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The History of National Service Training Program NSTP In the Year 1981 implementation of Rules and
Act of 2001. Regulations of Republic Act 7077
Enacted by the Philippine National Assembly on • The Expanded ROTC program was amended:
December 1935 to create an Independent Philippine • The modification is composed of Military subject
Military to undergo training in order to provide a in the first year.
military service to preserve the state as an obligation
• MTS, CWTS, & LES in the second year.
of every citizen.
On march 18, 2001, a dead body wrapped in a carpet
(1) National Service Training Program(NTSP). and floating in the Pasig River.
• Under Manuel L. Quezon (1935)
• The body was identified as Mark Welson Chua, a
• Start with the passage of Commonwealth Act No.
19 years old studying Engineering in University of
1 aka National Defense Act (NDA)
Santo Tomas (UST).
ü Provide national defense of the Philippines
• There is a victim of illegal ROTC practices, that is
for sudden war and more.
the reason why it is suspended or stop.
• College student specially Males.
• Found in March 18, 2002
• Finish 2 years or 4 semesters of military training as
said the Commonwealth Act No. 1. After that January 23, 2002 approved by Gloria
Macapagal Arroyo (GMA) is the creation and approval
August 8, 1980 Commonwealth Act No. 1 was amended
of Republic Act No. 9163.
(inayos, binago inedit).

• Presidential Decree No. 1706 (PD Decree No. • The act is known as National Service Program
1706) or (2) National Service Law (NSL) (NSTP) Act of 2001.
• Mandates compulsory (requirments, require by • Amending of the purpose of the RA 7077 AND PD
the law) national service to all citizens in the 1706 and other purposes.
country. • It is design to develop and enhance consciousness
• Three main components programs, namely: and defense preparedness among the Filipino
ü Civic Welfare Service (CWTS) youth by developing ethics of service, nationalism
ü Law Enforcements Service (LES)-LTS (loyalty to your nation focus on the culture,
language and heritage), and patriotism (Show
ü Military Training Service (MTS) -ROTC
belief, values and character to show his/her beliefs
• College students was given a chance to choose.
in the society) while undergoing any of this three

After the ouster (patalsikin, pagpapatalsik) of President Components of National Service Program (NTSP):
• Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC):
• After former president Marcos was ü Physical /military training.
excommunicate as a president NSTP was Suspend ü Ready for national preparedness.
by Corazon Aquino (1986- 1987). • Literacy Training Service (LTS).
• Implementation of National Service Law (NSL) ü Train the students to become a teacher
except the provision (action of providing or of literacy and numerical skills.
supplying something for use) of Military Service, • Civic Welfare Service (CWTS).
because of ü Betterment of life for the member of the
ü Presidential Memorandum Order No. 1 community.
ü Presidential Corazon Aquino ü Improving health, environment,
• It becomes (3) Basic Reserve Officer Training entrepreneurship and more.
Corps (ROTC).
Legal Foundation of NTSP
• (C) Commonwealth Act No. 1 (National National Service Reserve Corps (NSRC) Mission
Defense Act (NDA) To provide a trained and motivated manpower pool
ü Military training that can be tapped by the State for civic welfare, literacy,
ü Manuel L. Quezon, Approved in December and other similar endeavors. (pagsusumikap)
21, 1935.
• (P) Presidential Decree No. 1706 (PD Decree NSRC Function:
No. 1706) or National Service Law (NSL) 1. To assist in the disaster preparedness, mitigation,
ü President Marcos approved in August 8, response, and rehabilitation programs.
1980. 2. To serve as auxiliary (providing supplementary or
o Civic Welfare Service (CWTS) additional help and support) to the Disaster
o Law Enforcements Service (LES) Coordinating Council (DCC) response units.
o Military training service (MTS) 3. To assist in the promotion of civic welfare
• It was being suspended after the incident by activities.
