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COURSE TITLE : Communication skills and leaderships







pg. 1
Public speaking is the act of present an Idea to
the public, using your voice.The public can range from a very
small group of people to a huge audience.For most people , a
bigger audience equates to more fear , but some people are just
as terrified as presenting to a small group.

What is public speaking and why does it


When we think about public speaking, the first thing that comes to
mind is someone giving an inspirational or educational speech.Public
speaking can take the form of giving a work presentation, pitching an
idea to an investor, leading a school assembly, or even taking part in a
job interview.

Now we’ve thought about the wide scope of public speaking, we can
start to see why it’s such an important skill. The reality is, everyone
will have to speak in front of an audience at multiple points in their
lives. Therefore, it’s important to work on these skills so you don’t feel
restricted by anxiety, and are able to thrive in different circumstances.

Why do I have a fear of public speaking?

In order to face your fears head-on, it’s important to understand why
you feel anxious about public speaking. There could be many reasons
why, but the reasons we’re going to talk about below are pretty

1. You feel self-conscious as the centre of attention

This is definitely one of the most common reasons why people are
scared of public speaking. It’s easy to become really awkward and
overly self-aware in front of an audience because we’re wondering
how we’re being perceived by others. 

2. You’re having a physiological response

For most people, the fear they experience is a result of a physiological
response to a perceived threat. This can cause rapid breathing,
shaking, and an increased heart rate, all of which make it harder to
talk confidently. 

3. You’re comparing yourself to others

It’s easy to compare yourself to great speakers, whether that’s
professionals or one of your friends who has bucket loads of
confidence.Besides, your purpose isn’t to be an amazing speaker, it’s
to provide something for your audience, whether that’s inspiration or
something else.

4. You’ve failed or experienced difficulties in the past

public speaking anxiety is often a learned behaviour. If you’ve ever
experienced an issue with public speaking before, where you felt like
you failed, you’ll carry this feeling with you next time.

5. You don’t have the skills to pull it off

Maybe you’re not at all used to public speaking and haven’t learned
the appropriate skills. In this case, your anxiety will increase.

We all have the need to speak well in front of an audience at times during
our lives. Whether you're addressing your team, teaching a course or
speaking to a judge, we all want to do well.

pg. 3
Here are some tips.

Prepare yourself

To be comfortable on stage , you must be well-versed in your

material.Try practicing in front of friends who can provide honest
feedback and stimulate worst-case presentations scenarios.also before
your presentations familiarize yourself with every detail of the
conference room.The besr practice happens in front of a live
audience.It gives you the opportunity to sharpen your ability to read
the audience’s expressions.

1. Know your audience.

If you are speaking in front of an audience, there is usually a reason. Know
who you are speaking to and what they want or need to take away. If it's
friends and family, entertain them. If it's a corporate event, teach and
inspire them. Knowing the demographic of the audience is imperative.

2. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse.

Nothing becomes muscle memory unless you practice relentlessly. If you
have a big speech coming up, make time every day to practice. Prepare your
goals and the content well ahead of time. 

3. Make eye contact.

This one is very important, and it doesn't matter how big the audience is.
Make eye contact with as many people as possible. It makes the audience
members feel like you are speaking directly to them. And don't just stick to
people in the first couple rows. Look at the people in the back too.

4. Know your material.


If your goal is to become a thought leader or actually teach the audience

something, only a truly authentic understanding of the material will get you

5. Practice in front of a mirror.

Practicing in front of a mirror is a good way to learn the proper amount of
body motion, hand usage and facial expressions.

6. Do not read to your audience.

Avoid overly wordy slides. Keep your presentation visual. Write your speech
before you create the accompanying visuals for each point. You will need to
practice your speaking points for each image on a slide.

7. Slow down.
 If you want to impact the audience in a meaningful way, make sure they
actually hear what you are saying. Slow it down.

8. Mentally prepare.
Find time during the hour before your speech for some solitude. Get your
mind right. Clear your head. If it's five minutes before, just relax.

9.Choose concept over content.

Make yourself well-acquainted with each concept that revolves around your
content. Do this by constructing pointers of your data, stories, or whatever
material you have. And then speak about it naturally, in your own way. This way,
there are minimal chances of you getting stuck at any particular point.

10.Your voice.
If you raising or lowering volume you can create emphasis.If you drop your voice
to almost a whisper for a sentence or two,it will make your audience suddenly

pg. 5
Public speaking works best when you tell stories

No matter how dry your material is , you can always find a way to humanize it
with stories.This is particularly true if you use personal experience that bring the
content of life.

Using stories when public speaking not only provides examples that illustrate
concepts,but also helps people to see you as a person not just an information
delivery mechanism.

Personal benefits of Public speaking :

 Boost confidence

 Personal satisfaction

 Improve communication skills

 Build leadership skills

 Helps in making social connections

 Helps in proper team management

 Improve vocabulary

pg. 7

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