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B\\EWD an in the mina? Proposal 1 50 Read the following Writing Part 2 task and the two sample answers below. Which of the versions is more likely to impress the college director? Give reasons for your answer Your college wishes to establish a new club for the students. The new club has the goal of ‘expanding the mind’. You have been asked by the college director to propose what sort of new club should be created. Your proposal should * describe the new club + explain how it would ‘expand the mind’ + suggest wajs of encouraging participation, Sample answer A My proposal Our college has got lots of clubs already but they're mostly for sporty types. So why don't we set up a debating club? People have been having debates for ages -| think the Greeks started it ~ and it's still really Useful. Basically, debaters argue with each other. But you mustn’t lose your temper. You've got to think it through and try and talk people around, so you need to think about what you're going to say before you get started, Then, if you can see you've made your point, move on to the next one or you'll bore everyone rigid. So I think it's a really tricky thing to de. | think students will come to the club. We just need to let them know about it. Why don't we choose topics that are poking fun at someone, like the teachers at the college - the students will really love that! Then | think we should stick up posters everywhere. And let's put a bit | cof video on the website of a funny debate. And what about giving something to the winner? People will turn up for sure if there's a prize Sol think @ debating club would be a really good idea, Sample answer B Proposal: A new club for the college Ingtoduction ‘Our college already boasts a wide variety of sporting and recreational clubs. However, these largely caret for physical rather than cerebral activities and that is why I propose the establishment of a debating club. Expanding the mind Debating is an ancient skill and one that is equally relevant today. In essence, a debate involves speakers who argue for and against a given proposition. To do this successfully they must divorce themselves from their emotions and instead present reasoned arguments in a persuasive style, a process requiring meticulous planning, This said, however, the debater must be able to deviate from the plan if they gauge that their arguments are meeting with unexpected success (or otherwise!) Thus, the debater is tequited to think both in advance and on their feet, a combination that requires @ ‘unique form of intelleceual dexecrey Student part A debating club will be well attended if we promote it in a lively way, To do this I suggest that we choose topics that are humorous or irreverent so as to engage young people. We should then put up posters around the college advertising upcoming debates. In addition, I recommend posting a short video on the college website showing an example of an entertaining debate. My final proposal is to award prizes to the winner of each event to provide a further element of competition Conclusion Debating is highbrow pastime that is enjoyable so it would be popular with the students, As such, a debating club would bea valuable addition to the college. Allin the mind? @iaa Language of suggestion and recommendation 2. When writing the proposal, you will need to use appropriate language to make suggestions and recommendations. Choose the correct form for each sentence below. 1 I propose that we setting/to set/set up a maths club. 2 The establishment of a history club would/should/must be my suggestion, 3 I suggest 10 use/using/use social media to promote the new club. 4 recommend that membership of the club was/be/will be free for all students. 5 My final suggestion is to invite/invitation/inviting other colleges to participate. 3. A successful answer will include a variety of linking words and other cohesive devices such as pronouns (he, she, they, etc) and demonstrative pronouns (that, those, ete). Look at the examples below from the introduction in Sample answer B. Then find further examples of linking words and other cohesive devices in Sample answer B. However, these largely cater for physical rather than cerebral activities and chat is why I propose the establishment of a debating club. * However introduces a contrast between the clause which follows it and the previous sentence. * these refers back to sporting and recreational clubs in the previous sentence, © that is why introduces a consequence of the lack of cerebral activities just mentioned. 4. Either: a write your own answer to the task in exercise 1 on page 50, or b answer the following question. Your college wishes to establish a new club for the students. The new club has the goal of teaching and developing a practical skill. You have been asked by the college director to propose what sort of new club should be created. ‘Your proposal should: # describe the new club = explain how it would teach and develop a practical skill suggest ways of encouraging participation, Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style. 51

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