Corazon Aquino. Basic ROTC is created 1986-1987. 4. To assist in the implementation of literacy
• National Service Program (NTSP) Act of 2001. programs
Amended of the purpose of the (R) Republic Act 5. To assist in socio economic development and
7077 AND PD 1706 and other purposes. CPR environmental protection
• The Citizens armed forces of the Philippines 6. To perform other similar endeavors
Reservist Act (CAFPRA) or expanded ROTC (pagsusumikap).
ü Approved by Fidel V. Ramos and Approved
National Service Reserve Corps (NSRC)
in June 27, 1991
Constitutional Basis of National Service Program
(NTSP) Act 2 1987 Philippines Constitution Ø National Service Reserve Corps (NSRC)
Ø Under the umbrella of National Disaster
• Section 4: To serve and protect the people/ Coordinating Council (NDCC)
Protection Ø NDRRMC - National Disaster Risk Reduction
• Section 5: Maintenance peace and order, Management Council
protection of life, liberty and property
• Section 13: recognize the attention of the youth,
role of the youth National Disaster Coordinating Council (NDCC)

Ø NDCC establishment is embodied in Section 2 of

THE NATIONAL SERVICE RESERVE CORPS (NSRC) Ø The head of the Council is the Secretary of
National Defense together with the heads of 18
Ø Section 11 of RA 9163 OR NSRC:
departments/ agencies as members. It includes
ü It provides for the creation of National
the Chief of Staff, AFP, Sec-Gen of PNRC and
Service Reserve Corps (NSRC), composed
PIA, Executive Secretary and the Administrator
of graduates of the non ROTC
of OCD who acts as the Executive Secretary of
the Council
o Civic Welfare Training Service
Ø It is through the NDCC member-agencies and
LDCCs that disaster preparedness, prevention,
o Literacy Training Service (LTS).
mitigation and response tasks and
Ø For those who graduated by these components
responsibilities are carried out under the PDMS
they can take of (1) Department of National
Ø The NDCC does not have its own regular budget
Defense (DND) –responsible in protection, (2)
to disburse
Commission on Higher Education (CHED), -
Ø It operates through the member-agencies and
education and (3) Technical Skills and
its local networks
Development Authority (TESDA). -In terms of
Ø NDCC National Disaster Coordinating Council - Medical and dental missions
Ø 17 - RDCC Regional Disaster Coordinating - Dangerous drugs prevention
Council - crime prevention
Ø 81 PDCC Provincial Disaster Coordinating - Feeding
Council - Environmental protection
Ø 136 CDCC City Disaster Coordinating Council - Livelihood
Ø 1495 MDCC Municipal Disaster Coordinating - evangelical missions
Council - Advocacy campaigns
Ø 41995 BDCC Barangay Disaster Coordinating - Entrepreneurship
Council - Safety
- Bible reading sessions
RDCC Functions
- Recreation
Ø Establishes a physical facility to be known as Ø Disaster Coordinating Council (DCC) centers
the Regional Disaster Operations Center ( Ø Serve as headquarters of the NSRC at the
RDOC) respective level organization
Ø Coordinates the disaster operation activities in Ø National Center shall be based at the NDCC
the regions Disaster Preparedness Center, Camp General
Ø Implements within the region the guidelines Emilio Aguinaldo , Quezon City
set by the NDCC
Ø Advises The Local Disaster Coordinating
Councils on disaster management PAGKAMAKA-DIYOS,….. imploring the aid of Almighty
Ø Submits appropriate recommendations to the God
NDCC, as necessary

Ø Responsible for setting the direction, Ø The fear of the Almighty God is the beginning of
development, implementation and coordination wisdom, and so it goes. Without that essential fear
of disaster risk management programs within of God, chaos, division, anarchy, disregards for life,
the territorial jurisdiction. immorality, and other social and political
Ø Contribute in building disaster prepared and perversions will overthrow any nation eventually
resilient communities by advocating, destroying her. All other values birthed out from
implementing and supporting Disaster Risk these core values of faith such as respect for life,
Reduction and Management - Climate Change order, and work, and filial piety are necessary
Adaptation and Mitigation programs in the elements of good citizenship.
