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Safety Calendar

Calendar Outline
Monthly Fire Drills August (Monday, 08/29 during 2nd block)
September (Tuesday, 09/06, during 4th
October (Friday, 10/28, during 1st block)
November (Wednesday, 11/9, during 3rd
block) This will be during the lunch block,
the commons will have to evacuate during 2nd
December (Monday, 12/12, before school)
The fire drill will occur between 7:50 and
8:00am, teachers and admin will guide
students away from the commons to the staff
parking lot.
January (Wednesday, 1/11, during 4th
February (Friday, 2/3, during 3rd block)
This will be during the lunch block, students
who have 4th lunch will need to evacuate from
the commons.
March (Monday, 3/20, during 1st block)
April (Wednesday, 4/5, during 4th block
prior to dismissal)
May (Friday, 5/12, during 2nd block)
Quarterly Lockdown Drills Each quarterly lockdown drill will occur
during the first week of each quarter. The
details of which block will be sent the week
prior as well as communicated through the
weekly newsletter. Each lockdown will be a
simulation of an intruder in a different part of
the building. It will be up to the teachers to
determine if they can evacuate students from
the building or if they need to shelter in place.

The simulated intruder will walk around near

where they are entering the building with an
electric whistle to tally how many staff and
students they encounter. This will go into
determining the success of the drill.
1 Full School Evacuation The one full school evacuation will occur
during the 3rd quarter prior to Spring Break.
Students and staff will exit towards the
football field and remain at the bleachers until
the All Call to come back to the building.
Parents will be notified via the robo-call and
text line stating it is a drill.
Training for Teachers Teachers will undergo Safe Schools training
prior to the beginning of school. There will
also be an all staff ALICE (Alert, Lockdown,
Inform, Counter, Evacuate) training on what
to do in the event of an active shooter.
Teachers will receive this training yearly and
will be compensated for attending outside of
contract hours.
Post-Drill Debriefing Following each drill, either the AP (Mr.
Smith) over facilities or SRO (Officer Miller)
will send out an email of the positive and
negative outcomes of the drill. If there were
too many negative outcomes or downfalls,
there will be mandatory Safe Schools training
for all staff to be completed prior to the next


This plan was developed in coordination with building leadership as well as the Student

Resource Officers and local police and safety departments. Each member was able to provide

input on the necessary steps in order to develop a well thought out plan that prepared staff and

students for any potential harm or threat to safety. The school’s mission states: “The mission of

Kickapoo High School is to facilitate a high level of learning and performance to prepare all

students for their futures in a global society” and the vision states: “Kickapoo High School will

be a nationally recognized and comprehensive high school that: offers an engaging and rigorous

curriculum, continually increases the use of the latest technology, promotes a highly competitive

and wide-ranging array of MSHSAA-sponsored and extra-curricular activities, develops

mutually beneficial partnerships with students, parents, and community, and maintains a safe and

positive learning environment.” The last two sections of the school vision relating to community

partnerships and maintaining a safe learning environment are upheld by the safety calendar. The
safety calendar and collaboration has maintained those partnerships with students parents, and

the community as it solidifies our dedication to their safety as well as the best possible methods.

Then of course, ensuring a safe learning environment makes drills and these exercises necessary.

The state law in Missouri, requires each of these drills to be done throughout the school year.

Fire drills and intruder drills need to be at least quarterly, this calendar exceeds the Missouri state

requirement and is therefore following the legal expectations. Working with local law

enforcement has also allowed there to be little room for legal or moral error.

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