply speech only 1 and 2 can do this

Be an unfair
judge LOL.


Definitional challenge:

Challenge: prove the government definition is fixed and why your is better.
Broaden: accept the definition, but add more element.

Even if statement: even if the definition is state here, their arguments are still weak.

Weighting ang mitigating.

The insert someone has stated that smartphones create disruptions in class, and the students wouldn’t
be able to concentrate. However, our team believes that the other Because of the reasoning I have
provided above.

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