Province of Cavite.
“We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of
Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane
society, and establish a Government that shall embody
National Service Reserve Corps (NSRC)
our ideals and aspirations, promote the common good,
Ø shall have a national , regional, provincial, and conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure to
city/municipal level of organization parallel to ourselves and our posterity, the blessings of
the Disaster Coordinating Council (DCC) independence and democracy under the rule of law and
structures at all levels. a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and
peace, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.”
National Service Reserve Corps (NSRC)
-The Preamble, Philippine Constitution of 1987
Ø Set for the betterment of life for the members of
the community, enhancement of its facilities and “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the
improvement of health, education, environment, evidence of things not seen.”
entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and morals
Hebrews 11:1
of the citizenry.
“What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he Ø Order is structuring your life by identifying
has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him?.. your roles and priorities in the spirit of
But do you want to know, O foolish man, that faith commitment (pangako) and moral responsibility.
without works is dead?” • Order brings life to work
• Virtues to acquire to develop the value
James 2:14, 20 NKJV
of Order are prudence (kabaitan),
‘Cursed is he who accepts a bribe to attack an innocent temperance discipline humility,
person.’... diligence, patience, and resilience.
(‘Sumpain siya na tumatanggap ng suhol upang Ø Work is an activity involving mental or physical
salakayin ang isang inosenteng tao.’..) effort done in order to achieve a purpose or
Deuteronomy 27:25, NASB:
• Work is inherent to man for self-worth,
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and self-reliance, achievement, and living
with all your soul and with all you might. And these within the values of discipline, frugality,
words that I command to you today shall be on your prudence, and temperance.
heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children • Excellence is doing the same thing in a
and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and different way, Creativity is the way of
when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and doing different things out of the same
when you rise.” thing, Excellence and creativity are the
crowning glories of any work.
Deuteronomy 6:4-7

Family is not an important thing. Its everything. Ø Concern for the Family & Future Generation.
Love, care, and concern is the top most
Filipino quote on family important family value; it is expedient that
family members are communicating and uphold
The core value of ‘Faith in God’ if exercised by a person
becomes the matrix (something within or from which strong filial responsibility. Through these, the
something else originates, develops, or takes form) from legacy of values will be passed to the future
which other virtues essential for good citizenship are generation.
embodied in the preamble of the Constitution: Ø The future of humanity passes by way of family.
Ø The family is the best place for refuge, strength,
Ø How does the Filipino value of “kagandahang- inspiration, example, source of love, and
loob” further ingrained (nakatanim) in our protection against negative influences of high
hearts as afflictions and trials of life ravage our technology, materialism, and new age mysticism
society during the pandemic? that plague and confuse the mind of young
Ø Although reports of atrocities (Kalupitan) put family members.
other lives in danger and disrespect, while
domestic violence escalates during the
pandemic, what motivates parallel forces of Nothing living should ever be treated with contempt.
human values to spiral up such as kindness, Whatever it is that lives, a man, a tree, or a bird, should
caring for others, sharing of things, and offering be touched gently because the time is short. Civilization
help or assistance against such atrocities? is another word for respect for life.”
Ø Respect for Life. All living things have moral Elizabeth Goudge
status and on account of that should not be
killed or harmed without good reason. Moral
agents, then, can have moral responsibilities Chapter 2: MODULE 4: THE BASIS OF GOOD CITIZENSHIP
towards other living things to protect them from VALUES
• Moral agent - is a person who has the PAGKAMAKATAO ……………………….HUMANISM
ability to discern right from wrong and Love, Freedom, Peace, Truth, and Justice
to be held accountable for his or her own
To wrought communal influence regarding the core value - is the power to act or not to act, and so to
of ‘Pagka-Makatao’ [humanism] in the course of perform deliberate acts of one’s own.
achieving good citizenship, the student should start - Basis of freedom – lies in the individuality
looking within himself. The spark of light should of a human being who is capable of
overcome the larger darkness that looms in the lives of thinking caring, and relating with others.
our countrymen. The illumination would be beneficial to - Value of freedom - it is never without
change mindsets, evaluate prejudices (preconceived responsibility.
opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.), - Fruit of freedom - is cultivated by people’s
and embrace those values of love, freedom, truth, peace, genuine sense of cooperation and sense of
and justice. Embracing them means actuating (kumikilos) responsibility for their actions for the
and serving the beauty of these values to our neighbors. benefit of the common good.
Light produces light. Maintaining our small light as we Ø Peace
enlighten our neighbors and in turn, enlighten others - Peace is more than just the absence of
also. That is “the power of the value multiplication”. conflict; it is taking action to restore a
broken situation.
“If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not
- Peace is more than a state of inner
have love, I am only a resounding (matunog) gong or a
tranquility (the quality or state of being
clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can
tranquil; calm); it’s a state of wholeness
fathom (Unawain) all mysteries and all knowledge, and if
and completeness.
I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not
- Unity – We can live with others in unity
have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the
and one accord through the bonds of
poor and give over my body to hardship that I may
peace and to be peacemakers with our
boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing”
neighbors, friends, and foes (mga Kalaban).
1st Corinthians 13: 1-3
Ø Truth
Love is basic for the birth of a true society, while - is that which is consistent with the mind,
violence has in it the essence of anti-sociality. Love is will, character, glory, and being of God.
positive, is eternal: violence is degeneracy, it is its own - Truth is the conformity to fact or reality;
destruction. exact accordance with that which is, or has
Toyohiko Kagawa been, or shall be.”
- Truth is the true or actual state of a
Civilization is first of all a moral thing. Without truth, matter: conformity with fact or reality;
respect for duty, love of neighbor, and virtue, everything verity.”
is destroyed. The morality of a society is alone the basis
of civilization. Ø Justice
Henri Frederic Amiel - is the principle that people receive that
which they deserve.
When people are denied light, home, freedom, justice, - Justice is the condition of being morally
all the good things without which life is not possible, and correct or fair
which constitute man’s patrimony (property inherited - The four different types of justice:
from one's father or male ancestor.) a person has the • Distributive (determining who gets what)
right to deal with the people who despoil (sirain) him, • Procedural (determining how fairly
like a thief who assaults us in the roadway. No people are treated)
qualifications, no exceptions. • Retributive (based on punishment for
Jose Rizal wrong-doing)
• Restorative (which tries to restore
Ø Love relationships to “rightness.”)
- the ingredient that purifies all motives of
human activities and the touchstone of the “Love is the matrix of all subsequent values.”
true intention of the heart.
Ø Freedom
GLOSSARY burrows in a group to search for it, but this is where
things get interesting. The most defining
Humanism - An outlook or system of thought attaching
characteristic of meerkats is that you will always find
prime importance to human rather than divine or
at least one meerkat keeping a lookout for their main
supernatural matters. Humanist beliefs stress the
enemies and primary predators birds of prey
potential value and goodness of human beings,
Ø Equality – Wolves and wild dogs share their food with
emphasize common human needs, and seek solely
others even when there is no kinship. In fact, it is seen
rational ways of solving human problems.
that they bring food to the other members of the
Civilized - At an advanced stage of social and cultural group if they were not present at the time of the hunt.
development. Ø Respect for communal government – The red deer of
Eurasia live in large herds, spending lots of time either
grazing or lying down to ruminate. Some deer are
ready to move on before others are, and scientists
have noticed that herds only move when 60 percent
Chapter 2: MODULE 4: THE BASIS OF GOOD CITIZENSHIP of the adults stand up — essentially voting with their
VALUES feet. Even if a dominant individual is more
PAGKAMAKA-BAYAN...Nationalism experienced and makes fewer mistakes than its
underlings, herds typically favor democratic decisions
UNITY, EQUALITY, RESPECT FOR LAW AND over autocratic ones.
GOVERNMENT, PATRIOTISM, PROMOTION OF Ø Promotion of common good – A professor at the
COMMON GOOD: University of Vermont and researcher Bernd Heinrich
saw a group of ravens eating a dead moose. He saw a
The value of “PAGKAMAKA-BAYAN” took a slight
strange behavior of ravens, the ravens were not just
difference in connotation (an idea or feeling that a word
feasting, but they were also making loud calls that
invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning.) from
seemed to inform the other ravens about the area of
its English equivalent word nationalism. Filipino culture of
feasting. In fact, some ravens even went back to their
nationalism acknowledged God’s sovereignty in all
roosts to invite other ravens.
aspects of their national and patriotic lives. Although
- Vampires bats are the species that live in
communalism can be observed in other living creatures
the colonies and feed on the blood of
such as unity, equality, and even altruism, nationalism
animals such as horses, cattle, and pigs. The
displayed by humankind has been characterized by
researchers of the University of California,
dignity and a higher sense of moral ascendancy.
San Diago studied altruism in vampire bats.
Filipino nationalism refers to the establishment and The research shows that the vampire bats
support of a political identity, associated with the that are well-fed, share the blood of their
modern nation-state of the Philippines, leading to a wide- hunt with the hungry vampire bats, and
ranging campaign for political, social, and economic with the vampire bats who gave them the
freedom in the Philippines. blood of their prey to them in the past. They
are more likely to share the blood of their
Ø Patriotism- Vervet monkeys warn the other monkeys
prey with the bats to whom they are closely
by giving alarm calls in case of a predator attack. They
related, i.e., genetic altruism is observed in
risk their lives in doing this as they grab the attention
the vampire bats. They often regurgitate
of the predators, and their chances of being attacked
blood for the sick or the poor mates that
by them increase. Hence, this act can be considered
could not find the meal. This behavior of
pure altruism as the Vervet monkeys are helping their
helping the other bats is popularly known as
fellow monkeys by risking their own lives.
the buddy system.
Ø Unity -Meerkats have a real passion for teamwork,
which is evident in the way they go about different Deepening Discussion:
activities. They always live in burrows that typically
Ø Scientists surprisingly learn much about the animal
contain 20-50 meerkats, and there are often a few
kingdom’s communal behavior on how they behave
different burrows located in close proximity where
amongst each other. The intrinsic behavior of unity
multiple meerkat families live in perfect harmony.
and patriotism in animals allows the scientists to
When they need food, they venture out of their
attribute them to their desire to preserve their culture, nationality, age, sex, beliefs,
progeny. disability, sexual orientation, or
Ø In some observations, equality and even gender intelligence.
equality were starkly evident. The rules of majority - Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of
and uncanny ways of casting their votes on whom Human Rights (UDHR), adopted in 1948,
to be their alpha [leader] through their body states that “all human beings are born free
movements were interestingly observed. and equal in dignity and rights”. It is the
Ø In human society, communal behavior and politics foundation stone of all the human rights
are much more complicated to observe because of documents that have followed it.
the complexities of human relationships. Ø Promotion of Common Good
Nevertheless, they were observable. - Common good (also commonwealth,
Ø The following points are essential to discuss and general welfare, or public benefit) refers to
commented on by the students. either what is shared and beneficial for all
- Unity – is sharing a common vision and or most members of a given community, or
working together towards the same dream alternatively, what is achieved by
of social justice, prosperity & happiness citizenship, collective action, and active
- Unity is solidarity in the service of humanity. participation in the realm of politics and
It is the key by which we can triumph over public service.
corruption, injustices, decadent values, and - Promotion of Common Good means
violence. Contributing to the common good involves
accepting the responsibility to engage in
Question: Why is it in spite of our effort of unity evil of
the political and civic processes that will
corruption still triumph in our society?
ensure that all citizens benefit from the
Ø The Law – is not meant to curtail freedom, but to policies and decisions made by Congress,
ensure that every citizen acts responsibly while legislators, judges, and other decision-
exercising his freedom. makers.
- The law & Government are not meant to - being vigilant and steadfast in guarding our
enslave people; they are meant to establish human rights
order, and free people from poverty, - Is working towards things that promote the
ignorance, insecurity, violence, and greater good of the many contrary to the
disregard. personal gain or benefit of a select few
Ø Patriotism pertains to the love for a nation, with Ø Suffrage [right to vote] may be exercised by all
more emphasis on values and beliefs. citizens of the Philippines not otherwise
- Nationalism means giving more importance disqualified by law, who are at least eighteen
to unity by way of cultural background, years of age, and who shall have resided in the
including language and heritage. Philippines for at least one year, and in the place
- Patriotism pertains to the love for a nation, wherein they propose to vote, for at least six
with more emphasis on values and beliefs. months immediately preceding the election. No
Nationalism means giving more importance literacy, property other substantive requirements
to unity by way of cultural background, shall be imposed on the exercise of suffrage
including language and heritage.
Ø Equality – The concept of human rights is based on
the belief that all people are of equal value and Ø Identity politics. Political approach wherein
dignity just because they are human beings. people of a particular race, religion, gender,
- No person, organization, or government social background, social class, environmental, or
should prevent someone from living in other identifying factors develop political
dignity, choosing a way of earning a living, agendas that are based upon these identities.
spending time with whom they want, and Ø A nation-state. A political unit where the state
believing in what they want. and nation are congruent. It is a more precise
- Human rights are meant for everyone concept than "country" since a country does not
equally, no matter what their race, religion, need to have a predominant ethnic group.
Ø Altruism. The behavior of an animal that benefits of fossil fuels or volcanoes or spoiling
another at its own expense. vegetation which discharges sulfur dioxide
Ø Progeny. Descendants or the descendant of a and nitrogen oxides into the air.
person, animal, or plant. Ø Air pollution
Ø Suffrage. The right to vote in political elections. - Air contamination is created by different
gasses and poisons discharged by
businesses and manufacturing plants and
Chapter 2: MODULE 4: THE BASIS OF GOOD CITIZENSHIP the burning of fossil fills.
VALUES Ø Urban sprawl
- alludes to the relocation of the populace
PAGKAMAKA-KALIKASAN...Concern for Environment from high-thickness urban ranges to low-
Every factor that contributes to the fast deterioration of density provincial zones which brings about
our planet is executed for the sake of urbanization which the spreading of the city over the more
includes fast-track housing projects, fossil fuels demand, rustic [rural] area.
technological waste and manufacturing activities, Ø Waste disposal
overpopulation, and man ever close contact and - Waste management or Waste disposal is all
proximity to wild animals and their habitat. The alarming the activities and actions required to
rate of environmental deterioration seems to be manage waste from its inception to its final
irreversible. So far concerning sectors insisting on radical disposal. This includes amongst other
national policies to at least considerably slow down the things, collection, transport, treatment and
degradation. disposal of waste together with monitoring
and regulation.
“Then the Lord took the man and put him in the Garden - The waste humans generate waste has
of Eden to tend and keep it.” been detrimental to our environment for
Genesis 1:15 quite some time now. Humans are
generating too much trash and cannot deal
“For the creation was subjected to futility...because the with it in a sustainable way.
creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of Ø Ozone layer depletion
corruption [decay] into the glorious liberty of the - Fossil fuel utilization brings about the
children of God.” discharge of greenhouse gasses, which
causes environmental change.
Romans 8:20-21
Ø Water pollution
Sooner or later, we will have recognized that the Earth - Clean drinking water is turning into an
has rights, too, to live without pollution. What mankind uncommon thing. Water is turning into a
must know is that human beings cannot live without monetary and political concern as the
Mother Earth, but the planet can live without humans. human populace battles for this need.
Waste from industrial and agricultural
Evo Morales
activities pollutes the water that is used by
“For 200 years we’ve been conquering Nature. Now we humans, animals, and plants.
are beating it to death.” Ø Climate change
- Environmental change has different
Tom McMillan destructive impacts that include, but are
Ø Global warming not limited to, the melting of polar ice,
- Fossil fuel utilization brings about the change in seasons, new sicknesses, and
discharge of greenhouse gasses, which changes in the general climate situation.
causes environmental change and global Ø Genetic modification [e.g., MGO]
warming. - utilizing biotechnology is called genetic
Ø Acid rain engineering.
- happens because of the vicinity of specific o Genetic engineering
poisons in the climate. Corrosive downpour § of food brings about expanded
might be brought about because of the use poisons and sicknesses as qualities
from a hypersensitive plant can and all life on it. This belief is more about living in
exchange to the target plant. Some harmony with nature.
of these crops can even be a threat Ø God has created a world in which humans have a
to the world around us, as animals special role as stewards of creation. This means
start to ingest the unnatural they should look after the interests of the planet
chemicals and such. and all life on it. This belief is more about living in
harmony with nature.
Ø In being a good steward of our environment, one
Ø Carbon footprint key concept is that we must manage this earth as
- is defined as the amount of carbon (usually if we are its owner which will put us in a position
in tons) being emitted by an organization, of fighting for it to the last breath.
event, product or individual directly or Ø Ownership
indirectly. Everyone’s carbon footprint is - is an attitude rather than reality since God
different depending on their location, is the real owner and we are His caretakers
habits and personal choice. Each of us [stewards]. The big difference in this kind
contributes to the greenhouse gas of concept is that: positively the stewards
emissions either by the way we travel, the reap all the benefits of being a good one
food we eat, the amount of electricity we and negatively received the greatest
consume and many more. impact of environmental degradation. This
Ø Essentially, the carbon footprint should raise an urgency to consider the
- is the amount of carbon dioxide released startling rate of deterioration which, for
into the Earth’s atmosphere due to the much of philandering was incurred by
daily activities of humankind, whether human activities.
domestically or commercially Ø Environmental concern
Ø Generativity - is an individual evaluation of the
- is the concern for and care of the next environmental consequences of one’s own
generation. Research suggests that adults behavior. It’s time that we do something
who are actively engaged in care for the about it in all earnestness.
environment cite a generative concern
about the state of the natural world being
left to future generations as a significant Ø Green Gasses. Gases in Earth's atmosphere trap
motivator. heat. They let sunlight pass through the
atmosphere, but they prevent the heat that the
Comment on the quotation by Tom McMillan:
sunlight brings from leaving the atmosphere. The
“For 200 years we’ve been conquering Nature. Now we main greenhouse gases are Water vapor. Carbon
are beating it to death.” dioxide.
Ø Ozone Layer. A layer in the earth's stratosphere
Biblical quotations from ‘Taking-Off’, the ‘law of
at an altitude of about 6.2 miles (10 km) contains
ownership’ points to God, not to us. The original owner
a high concentration of ozone, which absorbs
of any invention is the creator of it so is God who is the
most of the ultraviolet radiation reaching the
Creator of earth. We are theoretically and technically
earth from the sun.
caretakers rather than owners of this earth. Man’s
Ø Fossil Fuels. Natural fuels such as coal or gas,
appropriate position or say function in relation to God
formed in the geological past from the remains of
regarding this earth is that of a steward
living organisms.
Ø Stewardship Ø Global Warming. The gradual increase in the
- is the responsibility that Christians have in overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere is
maintaining and using wisely the gifts that generally attributed to the greenhouse effect
God has bestowed. caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide,
Ø God has created a world in which humans have a chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants.
special role as stewards of creation. This means Ø Acid Rain. Rainfall is made sufficiently acidic by
they should look after the interests of the planet atmospheric pollution that it causes
environmental harm, typically to forests and Mission
lakes. The main cause is the industrial burning of Emilio Aguinaldo College provides a learner- centered,
coal and other fossil fuels. inquiry-based, and socially relevant academic
Ø GMO. [genetically modified organism], is a plant, community.
animal, microorganism or other organism whose
genetic makeup has been modified in a The objectives of Emilio Aguinaldo College are to:
• Offer opportunities for quality and relevant
laboratory using genetic engineering or
education to all qualified students;
transgenic technology. This creates combinations
• Cultivate the intellectual, spiritual, moral, social,
of plant, animal, bacterial and virus genes that do and physical aspects of students;
not occur in nature or through traditional • Instill an appreciation and pride in our students
crossbreeding methods. of their national identity; and
• Prepare graduates of global quality equipped
with world-class competencies in their fields of
Additional: expertise.

• Virtue
• EAC integrates knowledge and
understanding among Emilians
equipping them with wisdom to choose
to do only the right thing.
• Excellence
• EAC inculcates among Emilians the habit
of doing only the best in all
• Service
• EAC develops among Emilians a strong
sense of duty and responsibility of
helping others for the school,
community, country and Mother Nature.


possesses the following ATTRIBUTES
that truly define an EMILIAN

E - ffective communicator
• Expresses ideas in both written and oral fluently
and accurately
• Respects other people’s opinions
• Influences others positively
• Uses sensitive language
• Listens with a heart

M - orally upright individual

• Exhibits the EAC core values of Virtue, Excellence
and Service
• Acknowledges other people’s religious affiliation
• Practices equality regardless of faith, socio-
Vision economic status, gender, and culture
Emilio Aguinaldo College envisions itself as an
internationally recognized private non-sectarian I - nnovative thinker and leader
academic institution rooted in the Filipino nationalist • Creates a technologically-inclined environment
tradition that constantly pursues the advancement and • Initiates positive changes attuned to the latest
welfare of humanity. trends in the academe and in the industry
• Motivates and encourages people in the • The School of Arts & Sciences carries out the
attainment of the company’s VGMO most essential and major functions as a servicing
unit in this Institution through offering the
L - ife long learner General Education courses in all degree
• Exhibits inquisitiveness and engages in research programs in addition to the programs under it.
• Explores and discovers potentialities
• Updates personally and professionally through
continuing education • In consonance with EAC Vision and Mission the
• Aligns profession to the type of job School of Arts and Sciences aims to provide
quality education for future leaders to make
I - nternationally-driven professional the well rounded individuals with a high moral
• Participates actively in international affairs sense equipped with practical wisdom for the
• Maintains membership in international enhancement of life to the fullest extent and
organizations thereby contribute to the growth and
• Demonstrates a globally competitive spirit development of the community and the country
as well.
A - dvocate for human welfare and the
environment • Prepare students to become productive,
• Observes CLAYGO (CLean As You GO) and waste competent and globally competitive professional
segregation leaders of the society and the world in the
• Protects nature through active participation in various disciplines.
environmental activities and programs

N - ationalistic citizen PROGRAM OBJECTIVES

• Shows respect to our national identity and pride
for our Filipino heritage • Provide the best foundation in liberal arts and
• Patronizes Philippine products and promotes sciences and impart quality education relevant
local tourism to the needs of the community and the country.
• Demonstrates sensitivity to Indigenous People’s • Offer lifelong learning, technology, and
(IP) culture innovation through continuous research in the
arts and sciences and make the students acquire
I am Emilian. Young Filipinos making a difference in maturity in intellect, values, personal and social
their communities relations.
• Develop national consciousness and concern
• Morally upright individual and explore the community as a laboratory
• Montana Amir Cheng Dominguez, 29, involved in social service through extension
Doctor to the Barrio services and community outreach.
• Innovative thinker and leader
• Michael De la Peña, 27, youth leader for
health at Heads up PH and Positive
Youth Development Network
• Advocate for human welfare and the
• Debbie Bartolo, 25, community
organizer at Likha Initiative
• Internationally-driven professional and leader
• Michael De la Peña, 27, youth leader for
health at Heads up PH and Positive
Youth Development Network
• Nationalistic citizens
• Jessa Garibay, 28, and Karina May Reyes-
Antonio, 33, conservationists at Centre
for Sustainability PH, Inc.

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